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    M14X is actually the size of most 14 inchers

    Discussion in 'Alienware 14 and M14x' started by Killer Juice, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. Killer Juice

    Killer Juice Notebook Consultant

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    I posted this a while back in the new model speculation thread, but I don't think anyone saw it. At least no one commented on it. So, here it is again:

    Thickness (Bottom to Top) X Width (left to right) X Length(Front to Back)
    All measurements in inches.

    14 Inchers
    1.49 X 13.27 X 10.27 @ 6.35lbs -- M14X
    1.13 X 13.45 X 9.64 @ 4.65 lbs -- Acer 4820TG
    1.16 X 14.01 X 9.33 @ 5.57 lbs -- HP Envy 14
    1.07 X 13.60 X 9.39 @ 5.20 lbs -- Sony EA series
    1.20 X 13.90 X 9.70 @ 5.35 lbs -- Dell XPS 14
    1.10 X 13.43 X 9.26 @ 5.20 lbs -- Sony C series (note: as thick as 1.43 in the back with the high capacity battery)

    Other electronics
    1.20 X 14.60 X 9.80 @ 6.00lbs -- Vaio NW (my "slim" 15.4 inch laptop of '09)
    0.34 X 9.50 X 7.31 @ 1.34lbs -- iPad 2 (WiFi) held in landscape mode
    0.95 X 12.78 X 8.94 @ 4.50lbs -- MacBook Pro 13
    0.95 X 14.35 X 9.82 @ 5.60lbs -- MacBook Pro 15
    0.95 x 13.04 X 8.84 @ 3.80lbs -- Vaio SA/SB (13 incher)
    1.10 X 9.25 X 12.70 @ 3.97lbs -- Acer 3820TG
    1.0* x 12.40 X 8.30 @ 3.42lbs -- Vaio Z (*as thick as 1.3 in some areas)
    1.29 X 11.25 X 9.19 @ 4.40lbs -- M11X R3
    1.75 X 16.14 X 11.96 @ 9.39lbs -- M17X R3 (as thick as 1.77 at the back)
    1.38 X 14.80 x 10.08 @ 6.83lbs -- Sager NP8150 (as thick as 1.69)

    Other objects that may be in a backpack/office
    1.50 X 10.90 X 8.40 @ 5.20lbs -- Textbook (Glencoe Health Care Science Technology)
    0.70 X 9.80 X 11.00 @ 1.50lbs -- 3 Subject Notebook by 5 Star (8.5 x 11 pages)
    0.01? X 8.50 X 11.00 @ 0.01lbs? -- Piece of Paper (lol)

    The M14X really isn't that big for a 14 inch laptop. It's a about half an inch thicker than a slim factor, an inch longer than the competition, and at least a pound heavier. But, on the positive side, it is actually small width-wise for a 14 inch. It is a good half inch to inch less wide than competitors. Usually Alienwares are bulky and the size resembles that of a laptop an inch (or two) larger. However, this time, the M14X seems to be just about what one would expect from a 14 inch. I don't think people need to consider this the size of a 15 inch as it fits in nicely in the 14 inch category. I pulled together a quick list to show this. If you want me to expand the list, just reply with the name of the things you want added.

    I just did a quick calculation: (assuming a 16:9 aspect ratio and 14 inch screen)
    (16^2 + 9^2) ^ 1/2 / 16 = 14 / X
    (16^2 + 9^2) ^ 1/2 / 9 = 14 / Y
    X = 12.202, Y = 6.863

    The dimensions of a 14 inch diagonal screen are 12.202 X 6.863. So, hypothetically, if there was no bezel at all, this is the minimum Width X Length would be for a 14 inch laptop. If you look at the M14X's length of 13.27, you can see that the bezel on the left and right is actually quite small. But, the depth of 10.17 indicates that the there probably will be a big bezel on the top and bottom of the screen.
  2. V_Chip

    V_Chip Be about it.

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    Cool beans dude. Thanks for this.
  3. Neubeehunhun

    Neubeehunhun Notebook Evangelist

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    Yep, Only part significantly bigger is the height and weight, but it's also offers significantly better GPU and probably better cooling(cough envy cough), and all the fancy lightings everyone loves. And the price is actually not that much more than others with lower spec, I'm well sold to this.
  4. Karamazovmm

    Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!

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    I would check the thickness and the length column, it is indeed larger, by not so pretty numbers.

    btw the envy 14, is a 14.5'' laptop, the xps 14 is quite large for a 14''. Actually all XPS system are quite large and quite overvalued.

    I do find strange that the mbp 15 has a lesser length than the m14, since it uses a 16:10 screen

    Aside that your assumptions that the width is indeed of a 14'' are indeed correct.

    PS: this is still bigger than my 2006 14'' lenovo tank that I still use
  5. Neubeehunhun

    Neubeehunhun Notebook Evangelist

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    It's a gaming laptop after all. Though it'd be even better if they made it more widthy than lengthy, a number pad would be handy.
  6. HEUR

    HEUR Notebook Consultant

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    Yes it is. It is stupid to compare it with 15 inches laptops. It is thick as any Alienware laptop (m11x,m15x,m17x,m18x) or any gaming system. And it looks so cool, the best 14 inches laptop in the universe... period.
  7. NoAirBanding

    NoAirBanding Notebook Geek

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    It's the same as your XPS 14, but a little faster with some lights added. The m14x is probably why they stopped making the XPS 14.
  8. abaddon4180

    abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso

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    What is the point of this thread again? If you base a notebooks size solely on the length, then yes, the m14x is the same size as most 14'' notebooks. But if you want to look at all measurements of size; weight, thickness and depth included; than it isn't. Personally, since our world is three-dimensional, I prefer to use three dimensions of measurements.

    Better comparison chart

    203.06 cubic inches @ 6.35lbs -- M14X
    146.51 cubic inches @ 4.65 lbs -- Acer 4820TG
    151.63 cubic inches @ 5.57 lbs -- HP Envy 14
    136.64 cubic inches @ 5.20 lbs -- Sony EA series
    161.80 cubic inches @ 5.35 lbs -- Dell XPS 14
    136.80 cubic inches @ 5.20 lbs -- Sony C series

    171.70 cubic inches @ 6.00lbs -- Vaio NW (my "slim" 15.4 inch laptop of '09)
    108.54 cubic inches @ 4.50lbs -- MacBook Pro 13
    133.87 cubic inches @ 5.60lbs -- MacBook Pro 15
    109.51 cubic inches @ 3.80lbs -- Vaio SA/SB (13 incher)
    126.64 cubic inches @ 3.97lbs -- Acer 3820TG
    102.92 cubic inches @ 3.42lbs -- Vaio Z (*as thick as 1.3 in some areas)
    133.40 cubic inches @ 4.40lbs -- M11X R3
    337.81 cubic inches @ 9.39lbs -- M17X R3 (as thick as 1.77 at the back)
    205.87 cubic inches @ 6.83lbs -- Sager NP8150 (as thick as 1.69)
    218.4 cubic inches @ 5.96lbs -- Dell XPS 15
    189.28 cubic inches @ 5.78lbs -- HP dv6

    As you can see, it is significantly bigger than all 14'' notebooks in terms of volume and weight. It's closest competitors in those categories are the 15.6'' notebooks listed last. So, if you want, you can say that it is not a longer than an average 14'' notebook that is valid. But saying it is the same size isn't unless you just want to blatantly ignore other measurements of size.
  9. HEUR

    HEUR Notebook Consultant

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    This is sooooo relative....

    For example:
    108.54 cubic inches @ 4.50lbs -- MacBook Pro 13
    133.40 cubic inches @ 4.40lbs -- M11X R3 - 11.6 Inches
    133.00 cubic inches @ 5 lbs -- Toshiba Satellite M645 - S4118 14.0 Inches
    146.51 cubic inches @ 4.65 lbs -- Acer 4820TG
    109.51 cubic inches @ 3.80lbs -- Vaio SA/SB (13 incher)

    Is like saying m11x will be as big as a 13 or even 14 inches laptop??
    Clearly NO.

    The most important thing to consider is the width, later the depht, and finally the height.

    4*3*2 = 24 yes also 2*3*4

    In this case the order in which numbers are multiplied together matter a lot.
    I hope you understand my point...
  10. abaddon4180

    abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso

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    I very much don't understand your point. No matter what order you do the multiplication in, the answer is going to come out the same. Length is for no reason more important than depth and height, unless you arbitrarily say it is to prove your point. The volume is the same no matter what order you choose to do it in.

    And a lot of people did argue that the m11x was not a true 11.6'' notebook.
  11. revdiesel

    revdiesel Notebook Evangelist

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    Alienware's have and always will be bigger than mainstream laptops.
  12. abaddon4180

    abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso

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    Which is exactly why I don't understand the point of this topic. I am not complaining about the size. For the power it has packed in it, the m14x isn't too big at all. It is bigger than most 14'' notebooks, though, and more comparable in overall size and weight to a 15.6'' notebook. That is not taking anything away from it.
  13. kfruit

    kfruit Notebook Consultant

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    I think HEUR's point was that not only does the volume of the laptop as a whole matter but also how it's distributed. He puts width as a priority then length and finally height. It's a subjective way of looking at it but to a point I agree. Imagine comparing a laptop of with a dimension of 12x10x4 to one of 24x10x2 (considering screen size the same). I would much rather have the one with the 4 inch height.
  14. HEUR

    HEUR Notebook Consultant

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    Yes that is the point.
    For example:

    A m17x has the following dimensions: (W)16.14" (D)11.96" (H)1.77" = 16.14*11.96*1.77 = 341.67 cubic inches...

    A m11x has the following dimensions: (W)11.2" (D)9.2" (H)1.3" = 11.2*9.2*1.3 = 133.96 cubic inches...

    Now Imagine a m11x with the same dimensions but with more height:
    (W)11.2" (D)9.2" (H)3.4" = 11.2*9.2*3.4 = 350.336 cubic inches...

    I know 3.4 (almost a tower of 3 m11x) is too much, but the m17x would continue looking considerably bigger like this:
    View image: Qosmio X505 Vs Alienwarem11x

    Like kfruit said: "not only does the volume of the laptop as a whole matter but also how it's distributed"...

    That is the case with the m14x....
  15. abaddon4180

    abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso

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    That is a valid point but, like you pointed out, it is subjective. Your example doesn't really help to back it up either, because it isn't very realistic. It also doesn't apply because the m14x doesn't have the anywhere close to the same volume as other 14'' notebooks.

    If length is the most important to you then that is a perfectly valid thing to say. Personally, length isn't the most important dimension to me. Thickness is, length and width are both secondary. Weight is also more important to me when talking about a laptop. It is an entirely subjective argument you are trying to make.

    What isn't subjective is that the m14x is more comparable in size and weight to 15.6'' notebooks.