I just put in a 920xm so I'm going through the rounds testing everything to make sure I'm maximizing my performance but to my disappointment my Vantage scores seem a bit low to me, do you guys see anything wrong with my current settings?
I have the following...
Windows 8
16 gigs of ram
6990M OEM Dell card
Samsung 840 SSD
I undervolted the GPU to 1.05 on 715/900 stock clocks.
The CPU is on 21x across the board however with minimal power settings only 65W/62A.\
I'm running AMD Catalyst 12.11 Beta11 Driver.
If you research a bit, you will see that the score is perfectly normal.
yup score looks good to me....... on an overclocked bench i can get about 16600
Good to know. Thanks, got a bit concerned because I saw a lot of scores in the 18K range when I searched.
I still don't get how people get their GPU to idle at low 40s or under. I have a copper shim, good thermal pad contacts, quality paste, and an SF-19 cooler, undervolt of 1.05 and the most I can get it to idle at is 48-49, CPU idling at 55 right now, and under load CPU goes up to about 70-78 and GPU up to 75-85 and this is the lowest I've ever been able to get it.
3DMark Vantage low? See anything wrong with my setup?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Crazycrossing, Dec 18, 2012.