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    M18X R2 Black screen, no POST & only 1 beep.

    Discussion in 'Alienware 18 and M18x' started by BlueBomber, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. BlueBomber

    BlueBomber Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hey guys, long time reader and search user and rare poster here. I've got my first real issue with this laptop since I've owned it, and can't find any info using the search function for the first time ever lol. So, as stated in the title, I've got an M18X R2, yesterday I finally got around to repasting the CPU & GPU (I just have a single 780M) with Liquid Ultra, replacing the nearly 2 year old IC diamond that I last applied.

    Before completely putting it all back together, I did what I always do, and connected the bare minimum amount of hardware necessary to test it for booting, and then my pucker factor went up... Fans spun up and then down, lights came on (the few that I had connected), and then I heard one single loud beep, and the screen lit up and stayed on a blank black screen. So, I tore it back down and triple checked EVERYTHING to make sure I had not forgotten something important, and even pulled the heat sinks back off of the CPU & GPU, and no paste had smooshed out past the die, none had touched anything it wasn't supposed to, the application was good.

    A quick google search revealed the Alienware laptop beep code table, and one single beep was indicative of a motherboard or BIOS issue, fantastic... Ebay, refurbished MB $270. Cheaper than a new GFX card I guess. But I can't spare the money for a new MB for a while, so, after tinkering some more and just booting the thing up without the GPU in it (I know that for a bad or improperly connected GPU I would have heard 6 or 8 beeps, but why not give it a try?). And sure enough I got POST and it booted up in integrated gfx no problem! Unfortunately, that doean't tell me a whole lot. I have thoroughly inspected both the MB and the 780M with a macro lens on a camera, and nothing has been nicked or injured (I didn't use anything metal when gently prying off the heatsinks, so I didn't expect any damage anyway, but still checked).

    Very possibly the problem was me being lazy.. I didn't use an ESD ground strap/bracelet. I have one, but can't for the life of me find it. I have done many laptop repairs, mods and repastes over the years (including this one) and never used the ESD strap, so that is on me and may have finally caught up to me. So I am seeking the advice of those more knowledgeable than myself in this matter. It is certainly possible that I accidentally touched something while not grounded and had some static discharge and ruined some small component on the MB or GFX card. What I need to find out now, is if there is any way for me to further diagnose this, and be SURE it is the MB that has an issue, and can not see the GFX card, OR if the GFX card is bad?

    I am typing this post up on the laptop now, so at least I can use it with Intel graphics. But that still doesn't mean the MB is out of the question. If I boot into the BIOS settings (A10 BIOS modded from techinferno), on the main page where it lists your hardware info, on Discrete graphics 1 (where the 780M currently sits) it says [Not Detected], IDK if that helps any.

    Currently I am a broke college student, in my last year of a medical program, and I REALLY want this thing to last me one more year lol. After I graduate I can afford to buy whatever the new hotness is for 2017, maybe the successor to the Eurocom Sky X9 or something similar! But for now I need this guy firing on all cylinders.

    Well, its late (or early lol) and I am tired. I THINK that I have provided all of the info I have to offer currently, I know this is certainly a long post, my apologies. I won't blame anyone for saying TL;DR haha. My thanks in advance to anyone that actually reads through this and has some input or advice that I didn't know, or think of, to help further diagnose this problem!
  2. TBoneSan

    TBoneSan Laptop Fiend

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    Sorry my answer will be short since I'm on a phone.
    Have you tried a CMOS chip power drain after the GPU was installed?
    Also sometimes (rarely) the GPU's need to be reseated and they'll play ball. So it's definitely worth another shot.
    I doubt you've damaged anything from static.

    My fingers are crossed for ya.
    BlueBomber likes this.
  3. BlueBomber

    BlueBomber Notebook Enthusiast

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    That's OK I appreciate the reply. I did try that, I did it based off my poor memory so I am not 100% sure I did it correctly. Just unplug the power adapter and remove the battery and hold down the power button for a set amount of time right? That is what I did, held it down for about 25 seconds. I did not unplug the CMOS battery connector though. I also did reseat the GPU multiple times as well when I removed it to inspect it, and I made sure it was firmly pressed all the way into the MXM connector. Thanks again for the reply man.
  4. BlueBomber

    BlueBomber Notebook Enthusiast

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    Bumpity bump. Anyone have any other ideas?
  5. Raidriar

    Raidriar ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

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    If you can't boot with the iGPU only (no MXM card), your board or CPU are toast. If you can't boot with the 780M, you may have roasted it unexpectedly. I done something similar recently, with a 780M too no less.
  6. BlueBomber

    BlueBomber Notebook Enthusiast

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    I can boot using iGPU only, the 780M won't even POST. Did you damage yours while you were doing maintenance like me? Sure is a bummer lol. Assuming that is actually what my issue is..
  7. Raidriar

    Raidriar ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

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    Yes, mine died during installation. Just a freak accident.
  8. kenny27

    kenny27 Notebook Deity

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    Wouldn't hurt to try a full CMOS inclusive power drain as TBoneSan suggested.