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    Thinking Of Moving From M15x To AW 14!

    Discussion in 'Alienware 14 and M14x' started by TricksterMatt, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. TricksterMatt

    TricksterMatt Notebook Consultant

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    Hey everybody, after 3-4 years of using my good old trusty M15x I think it's time to upgrade! I know the M15x is upgradable like the GPU & CPU, but I don't really want an old first generation i7 and I'd really like a newer system and a smaller system for portability as the M15x is basically as big as an M17x! Plus the new AW 14 looks very nice and has very good specs considering its an 14 inch laptop! Just a few questions

    1. How much would I get if I was to sell my M15x? UK price (Specs in sig)

    2. I've been hearing people have been having issues with the AW 14 like throttling and screen bleeding and stuff. Will there be a high chance of me getting a faulty model?

    3. If I ordered the AW 14 will it come packed with the latest drivers and stuff.

    4. How long will the system last for? i7 4700QM & GTX 765M

    5. Difference between the 1366x768 and the other screen? Will the 1366x768 still be a good screen as I want as much FPS possible and not really bothered with the whole IPS panel thing.

    6. Should I do it? :D
  2. bigtonyman

    bigtonyman Desktop Powa!!!

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    1. Personally I would just keep the M15x as you probably aren't going to get a lot of money for it.

    2. Well I wouldn't worry about it as you only hear about problems from people who have been having issues. People who are completely happy usually don't bother coming here so that's why it seems so lopsided.

    3. Well it will come with the latest drivers from dell, but you're probably going to want to update your graphics card drivers to the latest version via Nvidia's driver page.

    4. Its hard to really tell at this point. No one is really sure what this next gen hardware is going to do for ports on the PC, but we shall see.

    5. if you do get a 14, get 1080p. You spend a lot of time behind that screen and from what I have heard the 1080p ips panel that they use in the 14 is pretty awesome. ;)

    hope this helps!! :)
  3. jacker60

    jacker60 Notebook Consultant

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    I used to have a m15x, was my first alienware n_n, latter i go to an M14xR1, and now the AW14 :D

    Accordinf to the questions you made

    1. I dont know cause I live in México, but at least here in México you can get around 700~00 USD for that laptop, you could check some prices in ebay and get an idea on how much people sell it

    2. About the cleeding screen, I have it, and so far I have read that almost ALL IPS displays suffer from this, I can tell you that its dont noticeable in normal conditions, you need to turn off the lights, have a black background and the brightness to the maxium, to notice :p, not a problem, about the throttiling its easy to get rid of it, just enter into dedicated graphics mode, and you will be ok!!

    3. propably yes, since almost dont have any updates still, only the BIOS, and command center, but both are very easy of upgrade

    4. you have 4 years with your m15x, expect the same :p, maybe in 2 years you will not be able to run some games at maxium, but you can play it in medium, pretty sure of that

    5. Go fot he 1080p, I have the 1080 and is superb, i use to have the 1600x900 in my older m14x, but I opt for the 1080, its totally worth the upgrade, you have more space to work, and its not easy to upgrade a display aftermarket

    6. YES! from the m15x to an AW14 its a big jump, portability is better, I love my new AW 14 :D, im pretty sure you will not regret!

  4. TricksterMatt

    TricksterMatt Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks guys for you're replies! I will order my Alienware 14 by next week :D I can't wait! powerful gaming in a small machine!
  5. jacker60

    jacker60 Notebook Consultant

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    You're welcome! Just one thing that could be bad? I don't know how to say it, but passing from a 15.6 inches screen to a 14 will be strange and in the beginning I was like "uhm I miss my bigger screen" but you will get used to it, sure of that :)

    Sent via Tapatalk 2 via Sony Xperia S
  6. Alienware-L_Porras

    Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative

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    that's great to hear, if you need anything from tech support do not hesitate to contact me directly or simply creating a post and we'll check on it.