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    How hard is it to get a defect free m14x?

    Discussion in 'Alienware 14 and M14x' started by thedinks, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. thedinks

    thedinks Notebook Geek

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    How hard is it to get a defect free m14x r2???

    I had my m14x for Christmas, it came with a few bubbles in the soft coat which i accepted for a 10% refund. 3 weeks later my Bluetooth failed, I had my wifi card replaced, then it went to the depot for a week to be fixed (it came back still broken) Then after 2 tech visits which included 2 motherboards another wifi card and a palm rest they decided they would replace the laptop. Great!!

    Not so fast....

    My new brand new laptop arrived on Monday, there was a small chip in the plexiglass, a line of white about 2 inches long in the LCD and the keyboard bezel was marked. The tech came today and replaced the LCD assembley and keyboard bezel whilst my wife was at home. When I arrived home I noticed that the new bezel is marked in a different place and the Alienware name in the LCD doesn't illuminate. I've done a power drain, reinstalled command centre and checked the cable is plugged in underneath the keyboard. Nothing nada zip.

    I really can't believe it.

    Is it just me who has these problems? Am I destined not to have a m14?
  2. Alienware-Luis_Pardo

    Alienware-Luis_Pardo Guest

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    Well I've got to admit it sort of feels like destiny...

    Just kidding! haha :p

    Send me a PM with your information (svc tag, phone number and a link to this thread), I'll have it fixed in no time.
  3. Docsteel

    Docsteel Vast Alien Conspiracy

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    Seems to be a bit of a trick - I have generally had good luck with AW, but my new M14x-R2 has a *slight* bubble on the front top left of the lid which I can live with, however what I first thought was a creaking hinge is actually flex in the screen/lid assembly a bit, so that around the edges it is binding on opening/closing, making sounds. I know this to be true because I can go around the edges of the screen and press slightly and reproduce the sound as the screen reseats, which in turn alters it when opening/closing the lid. Next to my M17x-R2 the build quality is more than suspect, sad to say. I like the system quite a bit, but very disappointed with build quality. Debating on returning it in the 21-day period, but then it's a question of the devil known, who knows what I might get next.... so far everything checks out. I'm just expecting one day for the screen to pop free then Dell tell me it's my fault after what I am hearing regarding people pursuing hinge breaks.
  4. digitalmo

    digitalmo Notebook Consultant

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    AW is going under, and this is just another example of why
  5. thedinks

    thedinks Notebook Geek

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    Im in the UK Luis your not much help across the pond :p

    Anyhow Dan the tech is coming tomorrow to hopefully fix it. I fear this will be Lesters last chance in my house :(
  6. rfielder

    rfielder Notebook Consultant

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    I have been wondering on the future of Alienware as Dell moves to being a private corporation. Given my debate about an M14 vs W530, this could be the straw that makes the camel's back decision for me.
  7. thegame4ever

    thegame4ever Notebook Enthusiast

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    I really see no reason why people bother with Alienware anymore, you're paying above the price for a laptop with certain reliability issues, while Asus now has laptops in the same range with far better value and reliability for your money + very quiet even when gaming.
  8. Nivaku

    Nivaku Notebook Evangelist

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    I had the M14x R2, but it like came DoA. So I decided to return it and get the Asus G46VW instead and man oh man is it soo much better. Dual-Fans for much better cooling, seems like lots of people are having to re-do Dell's Thermal paste since it's cheap/ty. You shouldn't have to do that if your paying for an Alienware. Only problem with the G46 right now is that it's only 1366x768 reso. Many speculations suggests that if Asus does a R2 then it'll have the 1600x900 resolutions. Some websites do provide the 1600x900 from that was like in Malaysia or something. G46 also comes with a 660m which is better then the 650m, the G46 doesn't have an optical drive but you shouldn't need to imo since everything is digital download. You could also get a USB cd-rom drive which cost like $20. Anyways here's my 10 cents my .02 cents is free. For those of you that have your M14x R2 without any problems I'm glad for you and I'd say consider yourself lucky
  9. illyria

    illyria Guest

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    know the feeling bro!

    I got my m14x in November. otb it didn't even start up. I called dell and they sent a tech next day to replace the hdd. Sadly it was not the hdd but the motherboard. Few weeks later I tried my bluetooth only to find out it didn't work. After a clean re install of everything dell finally decided to send another tech to change the radio. After this I noticed that my laptop boots really slow. I called dell, again I had to re install windows and every driver twice...And they have now decided that it's probably a fault in the motherboard, and will replace it on Tuesday.

    So after 3 months, countless hours on the phone and chat with dell. 4 visits by a tech, two motherboards, one hdd and one wifi/bt radio, my laptop will hopefully work how it's suppose to :)

    +for the next day tech and phone service
    - everything else
  10. dandan112988

    dandan112988 Notebook Deity

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    I've been through a ton of laptops with aw. Their quality control is really on the floor riot now

    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Alienware-L_Porras

    Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative

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    While we are really sorry about the issues that you all have had I would like to say that at least you have a warraty that covers from those type of electronics failures. That's why the price goes higher sometimes, besides that I'm pretty sure that the amount of failures are nothing compared to the working computers. Most of the happy users aren't here on the forums posting how good their PC's are, they are probably just playing at the moment.
  12. dandan112988

    dandan112988 Notebook Deity

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    Warranty is great and all but it's more of a gamble. The parts are used. The technicians can end up doing more damage. Some get sent back for a mobo failure only to have the mobo sent back out. I had a tech once that said he sent a mobo back with a tiny marker dot on it. He got the same one a few days later. Really? I love alienware, but their quality has been cut dramatically. Even the box sucks now. Before it was an experience opening it... The goodies... Leather bound manual.. Now I have more fun opening a snickers bar. The days of the m15x and m17x r2 were the glory days. I think all were made of metal back then. Now they are all made of cheap plastic besides the m18x.Screens frequently have issues, and poor assembly, frequently failing hardware. I know because I've had about 10 or 11 of these machines, and with each one I've had to accept some sort of defect. I'm a perfectionist, so I notice things like that. My last brand new m18x r2 had thermals pads all thrown all over the place inside.. And a thermal pad on the cpu heatsink.. . I had to completely reassemble it. It also came with a screen scratch that looked like it was done with the technicians screw driver during assembly. I just figured I had to get over it. Sucks but since I've gone through so many I realize that it just doesn't seem to get better. The performance is beastly though at least.

    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2