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    Question for all you M14x'rs

    Discussion in 'Alienware 14 and M14x' started by Hcbr929rr2, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Hcbr929rr2

    Hcbr929rr2 Notebook Enthusiast

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    So I recently purchased a Lenovo Y400 with the i7 3630QM and the NVIDEA GT650m 2gb. Before everybody yells at me and tells me to go to the Lenovo forum I was just wondering if these temps I'm seeing are considered "safe." The reason I ask this here is the M14x is rocking the same cpu and gpu in a very similarly sized case. The Lenovo forums have nothing as far as this info goes, I'm thinking either the Y400 is too new or Lenovo folk just don't like to chat with each other lol.

    So under full stress gaming (SWTOR everything set to max to be exact) I'm seeing low to mid 70's on all CPU cores and low to mid 60's on the GPU

    However, sometimes the CPU temps will spike to 89*C to 93*C across the cores, never seems to be for more then a second or so, then it hangs out in the mid 70's the rest of the time.

    I've searched and searched on the internet, any screenshot I see of Core Temp or HW or (insert monitor program here) everybody has similar running temps (60's-70's) and everyone says that is fine, but nobody seems to have these spikes into the high 80's low 90's like I'm getting.

    So am I being overly anal about my new laptop? is this going to cause an issue? (in your best opinion, obviously none of you know for sure it will cause or not cause an issue) Any suggestions as to how to alleviate these temp spikes?

    any help or support is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!!!
  2. M11xDude

    M11xDude Notebook Consultant

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    Mine idles at around low-50s for the CPU and mid-40s for the GPU. When gaming, the CPU only goes up to high-60s and the GPU no more than mid-60s. I mostly play TF2 and Eve Online. Both games running at max'ed out settings btw.

    Have you tried using a laptop cooler?

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  3. Hcbr929rr2

    Hcbr929rr2 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Nope, thats my next step, i also ordered an additional cooling fan, the y400 has "ultrabay" as lenovo calls it, basically i can pop my optical drive out and pop in another cooling fan, so it'll be pushing air out both sides, I'm guessing the spikes arent too big a deal, as long as it isn't running at 90* for more then a second or so i can't believe its gonna cause a major issue
  4. adriano_banano

    adriano_banano Notebook Consultant

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    I highly recommend to turn off cpu turboboost in BIOS.

    With turboboost ON i get around 80-85 °C on mi M14x R2 with games like Far Cry 3.

    With turboboost OFF, I get around 70-72°C and performance keeps exactly the same (at least in all games that I've tried).

    GPU temps at mids 60s is OK.

    Also a cooler is highly recommended as well (I own a Coolmaster L1 and it´s nice!)
  5. Quix Omega

    Quix Omega Notebook Evangelist

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    I'm seeing CPU temperatures at about 70C and the GPU is around 60C, when I'm running full out. I have repasted my system with IC Diamond, it was running about 5 or so degrees hotter before. I don't recommend disabling turboboost, unless you like 50% less CPU performance. The CPU thermal max for the 3630QM is 105C so the temperatures you're seeing won't kill it. You can try re-pasting your system for a bit of an improvement. I'm not sure about Lenovo notebooks but the m14x R2 isn't hard to open up, as long as you're careful and have a bit of patience.

    I used to own a Dell XPS 15, that ran at 95C on the CPU and 75C on the GPU constantly while also throttling performance. That's what a thermal issue looks like.
  6. Colpolite

    Colpolite Notebook Deity

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    Because of a fail cooling design, now they have to turn off the turbo boost just to make something work to lower temps and prevent throttling?

    Alienware/Dell better redesigned and fix the fails in the m14x on the R3 and make it dual fan cooling.
  7. Hcbr929rr2

    Hcbr929rr2 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Small update, I got the additional fan, and have the laptop on a targus twin fan chill mat, the targus fans blow directly into a big mesh vent on the bottom of the y400, temps didn't change at all, I checked my BIOS for the turbo boost but I don't have access to that, I remember seeing a thread about how Lenovo has a "locked" BIOS or something, whatev's no big deal, so I went to my power management for now and turned the max processer state to 80%. Since that I haven't seen a temp over 76*C and I've had no lag at all with SWTOR running for pretty much the whole day (6 hours straight at one point) so I guess that will be my fix for right now. Thanks for any info and input guys and gals.
  8. Alienware-L_Porras

    Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative

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    It seems normal to me, once the fans kick in it will stay in 70C. That's fine while it does it just once and only for a sec.