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    Area 51 M17x MXM hybrid slot question???

    Discussion in 'Alienware Area-51/Aurora and Legacy Systems' started by usmc1488, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. usmc1488

    usmc1488 Notebook Evangelist

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    So as you all know by now I have the 1st gen M17x that I am quite enamored with. The 9800m gt's are running great but I think that they are about done being able to play the newest games at their highest setting.

    I’ve been informed before that the system utilizes one MXM hybrid slot and one MXM Type II slot.

    I’ve also been informed that I can use one gtx 260m or gtx 280m in the master card slot, but not one of them in the slave slot because its MXM hybrid.

    Now for the question, my two 9800s are both MYM type IIs they can be switched from slave to master w/out issues, which I perform every so often so one doesn’t get overly worked. Any way there are gtx 260ms on the internet for sale, with SLI connectors in the MXM Type II format, not the Type III. So why wont this work?

    There are individuals running 260/280s in the Area 51 M15x so "they" should work in the M17x what’s stopping one of them from running in the Hybrid slot so that I can keep SLI if a 9800m mxm II works there just fine?

    I know its not a heat issue because the 1st gen M17x has quite a robust cooling system too, bios support it, and the drivers work so....Im ready to buy worse comes to worse I return them and get a refund I guess.
  2. kizwan

    kizwan Lord Pringles

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    Yeah, I don't see why it shouldn't work. Anyway, if you going to do it, please post here the result.