I bought on ebay a battery for my M15x. The seller claims it's a new one but the wear level is 3 %.
So my question : is it really a new one ? Or a used one ?
I have a feeling we bought from the sale seller. I just got my new battery today too and wear level is around 2.2%
Having a battery just sitting there will wear over time and since our computers are almost three years old the batteries can be that old too but they're new still in the package. -
The seller is kingkun02, and I've opened a dispute.
The battery was not in a sealed pack, it has a wear level of 3% (perhaps it's not bad, I don't know really), and it can't get any charge : it has a capacity of 1 (one) mWh and can't go upper.
So it doesn't work. -
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Welcome to M15x land 9800xpv!! Long time no see!
Hello King
Nice to see you after a so long time.
I bought this M15x for my daughter, I've paid only €300, but some things are not working : the battery, the optic reader (DVD) _ already replaced, ESATA and USB of the right side are not working, ...
I see your M15x is rather powerful, congrats :thumbsup:
@+ -
Not the same seller, mine charges and has almost full capacity still. Lasted 1 hour and 10 minutes on full brightness while my 9-cell lasted 1 hour 30 minutes on full brightness. -
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
3% wear level is actually pretty good for an old battery. If not used the wear level might increase.
After doing a google search on "Battery Wear Level" it seems your 3% is absolutely normal.
I was also wondering about my battery level. It's already showing an 11% wear level and I've had the computer for less than a month. It's the W150/5165 that I have in my sig. It seemed like a big decrease over such a short time, is it normal?
HWmonitor reports my 3 weeks old P150HM to have a 4% battery wear level.
Is that normal?Most of the time, i plug it into the wall leaving my battery in it.
I got my p150hm on Tuesday... that's 3 days and it say my battery wear is at 8 percent.... -
3% wear on a new battery is absolutely fine, and it should not go higher than 10% in the first year, I just bought an new notebook and the battery wear was showing as 8% out of the box, but after i calibrated the battery it now shows 0% wear
John. -
Thanks alot.
I sent back this battery yesterday, it couldn't get any charge. -
Mine is 2 years old, 1,52% wear level..., but won't last 45 minutes... LoL
^^LOL, switchable graphics = win!
[M15x] About battery wear level
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by 9800xpv, Nov 10, 2012.