Hmmm, I can see the point here. But, just as you mention in your 2nd paragraph, essential reasons why I even wanted the 18 was: #1 The bigger screen, #2 The aesthetics (which come into consideration and honestly, involve a bit of your 1st paragraph): figuring something newer than the M18 R2 which is this AW18 having a much newer processor and GPU's.
And yeah, I appreciate the elaboration here; didn't know the AW18 has 2 less SATA ports. Also, I have to admit, the M18X R2, when I was looking at those, the aesthetics were much more appealing. The last points you make are good to note as well. Thanks.
Awesome! Thanks.
Chivalrous Roamin Knight Notebook Enthusiast
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
The reason 2 GPU's don't work in SLI with iGPU enabled (officially) as far as I know is that it's not an officially supported configuration by NV, either that or its just the dGPU isn't driving the display.
People I have a similar problem I need help, only I have a card 780m in the BIOS is the SG mode and the card in Windows 10 does not switch to a discrete 780m not in games there is no place that I just did not try and mod the driver and in the settings panel NVIDIA exposed, nothing helps, the question of how to make the card 780m work normally, the frequency in gpuz shows normal but the current is very low...?????
Attached Files:
Sorry buddy, not sure how to help you. What's the reason why you are wanting to run in SG mode rather than PEG which I believe you stated works fine? Am I correct you have a single 780m?
Have you tried any other cards? I know you said it works fine in PEG, but perhaps the issue is with cards vbios...have you tried updating the vbios?
Yes, I tried to flash both from Dell and Msi, and nothing.. Try it yourself and make sure that cards like 780/880/980 don't work properly in SG mode.. the only thing is to mod the driver but you need to know exactly what, and so you can endlessly...
Hallo all. Maybe somebody can help me... I have AW18 and i installed 1060 mxm gpu. A12 unlocked bios-ok. Modified nvidia driver-ok. After start, gpu is work perfect, but gpu fan is sleep.
What i do... 3 version gpubios, but i stop do it. Now in my card bios by DELL. In diagnostic menu in bios fan is worked. It's not hardware problem. Thanks a lot -
I am running a 1060 i my aw18.
does your fan turn on when it gets hot?
because ive never been able to make the fan turn on with software, only while its in use. -
Yes, of course. When i tested in furmark, gpu have 80C, its very hot. But fan is sleep. Maybe you can send me you gpu bios version and modify driver in email?
Not at my laptop till tomorrow, I can figure something out.
if on boot you press F12, and go diagnostics, does the gpu fan spin up?
And for the heck of it, did you check that you remembered to plug the fan in? -
Yes. In diagnostic its working. When I installed my old gpu 780m fan is working perfectly.
In all programs a haven’t use control fan. In test furmark, when t is 80c, i stoped test. I have 80c after 8-10 sec in test.
Hey dude,
would this card work :
looks like its 1070 with MXM 3.0b ?Last edited: Oct 8, 2020 -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
These recent models of 1070 MXM 3.0 B (black PCB) weren't available when you started this thread right?
On the good side, it looks like there would not be a problem with the heatsink and key board / palm rest sticking out because of akward angle...
On the bad side, we have absolutely no clue where these black PCB cards come from and how professionally they were baked... and therefore their overall quality and durability... -
Nvidia heat sink need a modification with these gpu due to an choke
I'm getting a 1070 MXM MSI card from a GT72VR.
I just read this:
is that card going to be a problem? -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
great thread.
DaMafiaGamer I'm news here and I would like to ask you few questions in regards to doing the same to my laptop could you please PM me as I cant do it.
I have a Alienware 18 (2015) I7-4940mx & GTX 980M (x2) SLI. but I susperct im having GPU issues as the laoptop keeps hibernating soon as the laptop starts to do demanding tasks, like games or 4K videos or even instaling a program. I have tried disabeling all the sleep and hibernation but it still precists.
Sorry for the late reply guys but i fixed it after a clean instal it works perfect and it seems to be a corrupt driver or windows update but I havent managed to find out exactly which but is one of the optional windows updates because it happened again when when i updated and needed to clean instal fora second time no now I dont download anything thats is not necessery from windows as it seems to corrupt
[SUCCESSFUL] Alienware 18 + MSI GTX 1070 MXM
Discussion in 'Alienware 18 and M18x' started by DaMafiaGamer, Jun 18, 2018.