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    Considering an M11x... General questions about the R2 and possibly the R3

    Discussion in 'Alienware M11x' started by kaworu876, May 12, 2011.

  1. kaworu876

    kaworu876 Notebook Evangelist

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    Hey there! I am currently rather laptop-crazed - embarrassing but true. I recently bought myself an Asus G53SW, and I am *very* happy with that as my desktop-replacement that I use around the house and whatnot. I never expected it to be very portable, and it isn't - I'd have just bought a desktop, but I sit in front of a desktop computer for 8-12 hours a day at work and I have no interest in continuing to sit at a desk when I get home, so I am exclusively a laptop person.

    Anyway! I would love to buy an M11x. I saw that the R2s are very cheap at only $599 on the Alienware site, and that looks pretty much *perfect* for me. I do have a couple questions for owners of this system, if some of you would be so kind as to answer.

    1. How portable is it? What I really need is a netbook-type system that I can bring with me more or less everywhere - I'd use it in cafes, on trains/buses, whenever I have a spare moment and can whip it out of my bag. Is it workable for that? I know it's not as tiny as most netbooks, but since it is just an 11" screen I sort of figure, well, that it functions *as a netbook*. Is this correct?

    2. How is the battery life, really? Does the optimus technology have a big impact on this, and is it very functional? How is the battery life while playing standard-type games on the go, as compared to intense gaming?

    3. How good is the 335m? It seems like the benchmarks are pretty darn impressive, and since the screen res is fairly low, you'd get some pretty great FPS even with graphically advanced games. Would I be happy with this? I would NOT expect it to get fantastic results, or be nearly as good as the GTX 460m on my main system - I'd basically hope to play new games in Medium/Low settings for the next year or maybe two, and older games in Medium/High settings. Is that fair? Is the 540m on the R3 really such a huge leap in quality

    4. How is the display on the R2? And the sound? This is my biggest worry with getting an R2 instead of an R3. I'd really like to know if the R3 is a big jump in quality in terms of the screen quality, and the sound quality. If the R2 and R3 are more or less the same in this respect, I'll be incredibly happy to go with the R2. Since I really feel like the processor/GPU on the R2 will be more than powerful enough for me, given that it won't be my primary gaming laptop but a backup/netbook.

    Oh, I'm also curious if $599 for the R2, at the most basic level, is a good deal. I would love to own an Alienware product since I like the looks of them and whatnot, so I'm willing to pay a premium. Since I'm buying a netbook anyway, it just seems like the M11x R2 is way better than most of the $400 netbooks on the market - it has a *real* GPU and processor instead of some lackluster Intel Atom/nVIDIA ION2. That alone seems to be more than worth the extra $200. I don't know if I could even get the R3 since I simply cannot rationalize spending $999 on a secondary laptop. But $599, on the other hand... But only if it really is a great product.

    I guess that's it. If someone could help with those questions, and maybe offer whatever additional information that y'all might deem important in terms of comparing the R2 and the R3 (or just how good the R@ really is in and of itself) that would be fantastic. I would *really* appreciate whatever (hopefully detailed and semi-comprehensive) help that can be provided, thanks *so* much.

    edit: Really, that's the R1? What the hell happened to the R2, then? I suppose I'm seriously confused, then.
  2. whitrzac

    whitrzac The orange end is cold...

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    thats the R1 for $599...

    the screens on all of the m11xs SUCK...

    I have an R1(su7300)
    I get 4hrs of watching HD video(netflix) with the brightness on max. 5-6hrs is normal web surfing, the R2/3 gets slightly less
    the 335m will play most games, but sh**** console ports((gta4/etc) don't play well because of the slow CPU

    Its about the same size as my 5star 5 subject notebook, and twice as heavy...
  3. lichensoul

    lichensoul Notebook Evangelist

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    I happen to disagree with this. My wifes r2 screen is quite nice. When comparing to a my m17x rbg led that is a diffrent story but for the size if the screen it is not bad.
  4. whitrzac

    whitrzac The orange end is cold...

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    point me to any laptop that was made in the past 2 years that has a worst screen...

    even my POS dell 10v had a better screen...
  5. kaworu876

    kaworu876 Notebook Evangelist

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    Whoops, I really thought that was an R2! I guess the R2 has the same GPU, but an i7-640UM processor instead of the intel core 2 duo? Any other major differences? So the R2 isn't even for sale right now?

    I feel pretty stupid now. In that case, well, is the R1 still on par with the other models barring processor speed? I mean, obviously the R3 is going to be faster and have better graphics, but, well.. a Core 2 duo and a 335m is *way* better than everything else in the netbook size range.

    And I do not expect the M11x to be comparable in terms of screen quality to mainstream-sized laptops. That would be absurd. I am curious how it compares to other netbooks (like the Asus high-end EEE models for example), and I am wondering, I guess then, whether the screen on the R1 is significantly worse than what is on the R3. That's my real question. Same with the sound.
  6. oakley1261

    oakley1261 Notebook Geek

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    The screens for the most part should be indentical on the m11x systems. As for the R1 performance wise, from what I hear the R1 and R3 have the best battery life. The R1 can be competitive with the R3 if you overclock it, but that requires some possibly warranty revoking modding.
  7. whitrzac

    whitrzac The orange end is cold...

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    they all use the same screen.... the problem is with having a glossy screen, covered by a clear plastic protector... so not only do you see 2 reflections, using it outside becomes a PIA. :(

    performance wise, the R2 is faster than the R1, but not by much unless you get the I7 version and OC it. The r3 looks to be faster than both of them.

    price jumps accordingly for the speed increases... ;)

    if you don't mind a refurb, dell outlet has 15-20% off codes at least once a month.
  8. Luminair

    Luminair Notebook Consultant

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    I'm not sure why you want an m11x when you have a G53 that you're so happy with. Personally, I'd just make the G53 work. But, if you have cash to burn, it's a quality computer for what you're asking about.
  9. kaworu876

    kaworu876 Notebook Evangelist

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    I love my G53SW, it works great! It's just a bit too big and unwieldy to take with me everywhere I go. I almost like it *so* much that I feel bad when I take it out because it feels like I'll cause harm to this big powerful thing. It's utterly *perfect* as home-use notebook - I use it with my lapdesk on my couch, in bed, occasionally for writing/work at my desk... I watch movies in hi-def on it, etc. Since I don't bother even owning a TV, my laptop is the center of my existence when I'm at home.

    I want the M11x for all my computer needs *outside* my home. I would just get a normal-type netbook (and I still might) but I want to explore using the M11x for that purpose. As something that I can just bring with me everywhere - and since the battery life maxes out at like ~7 hours according to the reviews (3 hours with heavy use) and it's obviously very small (if a bit heavier than most netbooks) it'd be perfect.

    I do have some cash to burn. It's basically that I initially planned on having ~$400 max to spent on a netbook right now. And the M11x is *so* much more powerful than your typical $400 netbook, it seems to me that, quite frankly, it would be worth expanding the budget to an extra $200 to just get the base R1 model. Or one of the refurbished ones, maybe - thanks for the link!

    But that's really what I want to know, from the M11x owners - is it truly effective as a highly portable netbook?
  10. aliengirl_x

    aliengirl_x Notebook Consultant

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    Yes, it definitely functions as a highly effective portal netbook. The screens are about the same, but from what I've read on these forums, it sounds like it can vary on the one you just happen to get. I had an R2 before I sent it back for my R3, and this screen is brighter imo.

    It's a bit heavier and sturdier than other netbooks, but still super light to me; no matter what version, I seriously doubt you can find a netbook w/ more power. You could get an R2 re-furbished or a new R1, both have the potential for some really cool overclocking/modding options you can play with (if you're into that sort of thing).

    I use mine for work, school, and gaming. Just my 2 ¢
  11. kaworu876

    kaworu876 Notebook Evangelist

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    Well, thank you! That sounds very encouraging, just the sort information that I wanted to hear. I figured it'd be sturdier and heavier than most netbooks - it's bound to be astronomically smaller than my G53, which is roughly the size of Texas in terms of relative laptop-scale. Seriously, how many 15.6" screen laptops need a 17.3 sleeve to comfortable fit them? Not that I don't love it to death, like I said.

    Sounds like the R1 might just be fine for me, lousy processor speed and all. The thing is that I really just do *not* need this thing to be ultra-fast and powerful. Honestly, I could probably just drop $300 on a normal netbook, but more than anything else I darn well WANT a sexy-looking, cute-as-hell, adorable little Alienware notebook of my own, complete with pretty purple (or blue, or red, or whatever I feel like on a particular day) backlighting. I mean, the processor and GPU *even* on the R1 are probably more powerful than I'd need. Heck, a high-end Intel Atom processor and an ATI 6310 GPU would probably do the trick, even though I wouldn't be *thrilled*. The truth is, I am shallow and just want an incredibly cool-looking netbook. I would have bought an Alienware M17x if it weren't too expensive. And then, I would have bought an M15x if they'd made a Sandy Bridge model of it; and I would have bought an M14x if they'd made it with a better GPU than the GT 555m. But they didn't do any of those things, and I still freakin' want an Alienware model, god help me. So the cheapest one is probably it for me.

    The only reason why I would even consider an R3 would be if the screen/build quality were drastically different from the R1. And it sounds like that isn't the case, right? The only difference is the internal hardware, is that totally correct? If I could get assurance about that, I will be totally happy.
  12. ajslay

    ajslay Overclocker, PC Builder

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    with all the mods you can do to the R1 it can be pretty powerful. its my main gaming machine. i have mine modded to high hell. and it plays every game i throw at it at good fps.
  13. WaR

    WaR Notebook Virtuoso

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    Warning: Wall of text coming!

    I don't have the R1 or R2, but an R3, and since they are all based on the same chassis, let me tell you what I think.

    I won't talk to you about performance because it seems you have read enough on it. With that aside, the M11x is amazing. I know you will hear a lot about the screen, but I couldn't be happier with mine. All the bad-mouthing of the screen you read on these forums will no doubt make you expect something truly awful. When you open it, it will be a different story. You will like it. And since it won't be your main machine, I think you will manage to forgive its less than perfect shine.

    The machine itself is really something. I tell you that no matter how many pictures, videos, and propaganda you see, it will look many times better when you are holding it in your hand. It's not heavy either. It's about the same weight as my Google Chrome CR-48 (yes it's a 14", but it's very thin, and just a web browser really).

    I have the M17x-R2, which is known for its quality built. The M11x can definitely hold its own. It feels sturdy and solid. The only caveat for R1 and R2 is to keep your eye on those hinges, and get them fixed asap.

    It goes without saying that this M11x will blow you away in amazement seeing as you were considering a netbook instead. Get one, you will not regret it.
  14. el_pitaya

    el_pitaya Notebook Consultant

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    I own a m11x r1 and I love it since the first time I powered it on, I dunno why complain a lot about SCREEN its pretty nice, I dont get a lot of glare, xcept on outdoors but I never use it outdoors so ... Even playing long sessions of CSS and TF2 I dont feel as tired as my old 15 laptop. Also, easy to clean.

    talking about portability also is great weight 2 Kg but its size its just fine. compact but robust, feels like nice quality.

    Battery performance is awesome, I've got +7 hours browsing, without the GPU (on intel), just amazing. With GPU and gaming I've got ~3.5 hours

    What else, love it I reccomend you the m11x r1 for its price, 599 and will kick anyone's HP 900 USD easily, at least on games
    CPU is a little bottleneck but there are hopes for a BIOS that let you run @1.73Ghz as sometime advertised, and pinmods like the one ajslay have done to further OC

    Sound is Ok if playing on a hard surface, since the speakers are on bottom on the lap, it needs a hard surface to reach your ears

    least the GT335 with the latest dell driver runs shockingly nice a lot of games I though I was going to have more trouble, I max out games like TF2, CSS, borderlands, Batman AA, WoW, half life, portal. and play @descent setting crysis 1 and 2, bfbc2 single player (multiplayer is a little cpu limited but 24 server games are ok) and SC2

    And I have 0 mods on my m11x (just the BIOS OC that dell provides to 1.6Ghz) if you mod it and OC it there is more productive :p

    well thats it Its up to you to decide m11x r1 or r3, I dont know if r3 has optimus, optimus Ive heard its a lot of trouble, I like the r1 is switchable and thus no optimus problems with battery life

    Last thing, intel su7300 keeps your pc very fresh, barely gets 55oC playing crysis 2 and bfbc2, so im very happy
  15. kaworu876

    kaworu876 Notebook Evangelist

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    Great info, WaR and el-pitaya - thanks so much! I am feeling way more positive about picking up an R1 - excited, even! 7 hours of battery life would just be amazing, especially if that's legit for basic browsing. I'm sure I will be way more forgiving than people buying it as their primary system, since I am *not* expecting this to be a crazy-good gaming rig in and of itself - just a decently good one with a lot aesthetic value that I can still get some great gaming in on while I'm on the go.

    I love hearing that it physically is a beautiful thing, and really nice to hold, etc. I put a lot of value into those things, since I truly enjoy having beautiful objects, as silly as a statement like that aounds. I almost like that it has a bit of physical weight to it, as well - one of the things I actually *don't* like about a lot of netbooks is how flimsy they feel - the ultra-thin ones just do not do much for me at all.

    A quick question - for a system like this, is it easy to add RAM on your own? I assume the max capacity is 8GB, is that 4 slots or 2 slots? I wish I was more clever or learned about such things, but I'm still getting some familiarity. I'd like to upgrade the RAM, for sure - ideally I'd just be able to pop one 4GB stick to get 6GB total, which would be *more* than enough. Heck, 2GB itself might be enough - but only having 1GB of VRAM makes me kinda want to have more than 2GB of system RAM, total. How well does it run with some of those configurations?

    Also, I assume with a system this size, there is only room for one HDD, correct? Now, is it easy to crack open the M11x and upgrade the RAM/HDD? Those are the only two things I would want to potentially improve on my own. I'd just like to know if they make it easy to do that stuff, or challenging, overall.

    Also, WaR, when you say get the hinges fixed... what do you mean? Do you mean to get them fixed if they break? Or is there something I should do to the hinges when I get the M11x R1 initially, in order to prevent any future harm that could come to them through regular use? Thanks. :)
  16. i has m11x

    i has m11x Notebook Evangelist

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    The R1 has 2 slots for a maximum of 8GB of ram. There is only one hard drive slot. The R1/R2 all have a potential defect with the hinges. The part that connects to the screen wasn't designed well and has the possibility of separating from the screen. Dell has issued a replacement program that replaces it with hinges that supposedly won't separate from the screen. I would just use the laptop normally and if the hinges break, Dell will fix it for free with in home service.
  17. ajslay

    ajslay Overclocker, PC Builder

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    1gb of Vram is more then enough. even a gtx460 wont use 1gb of its memory playing games at 1080p. only when playing high end games at 2560x1600 show slight fps improvements.
  18. el_pitaya

    el_pitaya Notebook Consultant

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    It has 2 slots, dual channel, its recommended there should be same memory size both to enable dual channel, 1x1, 2x2, 4x4, to get 2,4 and 8 Gb of ram
    there's 1 slot for HDD lol the battery is like 1/3 of the size of the laptop :p

    this youtube video shows how to change the parts
    YouTube - Alienware M11x Teardown **READ SAFETY PRECAUTIONS PRIOR TO REPLACING PARTS** (Official Video)

    I have 2 gb of ram configuration, and It runs games, normally, just takes some time to load up, and to come back from the game, not too much but compared to how smooth runs the games lol

    all I know from hinges was already said above by "i has m11x" aaaand that's it
    Oh another thing, well im a student, and in my university we use VGA to connect proyectors to our laptops, slide shows, etc. r2 and r3 dont have VGA anymore so if you use it, go for r1 r1 has them

    m11x can run 1067MHz Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM when OCed so get faster than 800 Mhz memories for better performance

  19. ajslay

    ajslay Overclocker, PC Builder

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    the ram runs at 800mhz CAS6 stock. and overclocked to 1.6ghz.
    the only way to run it as advertised is to pin mod. (like i did)
  20. Augusta

    Augusta Notebook Consultant

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    The r1 and r2 use displays sourced from 3 manufacturers. Each panel is distinct from the others but none are exceptional. Not sure about the r3. Notebookcheck reported a new panel was used that showed increased brigntness and poorer black levels.

    Regardless of which panel your m11x arrives with, you'll find lower brightness, more glare and poor viewing angles relative to a quality netbook. This adds up to very poor usability outdoors. Indoors it can be frustrating to find a spot with little backlighting.

    As far as sound quality is concerned, it's about as good as it get's for a small laptop with downward firing speakers. If you're used to top-firing speakers the sound will seem a bit muffled if you set the laptop away from you or if you have it below you (like on your lap),.

    If you're near level to it, as in at a desk, the sound should be fine. If you just want to listen to music while your doing something else, placing it on an ear level shelf works pretty well. Just make sure the speakers fire into the air rather then off a hard surface.

    One benefit to downward firing speakers is you'll get great bass reinforcement if you're a bass head. Just be realistic, the drivers are tiny!

    As to performance, well, if you're looking at the m11x as a netbook replacement prepare to be impressed. This is a real computer not a hobbled bridge device. And even the $599 base r1 is a pretty mean machine for the money for all the needs you mentioned.

    As to portability, well, it's very small for all it does, but it is noticably larger then a netbook. There's nothing else on the market right now that combines the cpu and gpu performance of the various m11x's in a similar form factor.

    The sony z and acer 3820 come close but for either more money or a larger chassis.

    If you prioritize for portability and gaming performance first and foremost the m11x is a no brainer. If you prioritize display quality, sound quality, and portability first and gaming second the macbook air may be a better match. It might be upgrading to sandybridge in June.
  21. kaworu876

    kaworu876 Notebook Evangelist

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    That's some great, realistic information - thank you, Augusta. I have heard that the screen does not do so well outdoors, in terms of the glare and the way the screen is made with (what I've heard) is sort of a double-reflection. Luckily, I'm an absolute troglodyte and even in the summer don't make it outside too often. I do hang out in a lot of coffeeshops, though, and like to travel by train, which should be perfect.

    Downward-firing speakers sound *perfect* though! To be honest, I use my laptop at home with a Logitech speaker-lapdesk, and that essentially has the same effect, except these are upward-firing speakers muffled by the laptop. That's what I'm used to, so the sort of tinny, treble-sound you get from normal upward-firing laptop speakers just sounds wrong to me. And I freaking love my bass - anybody who rides in my car finds that out pretty soon, heh.

    I think the size is going to be perfect for me. I honestly feel like netbooks are *too* small - I want something that is going to have more meat on its bones. And the fact that it isn't a hobbled bridge device is, really, a big reason why I want it - I mean, it is shocking to me just how weak the systems you get on mainstream netbooks are! They're borderline silly. I was doing some research last-night, and some little model with 1GB of RAM and a little Intel Atom is just downright silly. Plus, with most notebooks you basically have to choose between a decent processor, decent graphics, or a decent screen - hard to get all three of them.

    The good news is that I think I'll be able to afford the R3. I have a very elusive, rather wealthy and semi-famous older brother whom I don't see very often. I'm never sure if I'm going to catch him on a good day or not, but I got lucky and he wants to send me a nice chunk of change for a birthday present. I had enough money to get the R1 all by myself, but with some contributions from him I'll have *more* than enough for the R3 if I want one. Although, I don't think I'll be getting the i7 model - the i5 should definitely be powerful enough for me, especially given the fact that the R1 was going to be okay in and of itself, no doubt.
  22. Augusta

    Augusta Notebook Consultant

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    Sounds good!
  23. el_pitaya

    el_pitaya Notebook Consultant

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    I was wondering, are there differences between screens from the USA and from UK?
    My m11x is from UK, and the screen is not bad as everyone says... if anyone knows would be nice to know, it was bought February 2011 =D