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    Vent at the bottom of M11x R2

    Discussion in 'Alienware M11x' started by Jonathan337, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Jonathan337

    Jonathan337 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Just a quick question, I looked all over for anyone else asking this question but I couldn't come up with anything. The vent at the bottom of the M11x, is it ok to cover it during normal day to day use? Like web browsing, music etc. Because I like using it on my lap but sometimes I'm sorta paranoid I'll damage the fan. Also what are the chances of dust and stuff getting sucked up into that ? My fan was damaged once, and they replaced the mobo out of warranty. So ever since, I've always been a bit scared about how I use it..which isn't right for a "portable" laptop.
  2. Rypac

    Rypac Notebook Evangelist

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    Don't worry, covering up the vent won't damage the fan at all. All it will do is restrict the airflow coming in and out of the vent, which in turn will make the fan spin quicker and heat up the lappy a little more. Nothing to be worried about especially if you are only web browsing and listening to music.
    If you were gaming I'd probably warn you otherwise, mostly to save you from 3rd degree burns to your leg! ;)

    But yes, dust and stuff is going to eventually make its way into the vent, one way or another. I'd just give it a good clean out every few months or so, depending on how dusty the areas you use your M11x are. If you use a vaccuum cleaner or compressed air to clean it out (with the laptop turned off of course), you should insert something to stop the fan spinning around while you clean it as that will most likely cause your fan and laptop damage.
  3. The Snake

    The Snake Notebook Enthusiast

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    It is fine to use it on your lap for light work, I use mine on the bus all the time with no problems. For gaming make sure it is on a hard flat surface though.