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    Stupidest M11x Ordering Experiences

    Discussion in 'Alienware M11x' started by CoolMod, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. CoolMod

    CoolMod Notebook Consultant NBR Reviewer

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    So the other day when I ordered the M11xR2 I called in to the EPP Sales line in order to get the 10% and use the $100 coupon. So I got connected to some person with a thick accent and it went a little like this:

    Me: "Yea I'm looking to get (insert specs here) with EPP 10% discount and this $100 coupon." (I give him my school's Member ID number that says 10% off on the website)

    Guy: "That's going to be impossible, you can't combine the EPP 10% and the $100 coupon as it won't allow me to apply it here. I can give you the best price of $1100!!" (only using the $100 coupon and not the EPP 10% off)

    Me: "But I can do it on the website, both the 10% and the $100 coupon."

    Guy: "No you can't. Look you are not going to get a better price than this, if you don't take it now it won't be here later." (The guy is starting to sound angry which in turn irritates me a little)

    Me: "Ok fine I will go ahead and do it online then and get my "BEST PRICE" of $970 with free next day shipping, bye." *HANG UP* :rolleyes:

    5 minutes later I place the order with the EPP 10% discount and the $100 coupon. God...sometimes these people are just annoyingly stupid.
  2. Arklight

    Arklight Notebook Evangelist

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    I hear you. And 2 days ago, they really could not do it. Their systems were not updated yet. I also called, and did a chat session, I got the same response.

    I only ordered today, and the rep that I talked to was cheerful enough to help me out with the EPP and the 100 off.
  3. unreal25

    unreal25 Capt. Obvious

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    Here's mine, from few months ago:

    Me: "Yes, I am looking to buy m11x. I have the specs for the laptop in my cart - that is roughly what I'm looking for. A small gaming laptop."

    Guy: "OK, this is EPP line. Are you a student?"

    (So, I give him my information, we chat a little while he is opening up the cart...)

    Irritation level: 1. I had to give the same data to 3 different people at this point.

    Guy: "OK, I see you chose SU4100 1.3 GHz CPU. You realize that this is a single core CPU... I mean you won't be able to run pretty much any game..."

    Me: "Oh I'm pretty sure it's a dual core CPU, I have checked already."

    (At the same time I have open the specs of the CPU on the official Intel website.)

    Guy: "Nope, it's a single core CPU. It's going to bottleneck you hard, I mean you may be able any game released in last 2 years."

    (Me thinking "Yeah right... I saw Crysis running on this CPU on NBR review.")

    Irritation level: 3. Tard.

    (Now he starts jabbing how he is a gamer and all that and that's impossible to play any game without dual core etc etc... I try to be as polite as possible and move on with configuring...)

    Me: "Well the CPU is fine. I would leave it as it is."

    Guy: "You should really upgrade to SU7300. It's going to give you massive boost in the performance."

    Me: "No really, let's just stick with this CPU, I'm sure it will be fine."

    Irritation level 4. Nice try getting me to spend $100 on a useless "upgrade".

    Guy: "OK, but you will be complaining afterwards and there will be a 15% restocking fee if you decide to return it."

    Irritation level 5. Jesus christ dude, let it go!

    Me: "OK, I understand."

    Guy: "So 2 or 4 GB RAM."

    Me: "I was planning to go with 4, 2GB is a bit low even for multitasking."

    Guy: "Yeah well the m11x has only 1 DIMM slot, so you won't be able to upgrade it easily."

    Irritation level: 6. I learned to read, despite the age difference (according to his voice he is 10-20 years older than me), probably before he did.

    Me: "It says dual channel on the web. Wouldn't that ("dual") imply there are 2 slots."

    (At this point I am looking at the open m11x on NBR forums and I can see from the photo there are 2 DIMMs ofc...)

    Guy: "Nope, it's only 1 DIMM."

    Me: "In any case I'll go with 4 GB."

    (We proceeded configuring everything else.)

    Guy: "Ok the price is [insert non-discounted Dell home price here]".

    Me: "Yes, but as a student ordering through EPP, shouldn't I be entitled to some sort of discount. "

    Guy: "I can only give you a discount if you order SU7300".

    Irritation level: 100. Getting really pissed off here. Not the CPU debate again....

    Me: "I really don't want SU7300. If the price needs to go above certain point for the discounts to be applied, I could order some accessories..."

    Guy interrupts me: "No, only valid SU7300."

    Me: *Sigh.* "OK, I am also on the Dell EPP mailing list and have these extra off coupons here, they should still be valid...."

    Guy: "Nope, I can't give you any coupons on this configuration."

    Me: "Well the price is not bad, but it's just a little bit too much...."

    Me mummbling...

    Guy: "Well we could downgrade some components, but it'll make even bigger hit on the performance." [I assume he is hinting at the CPU again.]

    Irritation level: 101.

    Me: "Yeah... uh.... I'm still on the fence here... I had quite a bit of expenses this month, had to pay quite a bit for car repair.... If we could scrap at least $50 off I would seal the deal..."

    Guy: "Well that is the best offer that you will be able to get for this laptop."

    Irritation level: 105.

    Me: "My friend ordered it through the phone, and even got EPP discount applied. Maybe we work something out, it's just very little over my budget."

    Guy: "That's impossible. This is the best offer."

    Me: "This is the same price as online...

    Guy: "Yes."

    Me: "Oh OK. Then I'll use that, way less annoying method." *hang up*
  4. Arklight

    Arklight Notebook Evangelist

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    bet he has a thick accent too huh?

    ROFL on the CPU! IT SAYS IN THE FREAKIN SITE "Pentium Dual-Core"

    On the other hand, he's trying to be a good sales person. Probably the supervisor was observing.

    (Sorry, i used to work as a call rep, and my sister used to work for Dell parts as a call rep.)
  5. Samcrac

    Samcrac Notebook Consultant

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    I had a guy yesterday (India call center) when trying to apply the coupon insist he was giving me the best deal available. He refused to even check and see if they could apply the discount, he just kept insisting that he was giving me the best price. I called back today and got someone in America who applied discounts without question, and all he asked is if I would pass his information along... Thanks fellow American!!!