Hi all
Recently bought a M18x R2, and am weighing my options for a GPU upgrade. It currently has a GTX765M.
I have read a number of threads here as far as options go, and the most interesting one is obviously the 1070. I gather due to the LVDS display type some jiggery pokery is required to get things off the ground.
So I have a theory I would like to run by you kind folks, what if:
* it was possible to replace the original panel with this one, assuming it is eDP:
* then connect it via an eDP to LVDS adapter to the mainboard, I mean maybe this one:
* and maybe then all this faff with the SG mode and the iGPU malarchy can be forgotten and with an unlocked bios the below GPU would "just" work with the internal LCD?
Now, I do realize there is a high likelihood I may be talking out of my ass, so I won't mind for my wishful thinking to be shot down in flames!
Would appreciate your feedback on whether you think this could be pulled of![]()
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
The lcd cable on the m18x r2 does not use that connection type like the one you linked.
But in theory if I found one that matches the one in M18x, could it work?
https://m.uk.dhgate.com/product/3-3...7785071|011018003002|GB|topstore1|m|2|#pd-011Last edited: Apr 9, 2019 -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
I once tried directly wiring a edp port for a 4K 18.4’’ lcd I found on taobao. This was on an Alienware 18 but I used the mini display port capacitors to a solder wires for data pins, I can’t remember properly but it was 8 I believe. The power was the main concern though. I maybe fried the circuit somehow but the voltage was no cause for concern as 18.4’’ edp screen uses 5v too (same as default lvds).
All in all I tried the screen connected with a 4K cable and the laptop beeped, I remember the beep code being display error or bad cable. I tried the original cable on the motherboard and it was the same. I basically failed, it could have been due to two things: I didn’t correctly solder the lvds detection wire to the edp cable so it wouldn’t work or I fried the circuit by joining a data pin to the 5v line which essentially killed the mdp ic and lcd probably.
Remember I tried this with a alienware 18 not 18x r2. You will most definitely have better luck with an adapter... -
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DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
I’ve sold the laptop now, there are many flaws with it which I couldn’t bare. Plus I fried the mb there was little I could do. I bought a p870dmg instead. And am modding it currently to support a 9900k. A laptop way more capable than any I’ve seen out there.MagicMike likes this. -
Be very careful when messing with LVDS/EDP pin configuration, it’s very easy to screw up if you do not have schematics, send power some place it should not be going and fry the board or fry the display.
M18x-oldie likes this. -
The panel you linked is not edp. Its same panel used in MSI GT80 and GT83VR. Its lvds panel. As far as I know only asus 18.4" sli laptop had 4k edp panel.
DaMafiaGamer likes this.
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
MagicMike likes this. -
The 9900k is twice as thick as 8700k (9:16 mark), and der8auer believes that that's why it runs so hot.
When you look at gaming benchmarks comparing both 8700k and 9900k both running at the same freq. the 9900k is not actually faster because of unavoidable thermal induced throttling coupled with the fact that nearly all games do not care about core count, but only IPC and freq:
Ultimately youre wasting your time, you already have the best CPU for gaming.Last edited: Apr 17, 2019 -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
I'd only advise a 9900K for desktop owners, sure you can pop it in your Clevo, it'll burn your house down and throttle to below base clocks, but it'll still run if you're just after 8c/16t. Even in a desktop, its only marginally faster in gaming loads. However, in workstation-type multi-threaded loads, in scenarios's where you can cool it, it beats out the 8700K/2700X by a decent bit.
vulcan78 likes this. -
Another thing that has just sprung to mind, can you run two 1070 in SLI in Optimus?
There is a guy on Ebay selling a M18x R2 with a 1070, but only single, and when I asked said he was sure two would work as well.
Has anyone tried dual 1070 in M18x R2 in Optimus? -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
How would that possibly work
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Thats what I'm saying. Optimus is single GPU only
That's what I thought too based on what I had read here, but he planted a seed of doubt
He sells modded M18x laptops on Ebay, Transylvania laptops or something he is called, so one would assume he should know what he is talking about! -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Ok, so no 1070 SLI in SG mode...crap, I was hoping I would buy one SLI capable 1070 now, and then in a few years buy another to keep the system relevant but hey ho. I might just have to settle for the same plan but with a 980m instead.DaMafiaGamer likes this. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
A single 1070 is already approaching bottlenecking with a 3940XM or other extreme editions, another would surely be a bottleneck.
I was thinking that if I get one SLI'able 1070 now, even if I cant stick another one into the AW due to bottlenecks maybe I can move it to another (my next) laptop...the cheapest option now would obviously be 980m...what is this scaling issue with SLI anyway? tried to find what it looks like on YouTube but no luck really.
I secretly wish someone mods a newer gen CPU into the M19x R2 -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
MagicMike likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
You need one with an sli connector, I got you covered
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Thanks Grant, I should have mentioned I would like to stay with 18 inches, so not much to choose from within my limited budget and high upgradability.
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
You can likely sell the M18X for a decent bit of cash, people are still paying oodles for old AW stuff
If you ever do decide to upgrade, take a look at the GT75-GT83 series from MSI, if you don't mind thin and lights, the GE75.MagicMike likes this. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
Where are you located ? -
So I can see in device manager 2 AMD cards and internal Intel 4600 HD
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DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
mido.fayad likes this. -
Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Here is pics
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Mastermind5200 Notebook Virtuoso
Are both cards running at 8x or 4x?
@mido.fyad Use GPU-Z to get the bandwidth usage of your MXM cards.
Link to GPU-Z site HERE.
[Research] Retrofitting an eDP display to M18x R2
Discussion in 'Alienware 18 and M18x' started by MagicMike, Apr 9, 2019.