Hello Guys,
I need some help, I followed the guide and installed the new screen but the new screen doesn't come up. Only after 5 mins the back light comes up but shows nothing. How do I know if the problem is in the screen or the cable?
thanks for replying btw -
That is weird....You did remember to change the display port correct? Your not using the same display port that the original cable was plugged into? Aside from those two items I would have to presume you have either a bad screen or a bad cable.
my new replacement screen arrived today, just installed it and problems... again
boots into window ok, and as soon as the login screen appears it goes dark.... sometimes it works at 60hz, but as soon as i select 120hz it goes dark and i can only see a faint background on the screen...
i put my old 120hz screen that had a stuck pixel and its fine running at 120hz...
emailed laptopscreen.com and they are saying its a 120hz screen they have sent me, they dont know why it wont work...
this is turning into a nightmare, it must be the new screen as the old one works fine... this is getting very expensive, especially send these back from the UK
any suggestions guys?
Ian -
So many people having issues lately after the first few of us ran into zero problems, you have bad screens, another guy has a bad cable....
i know im going to try and ask them to send a new screen, the only problem is i pay £30 every time they delivery a screen.
Lets see what happens
Thanks for replying
Ian -
Just a small update
Laptopscreens.com arranged at their cost to return the two screens that are either dead or doesnt seem to work at all on 120hz. The remaining screen is still fitted in my AW17 but it does have a couple of stuck pixels.
The screens should arrive back with laptopscreens.com this friday. At that point they have told me they will test them and tell me of there findings...
i will update again once i know more, im happy with the service they have offered to me, im not sure of the quality of these screens i have been receiving though!!!
IanMickyD1234 likes this. -
Does Dell offer this upgrade or this is the only way ?
Hi Guys,
Just a final update of whats happened over the weekend... and a thank you to Laptopscreens.com for having the resolve to understand and conclude my problem i have been having with getting a good screen...
the bad news is, its not that easy to find a screen that will match the bios that Dell have loaded onto their chosen manufacturer at the time of production. Ive had 3 screens in total one was dead on arrival and the other would simply not switch into 120hz.
The reason for this is the screen version your receive. the first screen i bought worked fine apart from the stuck pixels in the centre of the screen. please see image below for version no of that particular screen. it important bit is the ref to DO2.
The 2 other screens i received had CO1 at the end of the part no, and these won't work... you will see from the image i have attached... there is defiantly a verision change and even if the part no is correct you need the correct version to work on an AW17.
Laptop screens when first starting to sell the screens they seem to be all DO2 version, the latest batch they have is CO1
Hope this helps, they have now offered me a full refund for the two screens, and extended the warranty for my stuck pixel screen by a further 30 days, just in case they can't get any with the right version or i can try and find the correct version from another supplier, not sure there are any to be honest.
IanAttached Files:
Wow that really sucks, I guess I got lucky in buying before they changed the model numbers. I will put an update in the main thread at the start referencing this..thank you !
Edit: Update added in the main post so others know what to possibly expectMickyD1234 likes this. -
I sent my screen back to them and they said it was working, so i'm not sure. I'm not sure of the extension that the screen had, but they said the only screen they have has the extension P01.
Hi Guys
Just wondering which driver you are all using, I'm currently using the latest driver for my 780m and 3d screen, but every time i boot up it goes through the bios screen and the windows splash screen and then goes black.
if i then restart it it goes through some sort of data check and boots fine. i only recall this happening since i updated the drivers...
any thoughts guys
Ian -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
DDU is most recommended for this: Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)
Good Luck.MogRules likes this. -
So, looks like they also have a matte version of the 3d screen.. Not in stock though.
LTN173HT02-T01 Replacement Laptop LCD Screen From $75.99 Brand-new screens.
EDIT: Once I finally get around to doing this upgrade, I am going to get a lcd converter (takes a bare lcd and adds dvi, hdmi, and vga plugs) then take the old lcd and make a external display that plugs into my 17.... hoping I can make a mobile triple screen rig... well, kinda mobile.Last edited: Dec 4, 2014MogRules and MickyD1234 like this. -
IanC likes this. -
Seems to be ok, I loaded up DDU uninstaller and removed the now no longer needed HD5000 drivers and now it seems to boot fine.
Forgot they where still installed even though since I installed the 3D screen it's bypassed anyways..
Let's see what happens over the next few days, fingers crossed it sorted now
Thanks a lot
IanMogRules and MickyD1234 like this. -
3d screen, cable and all parts for the 3d swap are on the way! Sometime next week I will be rocking 120hz.
MogRules and MickyD1234 like this. -
ebay, guy had a full swap with bezel new from dell for $200. He had a extra from his swap that never ended up using.
pn on the lcd is ltn173ht02-t01Ashtrix likes this. -
LCD shows up thrusday afternoon! Im excited to get this 120hz thing going.
Also excited to try 3d vision, Kinda want to barrow some glasses though before i spend the money on them.... make sure I like gaming in 3d first.
EDIT: was just reading up on some 3d vision things... seems alot of people liked it, but its kind of a dead tech already due to the closed hardware "ecosystem" of it. Too many requirements on hardware and not enough other companies wanted in to make much content.
I guess I can watch 3d movies still.Last edited: Dec 16, 2014MogRules likes this. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
I love the 3d gaming but if you're an on-line gamer then it's not for you.
You can get a reasonable idea of how it works in your games by using the 'discover' option in the 3D settings and wearing anaglyph (two color) glasses. Only a few bucks for them. They often cause eye-strain but you're only testing, not a full-blown gaming session.
Most of the games I play right now are online FPS, but I have been wanting to play Outlast in 3d... I got the game awhile ago, but have been putting of playing it till I can get 3d, and a bunch of free time to play in the dark with headphones.
I have been wanting to get into some more survival horror type games, and I think 3d would be a big plus for those games. -
When I get it all setup, I know my pavtube bluray ripper can rip 3d, so I hope it can play ripped 3d blurays.
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
The Alan Wake games work well for the horror/survival genre.
FYI I think the most impressive 3D, in that you soon no longer notice it and it becomes natural, is Portal (II). Gotta love puzzlers for that though... -
Love portal games, I have a aperature science sticker on the back of my truck
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
The problem with a ripped 3D movie is depending on whether they are compressed or not the full rip can be 40+gb.
MickyD1234 likes this.
Screen is installed!
Any settings I need to change? drivers that need to be installed?
I had to go into the nvidia control panel and set it to 120hz, but not sure if there is anything else.MogRules likes this. -
No glasses or IR yet, but soon I will have them. For the glasses, I notice that the 3d vision 1 glasses are cheap, do they work with the 3d vision 2 lcd, or should I spring for the correct ones?
Just went into all the settings, everything looks good. Cant wait for my lunch break to fire up some games.... I watched a true 120hz video on blurbusters website, very very nice! Gives the computer that high res, im going to be sick, wow this is lifelike quality
I am going to link 2 of the 4 tactx hotkeys on the right side to toggle 3d on and off. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
MogRules likes this. -
OK, so one thing I have noticed, not sure whats up with it... when I turn on the laptop, the lcd flashes white for a second, then goes to the normal booting screen.... Normal?
Yeah, it all works just fine, detects at 120hz, just concerning that it flashes white when turning on.... here is a video of it.
Seems it only flashes when the computer starts, not when the screen turns on. I let the computer shut off the lcd, then shook the mouse to turn it back on. Turned on just fine.
Here is also the lcd controller I am getting tomorrow to power my spare 60hz lcd. Going to make a sweet external display using my spare bezel and a extra lid.
HDMI DVI VGA LCD Controller Board Monitor DIY Kit for 1920x1080 B173HW02 V 1 | eBayLast edited: Dec 18, 2014 -
Good afternoon.
I received an Alienware 17X (R5) recently, and would LOVE to upgrade to the 120 screen just for the better
optics, not that interested in the 3D portion at this time.
I contacted laptopscreens and they have the LTN173HT02-P01 screen in stock now. They do not have the D02
and it looks like the C01 has been replaced.
Would the LTN173HT02-P01 work? Or, can you tell me where/what screen to get.
I have an 860m 2GB of Ram in the machine, and already have the replacement LCD connector from Dell for
the 120 screen.
Thank you for ALL of your assistance! -
So I played some titanfall on my lunch break at work, not too impressed with the 120hz screen. I thought something was wrong so I checked and double checked settings. It all looked good. Well I just fired up titanfall again and lowered the graphic settings in game from maxed out to a but lower.... Wow! Now it looks like 120hz now that I vam reach higher fps. With the 60hz the game looked fine maxed out, but with 120hz, I couldn't get my frame rate up high enough to make use of that 120hz screen.
So now I need to over clock the hell out of my 780m so I can put my setting back up high again. -
MickyD1234 Notebook Prophet
Could be your eyes are much better than mine, it's always very subjective when assessing displays. -
The colors are alot better, I will say that, but I think it was more of my computer not keeping the fps high enough to fully use the 120hz. WHen I lowered my setttings it looked great.
MickyD1234 likes this. -
If getting 120 FPS was a requirement for it to look good then our 780m's wouldn't have a chance in most games in anything even close to ultra settings. -
So, something odd, I am trying to do a video call for school and my headphone and mic jacks dont work....
Im going to reinstall drivers and see how that goes.
Reinstalling the audio drivers worked perfect.
As for the games not seeming to run right, I think it might of had to do with the settings I had in nvidia control panel from my 60hz screen. There was a bunch of random tweeks I had to do to get rid of micro stutter and mouse input lag problems for titanfall.Last edited: Dec 19, 2014 -
I'm not sure why you are not seeing an immediate improvement with 120hz whilst playing titanfall. To be honest I mainly use high setting, I never max a game out. Sometimes there not a lot different from high to max settings anyway...
Do you remember what the part no was on the back of your 120hz screen you installed, as mine has a stuck pixel and the replacement one didn't work...
Thanks a lot
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk -
Sorry that reply was for ejohnson, sorry
Sent from my iPad using TapatalkMickyD1234 likes this. -
PN for the screen I have is ltn173ht02-t01.
I only noticed a change when I lowered the settings all being set to high, to a mix of high and medium. After that the change was huge. When set to all highest (geforce experience "recommended") there was noticable frame drops and choppy game play. As soon as I put the settings down a bit, the drops were all gone and it looked great. -
i know what you mean, with a 120hz screen and a 780m you won't be able to run at ultra settings and get above 50fps on BF4 for example. I run at high setting 1080p 120hz on bf4 and i get around 81 fps and it looks great. The colours pop more and its alot smoother than it was on my 60hz panel.
120Hz 3D Screen upgrade for Alienware 17 R1
Discussion in 'Alienware 17 and M17x' started by MogRules, Aug 3, 2014.