tried. Bios crashes the same way as if you choose pci.
Down i say how to solve it without a blind flash...
Hi guys,
So yesterday i got a 7970m AMD radeon video card from my friend. I replaced the 6990m in my alienware with the 7970m since the 6990m broke.
However, when i installed the thing, put in new thermal paste and boot it up in order to install the new drivers, the computer boots up fine. But the moment
I plugged in the charger, the screen did some artifacting and crashed. When i powered the laptop on again, the screen goes blank, but the fans, lights on the keyboard, and even
the sound (*windows boot up sound) works. I tried plugging in an external monitor, but it didn't work. I went to best buy to get it fixed (Since they said that it was a mother board problem), but they couldn't and told me to send it to alienware.
However, my warranty has expired so i had to pay more =(. What should/could i do?!
Thanks -
You sure you did everything right? Try to restore the BIOS to factory settings and pull out a dedicated graphics card if the laptop turns on with a built-GPU may be a problem in AMD
Look what I found, someone can confirm or deny this post:
Re: 7970M Dim Screen Fix on R3, Sort Of....
This fix is not required for Windows 8 as the brightness works as it should with the latest drivers.
***** #29 -
Did you use heatsink from 460m? I hope you used heatsink that is for amd 7970m, as otherwise card can come in contact with 460m heatsink and essentially short out (dead for our purposes, needs professional attention at the hardware level). Happened to me..
Is the screen dimming issue still around after a year and a half? I don't want to upgrade if the screen is gonna be wonky.
hey guys.. I have started a different topic about my problem but no one seemed to reply it so i thought it would be ok to post it right here.. anyone experiencing vga output not working on the r3 with 7970m ? i really need to sort out the problem please someone help me ..
my HD6990M in my m17x r3 died yesterday now i think about to replace it with a HD7970M or if possible with a HD8970M. Can i use the guide or there are news to avoid all problems?
sorry my english is not very good. -
Hey Everyone,
I just bought a solid state drive and I am waiting for my 7970m to come in next week (Jan 6) so I can get this baby rolling. I will be doing a fresh install of windows on the SSD but just wanted to know if anything has changed in this thread? I pretty much read the whole thing (91 pages, my brain is melting) and understand that there is a dimming issue but that can be easily fixed with putting HWiNFO as a start up application to correct the issue. Anything else I should keep into consideration when doing this other then flashing the bios to A08 (already done) and disabling the integrated card (I see some people are turning them on to correct the dim issue)? I'll follow up as soon as the card comes and get it going. Thanks everyone!
BTW awesome guide and awesome community support I see going on this website!
Are you guys still using the 12.7 drivers or have you upgraded to the latest driver 13.2? I think I read somewhere that on 12.9 they added Enduro technology? -
Anyone know of easy way to remove the X bracket from the back of the old graphics card and transfer it to the new one?
I guess enduro doesnt work for people with M17x R3, however I have found a way (by myself) to make SG working! sort of:
1: uninstall in control manager and in device manager intel and amd drivers and REBOOT
2: make sure you have SG in BIOS
3: install Intel drivers and REBOOT
4: install AMD drivers and REBOOT
5: when you start in windows it might crash or it might give a black screen. If it does NOT continue from step 8
6: CRASH--> just try again or switch to PEG for one startup before switching back to SG in BIOS
7: Black screen --> press windows key and cursor to the right to shutdown the laptop (DO NOT use the power button to force shutdown)
8: go to catalyst control center and switch to Igpu in power options (make sure you have programs closed. Logitech driver will inhibit switching for instance)
9: once switched you can use Igpu YAY!
Now for switching back there is a problem since it will crash every boot after switching back since it will crash/give black screen while switching also. I have found the fix:
1: switch back to High performance card --> crash and every boot thereafter it will too (for me)
2: change bios settings to PEG if it crashes (use step 5-6-7 if it doesnt work after switching to PEG in BIOS)
3: once back into windows restart again and switch back to SG in BIOS
4: You are once again set to switch to Igpu when needed but running High performance for now
Ofcourse I think the chances are high this will not work for most of you guys but I thought I would share it anyway. -
Has anyone go variable brightness working with this card on the R3? I've just bought this card off ebay but probably will cancel if I can't adjust the brightness
Great guide Slick, thanks a lot for such a good job!
I just upgraded my M17X R3 from a 6970m to a 7970m and I'm experiencing problems to put it working, I will appreciate if anybody can give me an idea about how to fix it.
The problem is that it works as far as the AMD driver is not installed, but as soon as I install it and reboot, then I get white stripped screen just after loading windows desktop and stuck laptop so I have to keep power button to shut down.
Used AMD cleanup utility before installing the driver.
7970m purchased to Upgrademonkey.
I tried A12 unlocked BIOS and currently using A08 unlocked.
Using 12.7 modded driver.
Tried either enabled and disabled IGP procedures.
Tried .17 and .21 vBios, currently .17
Windows 7
Thanks in advance guys.
UPDATE: Installed vBios .17 and stock AMD 13.8 beta 2 and it boots up and loads windows perfectly. Stays stable until I run any game, then I get artifacts for a while and a few seconds later white screen with vertical lines and crash. -
Would the install be the same for upgrading to a AMD HD8970M 4GB from a 6900M?
sorry for resurrecting this necro thread, but I wanna ask.. just today I'd like to overclock the 7970m on my m17x r3 since I am not satisfied with its current performance on Watch Dogs and Crysis 3, but when I was about to download afterburner, it's version is already 3.0.1.. I wanna ask first if this version supports the 7970m dell oem.. and about the overclocking itself, how much should I increase to be rock stable or to get better performance on the games I mentioned above? I know it is a per die basis but I kinda want to get the idea as to what frequency range will I be playing around?
Thanks!! -
Recently got my amd 7970m for my m17x R3 to replace my GTX 560m (and also an GTX 580m that got defected on its first day), and it is working all fine with the first driver download that was enlisted to the OP.
My question is, is there any newer drivers that work together with this card? -
Same here, i installed a 7970m, i cant get a working actual drivers, CCC dont appear it says nothing to display.
Some help will be apreciated. -
benchmark3d links are all dead, so I am now struggling finding these drivers. Would anyone happen to have them still?
My 6990M just died in my Alienware M17 R3, and i was looking for some help. This upgrade guide is awesome i have to admite.
I found via Ebay the 7970M, what do you think guys?
US $289.00 and NEW? This card will work properly or there is something wrong with the MXM port?.
I also found this ones, with superior prices and used:
what is the trick?
Thanks you in advice guys, -
I've got a brand new 7970M if you're interested. Tried installing in M17X R3, cannot get it recognized. However, M17X R5 works great.
cannot get it recognized on R3? Ouch, that sounds bad bro. im scared of buy right now.
I bought a 7970m and replaced my dead 6990m for my 17x r3 and its working great.
Follow the OP guide for details, but this is what I did last week, I did it a bit backwards from OP but can confirm I have a fully running 7970m in my alienware m17x r3.
This is what I did:
1) Removed 6990m using OP guide.
2) Insert with 7970m using OP guide.
3) Downloaded and installed the most recent AMD drivers, no luck DID NOT WORK, poor resolution and a warning advising cannot find any AMD product (even though its showing in device manager) this is why I was asking for the modded drivers a few posts up.
4) Anyway the links for the modded drivers on this thread are gone, the domain has been shut and after a lot of searching to no avail, I accepted they cannot be found So I moved on and see what I could do.
5) Back to square one, I unlocked my bios, used the link in the OP to download, the link does work and installed A08 bios correctly
6) I followed the guide exactly at this point, changed Primary Display to PEG and disabled Internal Graphics Device.
7) Once that was done I went back to my desktop, still a really poor resolution, but this time when I installed the AMD latest drivers from last time and THEY WORKED!!! desktop changed to 1920x1080 and the system was fully recognising the card. (note: these were not modded drivers just most recent drivers for the 7970m from the AMD website).
When you go to your desktop the screen will dim slightly, I believe the modded drivers with the dead links here sorted this problem out, (only guessing here cause of dead links). Well I found this work around: IT WORKS, however it is a minor annoyance having to boot up HWiNFO64 when you log on, but its done in a few seconds and having a fully working 7970m sure beats this minor inconvenience.
So to recap dont be concerned on buying a 7970m for your r3 it works, just remember to unlock bio, points 5 & 6 are extremely important, in order for the latest drivers to work.
Cheers and good luck
WolLast edited: Aug 2, 2015Varlgarv likes this. -
Thanks you so much Wol, now i'm on this for sure.
What do you think of this one? 266$ is a good price for it nowadays?
And the "X" Brackets, thermal past and everything of my 6990 will be ok for the new 7970M?
Thanks you again dude,
Varl. -
Seems OK I bought my brand new with X-Brackets for £250, current conversion says thats around $389 (so take that as you will), but like I said it was brand new and also the seller was based in the my home country (UK).
The X bracket does work from the 6990m, however you may have to google on how to remove it, as the bracket on my 6990m was really stuck on to the card, not sure how to remove it without some serious force, but google / forums should help you, luckily as my card was new it came with a brand new separate bracket, so I didn't research too much how to remove the bracket from the old card.
You will need to buy some. The paste on the 6990m is not transferable, it was caked on and around the chip. You will definitely have to buy some new thermal paste.
The thermal pads from my 6990m were transferable you had to be REALLY delicate with them and patience is a must to remove it in tact as it can rip easily. Once removed I followed the guide here on where to put on the 7970m (note: they are in the same place as the 6990m).
So all in all, you will just need to purchase some thermal paste, however I hear transferring the x-bracket is possible but its a fairly difficult process. I would probably recommend getting a card with a bracket (or purchase a the bracket separately , however like I said I never removed mine so never researched too much in to it, so it actually might be quite simple task, but looking how stuck that bracket was to my 6990m I cannot see how it could be...
WolVarlgarv likes this. -
Indeed the X BRACKET seems like a pain in the ass, so researching one with it... I'm probably getting this one instead,
Just to be sure but, every model of 7970M are almost the same and are compatible with M17 R3, isn't? In this one they didn't say anything about R3 so i want to be sure.
And for the lolz: You test Baking your 6990M before replace it? can work? worth the time? i mean, there's nothing to lose.
Thanks, Varl. -
I can't say for sure every model of the 7970m, probably best to make sure it has Alienware at least in the decription (you know how they can be) lol
Here is what I bought on ebay, take notice it doesn't say r3 but does say Alienware: -
Finally got the 266$ one, shipping from China. Now that it's on travel, customs calls me for extra charges (like 100€).
Well, they got me. Good to know, never purchase from Outside EU again.
Hope at least, the GPU works. -
Bad news for me, just upgrade to 7970m.
I did everything exactly as in this guide.
I ran the laptop, the screen was black and I get 6 beeps. I had to do reset bios and screen startup, now in Bios says "Discrete graphics 1: [Not Detecetd]".
Varl. -
I can say you one thing. Never buy from China's seller. China Seller on sell me "new unused unopened card" and i've got opened, used, scratched, damage and non working gpu card. - 8 beeps!
And now i'm in get back gpu with extra pay for shipping and problems! China sellers' sux.
But back to topic:
Work Clevo 7970M 2GB without problems in M17x R3? -
TostitoBandito Notebook Evangelist
Question - the plastic stoppers on the 4 screw holes for the GPU heatsink attachment, are they vital? If so, any ideas where to get replacements?
retro_wol (or anyone else),
Can you help me get my 7970M working on my Alienware M17x R3 ?
I've followed all the instructions, however it's not working.
Here's what I've done:
Install modded A08 Bios from OP's link.
Changed to PEG
Disabled IGFX
Installed latest drivers from AMD's site (radeon-crimson-15.12-win10-64bit)
Windows boots fine. The device manager recognizes the card & shows drivers installed. Intel HD 3000 is gone.
However, as soon as I open any programs at all, the screen goes grey (back-light on, no pixels/color). I can hear the fans running, but i've verified that windows has actually crashed, it's not just the display.
Before it crashes, I can click around in windows no problem, only certain programs cause it to crash. It happens *immediately* after launching them. Usually before their GUI shows up. But, it's not just video games, it's things like internet browsers.
I've run GPU-Z & the temperatures seem fine (~ 55 celcius)
I wonder if I need to disable Enduro/PowerXpress through a modded driver, but haven't tried that because I haven't found a valid download link yet.
I upgraded to the 7970M because I was having identical issues with the previous card that came with the laptop (6970M).
I've wondered if there could be something wrong with the motherboard or the mux. I've debated baking the motherboard in the oven to see if it'll reflow any de-soldering issues.
I've tried Windows 7 with identical issues except it's a blue screen with vertical lines instead of grey-screen (not the blue screen of death with white writing, a teal-blue with no writing).
I've tried most of the combinations of muxless/fixed/dynamic/etc in the bios, but may have missed a combination. (had to blind flash a few times due to 8 beeps)
I've tried the A12 unlocked bios.
I've tried many different versions of official AMD drivers & Dell/Alienware from the last several years.
I've tried the disable/enable Ultra-Low-Power-State through the AutoHotKey file (but didn't verify if the registry had actually changed).
If I disable the device in the device manager (or uninstall the drivers), the machine runs fine (except no video games obviously).
My gut tells me either there's something faulty in the Motherboard/mux, or I need custom drivers. Maybe I'll research how to get a crash dump & analyze it to see if it has any clues.
Any suggestions?
If anyone has this working, maybe they could PM me & we could verify bios settings side-by-side, etc to see if there's something I have different.
My email is [email protected]
Thanks for your help.
DevinLast edited: Feb 5, 2016 -
Do all dell vbios versions work for an m17x r3? how about a
I have a 7970m with 015.022 vbios and short x-spreader (bracket). I was able to use longer screws to reach this bracket but I am not sure which Dell (alienware) laptop this came out of.
I tried it on my R3 but all I get is a black screen (no beeps), no windows sound -
Guys did anybody get the 7970M in the M17X R3 Fan to work on it's own without the need for HWinfo ? I want the bios to manage the temps not some software
Is this tutorial still the defacto method for installing a AMD 7970m into the Alienware m17xR3? Or have things changed the last couple years? I’ve read in some parts of the forums that people are just installing this card with the latest AMD drivers and off they go. Also, all the images in the OP‘s original post are no longer visible. Am I missing crucial information in that regard?
Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
[GUIDE] Installing and Overclocking the AMD Mobility 7970 in the M17x R3,an illustrated guide
Discussion in 'Alienware 17 and M17x' started by SlickDude80, Apr 24, 2012.