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    Best Acessories for your M14x R2

    Discussion in 'Alienware 14 and M14x' started by VV1LLC, May 10, 2012.

  1. VV1LLC

    VV1LLC Notebook Geek

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    Ive seen a lot questions from users regarding acessories for use with their new M14x R1/R2. So I thought I'd share with you my opinion on a few items I bought for my R2.

    Cooler Masters U2 Cooling Pad
    Hands down the best cooler out there! Its metalic, meaning heat dissipation is much faster when compared to plastic. Customizeable fan placement. (2 fans). Adecuate inclination. Most common complaint... Laptop slips down... I havent had this issue with my R2 at all!

    Logitech G9x
    Awesome precision gaming mouse up to 5000dpi. Claw grip/Regular casings. Customizable led colors to match your alienfx display :D and finally Customizable weights. I chose this over the TactX mouse due to the high number or users reporting the TactX crapping out on them after 8mo-1year. Durability is a must when your pay over 50+ for a mouse lol... Not to mention the TactX was modeled after this series of mice. I love this little guy...

    Rocketfish Gaming Mouse Pad
    This is most certainly not a must... but rather a nice addition. It comes with 2 surfaces Control/Speed. Its solid (quite important for me), meaning not bendable. Prize wise... Way cheaper than most Gaming pads out there and still amazing quality.

    If you guys want pics or more details... let me know! :D

    What have you bought for your M14x worth mentioning?
  2. Devianti

    Devianti Notebook Consultant

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    I get my M14xR2 Monday and just ordered the Cooler Masters U2. Glad to see you approve of it! I've done a lot of research on cooling pads and this is the one that really stood out. Will let you know how I get on with it next week.

    Would be interested to hear what cleaning kits people use with their M14s :)
  3. iPhantomhives

    iPhantomhives Click the image to change your avatar.

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    I can't think of any accessory for my m14x yet , it would be great if someone could share theirs.

    I know these are not related but I still wanted to share it.
    My wii with m18x setup : RAT 9 , Steelseries Siberia v2 , Wii

    My m18x with m11x setup :
    My m18x with Diablo 3 setup : AlienwareFX + Diablo 3 Headset.

  4. VV1LLC

    VV1LLC Notebook Geek

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    Im glad to hear that mate... and I am sure whoever designed the U-series will too... He/She definitely had some major knowledge of physics. Why you say...?

    ::Adjusts Glasses:: (BTW I dont really have glasses, but I thought it would add to the dramatic effect LOL! :D)

    Well for one, and I know Ive said this before... It's metal... But the base itself is not one big hunk of metal, its got hundreds of little holes. Those little wholes have multiple functions. The most obvious is so the unit can release and uptake air! But another function for those little buggers is an effect of discontinuity. By that I mean, those little wholes prevent the heat from being evenly spread out throughout the pad. Like is the case in a pan or a wok when you heat it from a stove.

    Two it has adjustable vents... I mean if you've played with your R2/R1 you will have likely noticed its not hot all over... Its usually 2 areas (Top left exhaust vent and the right palm rest) So the fact you can maneuver your fans to meet your Laptops needs is a great feature!

    Lastly its has decent inclination. While this is by no means a major asset, some people like to ask about it and so on.

    Im glad to hear you make your research before purchasing, Im super anal about that too... :D

    But in my opinion CoolerMasters U2 is by far the safest/smartest purchase you can do right now! :)

    Oh yeah and BTW... Ive tested it myself with HWMonitor and it knocks (4-5)C from my temps! :D If you were wondering about that too! :)
  5. Shere Khaan

    Shere Khaan Notebook Enthusiast

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    What do you guys carry your m14x's around in? I've been investigating laptop bags for some time, but so hard to find a good one as it can look great but little things ruin the whoel effect.

    So far I am settling on an STM backpack but I'd be interested to hear others...
  6. Voodooi

    Voodooi AFK for a while...

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    I use an Asus ROG backpack as my temporary bag (my other main bag from Targus has a snapped zipper).

    Was considering the official M14X bag, but I read from a user on these boards that the padding was weak at the very bottom.

    Still unsure what to get as well, since I need something that will fit textbooks and my laptop without it being tight (sick of carrying them in my hand).
  7. VV1LLC

    VV1LLC Notebook Geek

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    I got the Alienware Orion M17x Backpack...

    While I only got this by mistake :\ I was very surprised when I started tinkering with it. It has tons... and by tons I mean TONS of pockets and zippers to store your stuff... Everything from 2 USB memory stick slots spaces/ 2 SD card slots... In summary a BUNCH of pockets!

    Build quality is Good... But by no means Rugged... But dont get me wrong though, Mobiledge did a good job of padding this puppy up. It has double padding. One inside on the laptop pocket it which is about 2.5 inches of foam and another outside about the same width. On the bottom it also has 2 plastic feet thingys (h/e they are called lol)

    It has also good padding on the back side and the bag feels good when you put it on.

    The m17x Mobilegde's claim to fame is its look and portability. It has aslick futuristic design that is sure to catch the eye of most people when you walk around with it. Not to mention if you travel a lot like me, its TSA friendly. Meaning you can unzip it almost completely and divide the backpack in 2 for the TSA agents to check the laptop without ever taking it out of the bag :D

    Only cons I could find were:
    -The Front is seems very scratch prone.
    -M14x will have extra space on the laptop pocket (Since its the M17x model. Although im not sure if that's bad... But Im just throwing it out there)

    In summary if you want a stylish bag with the Alienware logo, a good variety of pockets, nice portabilty and you are delicate with your things. Definetly go for this... If your looking for Ruggedness and protection... I would look elsewhere.

    Here's a pic of all my Gear...

  8. iPhantomhives

    iPhantomhives Click the image to change your avatar.

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    bump , please share more pictures & Accessories.
  9. struselix

    struselix Notebook Consultant

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    The only accessory I use is the smal "tissue" between screen and keyboard - taken from an M11x :D

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