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    How to Overclock the Alienware 18 and Haswell CPU (or actually have it run full stock Turbo Speed)

    Discussion in 'Alienware 18 and M18x' started by Mr. Fox, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. Sean Wallace

    Sean Wallace Newbie

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    I have tried searching for my answer, and this feels like the Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole. I found a 4930mx (thanks to this site because I was going to buy the 4940) for way cheaper then the other two high end Haswell chips. Anyway, I am an OC virgin that needs help. Unlike you guys, Im not rocking an Alienware but a MSI GT70; Its supposed to have an 180W limit + the 87 Whr the battery provides for maximum watt consumption. I'm currently experimenting with soldering a power jack to a 240W brick to see if it works (once it arrives in the mail.) My GPU is upgraded to a 980M so I REALLY dont have much headroom for watts. I think it draws 125W by itself. Anyway, finding OC settings in the 4ghz mark is pretty easy on this page; but I need a sweet spot/plateau in the OC settings.

    Around mid 3's would make me happy. It just cant be sucking wattage away from the gpu. SO my question is does someone have a OC build?spec? that they could share to suit my needs?
    Another question is if I OC it to 3.7 and I'm playing a game, will the processor always suck wattage even if its not taxed?

    Please & Thank You

    P.S Planning on Conductonaut for heat.
  2. smoking2k

    smoking2k Notebook Consultant

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    The 4940x or 4930x will only pull 65 watts long term with short term boost slightly more. The 180w limit is probable set by the mobo and the 240w adaptor most likely wont help. As long as the C-states are active the processor will down clock when not under load so no it going pull that all the time. Also 4930mx has a boost of 3.9 and will hold it indefinitely(even under long term power setting of max 57w(or what max allowed in bios is)) so 3.7ghz isn't an OC. I would just play with the voltage and multipliers until your happy while watching the temps.
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