Hey Guys,, Been a Month I got my M15x Model, One of the Main Reasons to buy it was for the Purpose of Using 3ds max where I can. Surprisingly It works Perfectly at my Custom Desktop but Keeps Crashing Limitless on the M15x. Firstly I had the 32bit Version but Replaced with the 64bit, Still I couldn't Resolve the Crashing Issue. Updated the Drivers to the Fullest and Re-installed the Package again but Still No Good. I can't find a Single Valid Solution to this problem, I don't Want to mess around with the system files unknowingly Tho I looked up at the Throttling Issue thread. This is the only Place where I can Rely upon for light. Please Tell me the Easiest way possible to Fix it up for Good.
The 3DS forums would probably be a better place to find an answer. I have no problems with the previous version, but I also haven't upgraded to 11.
3ds Max '11 Causing Problems
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Rya, May 25, 2011.