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    M11x r2/Momentus xt problem.

    Discussion in 'Alienware M11x' started by MS_Edward, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. MS_Edward

    MS_Edward Newbie

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    The greeting:
    Hi everybody I'm a new member of this awesome site :) , I browse it so often looking/learning new stuff just about everyday. I just never had anytime to really make an account because of school and work :(. At any rate I'm MS_Edward and its nice to meet you all! :) Well anyway back to the topic/question.

    The story:
    I bought my M11x r2 a couple months ago, low and behold just my luck my hard drive begins to die :( and upon diagnostics I get the error code 2000-0146 (Something like that). Fortunately I had intended to upgrade the hard drive to something better like the Momentus XT 500gb. So I guess no harm done lol. So I decided that well I didn't really have anything important on it and I figured I might as well do a fresh install. A couple of days ago I went and finally bought it and I created the recovery USB key. All went well I physically installed the hard drive in to the M11x properly, I put it back together and turned it back on and entered BIOS. Again :( just my luck BIOS does not detect the new hard drive. I switched back to the old hard drive and it worked so I was able to clear up the idea that I possibly installed it wrong. Again I switch back and no luck...

    For the TL;DR readers:
    My problem is that my Momentus XT 500gb hard drive is not being detected by my M11x r2.

    I tried doing research for solutions, but I can't really find anybody who is having the same problem :(. And I really don't know what to do next... any help would be appreciated. Also is this something that typically happens with these hard drives or (I hope not) is an isolated event? At any rate I appreciate any help.
  2. jeremyshaw

    jeremyshaw Big time Idiot

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    does the R2 use that HDD SATA special connector? It should be attached to the SATA connection of the previous drive.

    I don't remember, anymore. It's been a long while since I last took apart my laptop, lol.
  3. zchay7e

    zchay7e Notebook Consultant

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    I've got an R1 with the momentus XT 320GB, no probs during installation. I assume you've used the alienware hdd connector from the old hdd onto the new momentus xt. if you plugged in the XT correctly with the aforementioned adapter and its not recognized its defo a faulty drive (there's nothing on the drive itself you need to jumper either)

    Normally, if its not detected it means it may:

    1) not be powered (can you listen to the XT spinning up at all? does it vibrate? gives you hint if its powered by laptop or not)

    2) powered but not detected (again, listen to the drive noise or try to feel the vibration, leave the bottom panel off so you can directly touch the XT while the laptop is on.)

    if its not powered, could be connection problem (do you have a PC where you can plug in the momentus XT? its SATA so should work in ANY PC with SATA connectors.)

    if its powered but not detected but IS detected in another PC its your laptop and you should probably RMA it (this scenario is highly unlikely as your laptop does detect the old hdd but not the new one).

    Hope this helps.
  4. idlehand

    idlehand Notebook Consultant

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    What Firmware is your XT?
  5. cappielloa

    cappielloa Notebook Consultant

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    If you're sure you connected it correctly, I vote bad drive. Seagate reliability is pretty bad.
  6. idlehand

    idlehand Notebook Consultant

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    My XT started to do something very similar after the SD24 Firmware update. Where the Bios would stop recognizing while it was running. I would have to Cold boot to get the drive to be recognized again. Then it started to snow ball where it was happening more often.
  7. MS_Edward

    MS_Edward Newbie

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    If your talking about that little connector attached to the original hard drive then yeah I removed it and reattached it to the new one and... yup no luck... :(

    Yeah lol when I first removed the old drive I noticed it had a connector attached whilst the new one didn't. I freaked out because I thought the connector was like permanently attached, but then realized I just experienced some sort of brain fart. :p

    I tried what you mentioned about feeling for vibrations and listening for anything, but no luck I turned everything off in my house that could make noise and not a sound nor was there any vibrations... So I guess I can assume the worse for the drive. :(

    Umm I'm not quite sure, its whatever firmware Seagate ships the Momentus xt with. I never changed it.

    Aww well at least now I know it could be a faulty drive, no matter I'll see if I can exchange it and hopefully all will go well. :)