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    Extra Screen?

    Discussion in 'Alienware M11x' started by WaWMoose, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. WaWMoose

    WaWMoose Notebook Enthusiast

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    So I use this Laptop mostly for Gaming (captain obvious), and I play anything from COD to SC2, and SC2 is what I'm having a problem with.

    SC2 requires a lot, a lot of fast clicking, mouse movements and precise actions, which is why I've been thinking of buying an extra screen, and attaching to this laptop so I could see the small, sometimes tiny details in the game. I play this game quite a lot so...yeah.

    BUT I am a complete know-nothing about this stuff, if I get an extra screen, how do I attach it to this laptop, and would the view be on both screens or just one at once? Do I need to buy an extra cable with it? Does the screen have to be from Dell? Anything else you can help me with this topic please do.

    Also one more thing, if it is possible to do what I'm trying to do (look on a bigger screen), then are there any screens you know work well that you can suggest to me? I'm not looking for a huge monitor screen, anything bigger than 18-19" will do.

    Thank you ^^.
  2. c4sc4

    c4sc4 Notebook Consultant

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    So you want an external monitor then?

    Well, as for hooking it up, depending on which version of the m11x you have you'll need either a VGA cable, and Display-port cable or an HDMI cable. The VGA port is only on the R1, so if you have an R2 or an R3 then you'll have to use either display-port or HDMI. The R1 can use all 3. It's best to get a monitor with the type of port you are going to hook up to the laptop, you can use an adapter but its likely better to use a straight connection, ie: HDMI-HDMI or Displayport-Displayport.

    You can have it output to both the external monitor and the laptop screen at the same time but I don't know if you can/want to game with that setup. You'd probably want to have it just output to the external monitor.

    The external monitor doesn't have to be from Dell but, they tend to make very good monitors. Also, I can't really give you a recommendation for a monitor, someone else can likely do that though.
  3. amd098

    amd098 Notebook Consultant

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    buy a vga [r1 only] or displayport to dvi or hdmi to hdmi cable [or hdmi to dvi] cable

    itll attach your laptop to your monitor
    hit windows key + P and select projector only and youll just have 1 screen [the big one]
    when you want to move the laptop, hit windows key + p and disconnect projector and youll be back to your laptop screen only

    the other 2 options are duplicate [both screens show same picture] and extend [2 screens for you to do 2 things on, like play sc2 on one and be on facebook on the other [bad idea, itll kill your apm]
  4. thestoo

    thestoo Notebook Enthusiast

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    I have the m11x R2 which has HDMI and Displayport.

    I have used it via HDMI or HDMI + DVI convertor to various monitors and TVs. Works pretty well and definitely worth it. I'd recommend a 22" as they are pretty cheap these days.

    Just bear in mind that frames rate will be a little lower if you run a higher resolution screen. SC2 runs pretty well on mine so it should be fine.
  5. WaWMoose

    WaWMoose Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks for help guys ^^ I'll buy one hopefully sometime soon, and see how it goes :)