hi i've got 6970m from dell on my m15x.. and i would like to know what is the best driver i could use?? especially now that i've got battlefield 3.. thanks in advance..
ps. now im using 11.7 modded version..
I'm using 11.10 at the moment, haven't tested it thoroughly yet, but it should work fine. 11.9 did a good job too.
thanks svl7.. can i just update the drivers or should i ccleaner the haha..
I always uninstall all AMD software and then reinstall the new drivers.
svl7, where do you download these drivers? I just installed my 6970m today and Battlefield keeps asking me to update haha...I can't find it on the amd.com site too unless I'm just blind
i cant download the drivers from amd.. dunno why..
AMD Catalyst? 11.10 Preview Driver Version 2
And here's a mobility mod provided by V-FrIeNd from guru3d, in case the other won't work:
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i installed 11.10 and ran fine, windows index gave a score 0f 7.6.. but when i played games the fps seems lower, lags a bit.. compared to 11.7 modded.. whats ur advice? what should i use..
i uninstalled the ati drivers, restart and driver sewwper it, restart and installed new drivers.. should be correct right?? -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Driver Sweeper will do a more thorough cleaning if you start in Safe Mode (F8 at the boot screen and select) before running DS.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Try here for direct AMD download of final, WHQL version of Cat 11.10 Mobility drivers. These are newer and better than the ones previously available through the dead V-Friend link. http://www2.ati.com/DriVeRs/mobile/11-10_mobility_vista_win7_64_dd_ccc_ocl.exe
I tried the above linked drivers but the display kept crashing with a pop up that video driver has recovered and so on.. My temp kept about 100 on idle where as the air outflow was not even warm but cold. What should I do?
6970m driver help..
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by steelballrun99, Oct 29, 2011.