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    NOT BOOTING m11x

    Discussion in 'Alienware M11x' started by r0c, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. r0c

    r0c Notebook Consultant

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    So i just received my m11x - r2 today. Plugged in power cable and the power button had a light changing colors. I pressed the power and nothing. Unplugged and hit power nothing. While connected with the power cable i had a light circling the power button or alien head. On battery nothing. Either way it wouldn't turn on. Being a tech first thing i did was open the back cover checked for anything that might have gotten loose during shipping.. ram was ok but i still reseated it. Unplugged the battery - replugged. everything seemed fine. Tried to turn on nothing. Called Alienware support, their tech had me unplug the battery and hold down the power button to "discharge the capacitors" replug and power - still nothing. He set up a in home visit and ordered me a motherboard and new ram. Has anyone else experienced with their m11x ? Anything else i can check and finally should i even be keeping this machine or just flat out exchanging it for a new 1 ?

    Thanks guys great forum.
  2. filmm

    filmm Notebook Enthusiast

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    You mean to tell me Dell isn't sending you a new one outright!? :eek:
  3. kopicha

    kopicha Notebook Evangelist

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    sounds a a DOA. Sorry to hear that... mine came in perfect condition when i got it.
  4. r0c

    r0c Notebook Consultant

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    I was told by their tech that i had 2 choices either have a tech come out or 4 weeks wait for an exchange....
  5. cortomaltese

    cortomaltese Notebook Consultant

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    Tough luck, mate, I feel your disappointment. :( As to your question - no - I never experienced anything of the kind with my M11x.

    4 weeks is quite a bit over the top - but then - you can turn their sluggishness to your advantage - just check everything about the very body of the laptop very thoroughly - especially its hinges - if the gaps on either side of the hinges are perfectly similar, if they make any unwanted sound when opening/closing the lid, if the lid rests on both rubber insets in closed state, if it requires too much effort to open the lid of the unit, if the lid seems perfectly aligned with the lower part of the laptop while closed, if the body is bult as intended and shows no flex in either part of it (especially not the lid or the keyboard - at last if there are any (God forbid) scratches anywhere on the unit or any dust under the screen-protecting plastic.

    Just examine every inch of it - and if you find anything at all imperfect or disagreeable - request a replacement!

    On the other hand, if the build of the unit seems to be totally exemplary - go ahead and keep this laptop, replacing its RAM/mobo.

    Just consider it some kind of a prolonged test drive - anything to lift the spirit. Best of luck with the whole situation.
  6. r0c

    r0c Notebook Consultant

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    I will. Thanks for your advise. I will update on what happens when the tech makes it out.
  7. r0c

    r0c Notebook Consultant

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    Hey guys quick update... The tech called me 2 days later advising i call dell and ask for an exchange flat out not bothering with the repair. I did and after asking directly for a supervisor they are shipping me a brand new m11x. It will arrive in 7-10 days but dell says it has already shipped!! i asked about sending this current one back and they said the rma slip would be in the box.

    Strange thing is the machine happened to have turned on today out of the blue. I'm starting to wonder if maybe theres an actual problem with the actual alienhead switch itself. I pressed it a few times and nothing. I pressed it hard for like 2-3 secs and it started up. I haven't tested it any more because i'm worried it won't boot up after, Id like to run a few benchmarks first. Has anyone had problems with the actual button ? Theres also a slight keyboard flex around the wsad area... is that normal as well ?
  8. r0c

    r0c Notebook Consultant

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    Today my replacement m11x showed up working great. I swapped out the hdd for a ocz ssd and its blazing fast now. I must commend Alienware/Dell on resolving the issue on a very very timely and helpful manner. Very impressed and very happy customer.
  9. some guy

    some guy Modding Addict

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    thats awesome you got yours in like 6days. im happy you didn't go what i went thru. i needed a replacement and was told first the replacement would within that day sent next day air. the man reassured me that if they didn't have one like the one i ordered they would ship me a "upgraded" one. (i was happy)

    then a few days later i call and ask whats up, i get the run around about how the first guy misinformed me and my replacement was waiting on parts. in the end, they say maybe 1 more week? (i was sad)

    i though about it for a while and called back that same day and asked if they could do anything to make this experience better for me considering the 2 promises they had broke. like send a "ready to ship" pre-configured model and they said they don't do anything like that and my laptop would be there in 2weeks! (now im pissed)

    i canceled my order right then and there.

    i ordered the same config. brand new today for $599 with a $50 off code, so in the end if this M11x is problem free i would have saved $100 and gotten my "brand new" replacement with in a few days difference of when my replacement was going to arrive anyway.

    just sucks now that i don't trust "them" anymore....