yeah it is very availableRevelator, is it crazy to ask dell rep the following
"I borrowed a 6990m from a friend of mine with m17x-r3, but I don't have the heatsink, I wanna compare the two gpu, can you please send me a 6990m heatsink?"
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Just tell them you had heat issues with the 580M and switched to a 6990M via a private sale, but the old (580M) heatsink doesn't fit properly, so you need a 6990M heatsink. It is my impression that Dell wants to avoid selling a part that won't work with your setup (as they understand it), as opposed to rationing cards. Help them understand that you need the part to use in your R3 (and not for resale). Sometimes you have to dance a little.
Rumors are saying that the 690m (they are only rumors) that will have a 900MHz to 950MHz CORE... nice if that is the true
what du u think?
yes it is .... and nvidia sometimes is a joke trying to sell us junk... -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
SlickDude80 Notebook Prophet
bigtonyman Desktop Powa!!!
SlickDude80 Notebook Prophet
well...this is what i have been hearing. It appears that the original leaked benches of the mid 4k 680m 3dmark11 was real. and the poster just guessed at what the 7970m would do. We saw benches for the 680m, but not for the 7970m
Then amd comes out with 6k 3dmark11's (which we have confirmed)...the 680m is back in the shop right now getting tweaked -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Did AMD just pull another 9700pro on Nvidia but now in notebooks? Lol.
SlickDude80 Notebook Prophet
^^^ lol...i remember that fiasco...the 9700 pro was the best thing going. I still have it somewhere in my video card graveyard in the basement
I think ATI just went all in with 7970m. No messing around.
Does anyone know if there's a built in benching utility for metro 2033?
I just installed metro and the game is fluid at 1920x1080 VERY HIGH, AAA DX10
I've played through the first 20 mins of the game and fraps is showing me anywhere from 40-80 fps. I've yet to experience a slowdown or jittering.
THis is amazing in itself! -
I wanna play metro like that too
damn it, please Table fix the card!!
pay the game with the DX11? jaja an du will see that fraps around 25 jajaj xD!
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Odd how the 675m costs $150 dollars more even though it is a truly inferior card!
SlickDude80 Notebook Prophet
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
I hope they are fooled as this means it will be easier for the rest of us to get our hands on one
I'm refreshing like crazy... haha. Reading and re-reading this guide. May have a few questions as I go along, but hopefully all will go smoothly on the install. My fujipoly thermal pads should be here tomorrow too.
If only someone create a video tutorial since the heatpipes are so dead fragile
I will donate 20$ for that video . -
bigtonyman Desktop Powa!!!
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using tapatalk 2 -
SlickDude80 Notebook Prophet
^^^ well, just pull on them or yank on the heatpipes and you will be fine. If you're trying to lift off the heatsink, DON'T pull on the heatpipes...instead, lift up from the heavier heatsink
Added overclocking section to the guide -
gj slick for this awesome guide and for this awesome benchmarks!!!!
+rep for me too!!! -
wish I had my sleeping beauty here with me so I can follow your guide
Okays, this is what I did with a Nvidia heatsink. You can pad the M17x R3 Nvidia GTX 580M heatsink and 7970M GPU up as displayed in the pics.
Green - add 1mm of thermal pad.
Red - remove padding/do not pad!
Purple - add 1.5mm of squidgy thermal pad.
Pink - add around 2mm of thermal pad so that these parts are level with the other resistors/components.
DO NOT forget the 2mm pad that is put between the GPU and motherboard.
The grey pad in the heatsink bit is 1mm, the beige pad is about 2mm. Pad the components that are INSIDE the squares, not the square itself.
Credits to graz'zt, your sacrifice enabled me to come up with this. Good luck with the GPU! -
What are temps looking like vs the 6990m?
Great guide! Gonna keep my 6970M for a little while longer to see how well this goes for everyone and then decide when to get a 7970M, for now, bookmarked!
SlickDude80 Notebook Prophet
based on furmark,
@ stock 850/1200 = 68c
@ 950/1325 = 78c
I read on notebookcheck that the 7970m has a built in throttling algorithm for furmark and CCTU,can u confirm that slick?
Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk 2 -
guys can i add 7970m to my g74sx using gtx 560m?
SlickDude80 Notebook Prophet
At stock, i saw no throttle -
Team - for those that are interested, see this new thread in the main Alienware forum...
^^ definitely, I also talked with a rep a few weeks ago and he said there will be new gpus to upgrade in the coming weeks..
Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk 2 -
SlickDude80 Notebook Prophet
Thanks for the link Mr Fox!!!
Slick! I must hold myself not to buy another 7970m from Dell
SlickDude80 Notebook Prophet
I wonder how much Dell are selling them for.
If only we could do trade in's lol. Here you go dell my 6990Ms!
Cheers. -
for some reason my blood's boiling with bench desire
The card is not available yet folks (from Dell) I will get an update in 48 hours and will let everybody know what's the deal! -
SlickDude80 Notebook Prophet
we can only buy.
huh? how strange is that? ^^
hope it will be solved soon.
[GUIDE] Installing and Overclocking the AMD Mobility 7970 in the M17x R3,an illustrated guide
Discussion in 'Alienware 17 and M17x' started by SlickDude80, Apr 24, 2012.