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    bios password 8935G

    Discussion in 'Acer' started by alcorn50, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. alcorn50

    alcorn50 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Anyone any information on how to reset a bios password . On Sunday evening after it coming out of sleep mode it asked me for a password ?? as I haven't set one and couldn't supply it with what it wanted it comes up with the message System Disabled ( 01576 ) anyone with the same problem or is there a default acer password.

    I cannot access anything or boot windows as the first thing it does on start up is ask for this password.

    Operating windows 7 32bit

    Thanks in advance Alan
  2. yalcin19

    yalcin19 Notebook Consultant

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  3. alcorn50

    alcorn50 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks now fixed £40.00 out of pocket though.
    I have a new 8935g 3 weeks old , i started the acer bios protection program installed on my computer after upgrading to win7 to see if it worked it also runs the fingertip recognition program but I decided againt using it.

    Unbeknown to me it altered the bios and installed a password even though I didn't save and cancelled out of the program.

    Next time I restarted it asked for a password as I hadn't given one there was no way I could gain access to my computer . The outcome was Acer wanted £54.00 plus collection and delivery.

    I called a local laptop specialist who after stripping down the full computer to get to the bios battery removed the battery and called back 2 hours later to refit and put computer back together. It now works fine and I have removed Acer bios protection program
    A £40.00 learning curve.On my part ,thanks Acer
  4. weinter

    weinter /dev/null

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    I am hesitant to believe this...
    Why would you even run that program in the first place?
    Shouldn't you have know better?
    Moreover CMOS Password reset is well documented in Service Guide, if you are not confident of fixing it why play with it in the first place then blame Acer?
    It is not like they sold you a comp with a CMOS Password prelocked...
    Even if they give you instruction are you able to do it?
    For others to solve an issue you created seriously you need to pay.
  5. alcorn50

    alcorn50 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hesitant to believe it or not its true,I didn't realise this program altered the bios ,I thought it was a finger print scanner,I didn't complete the scan or save any changes and also cancelled out of the program. Nothing flashed up any warnings that the bios was being or has been altered so I was totally unaware anything had been changed .

    Also all users are not experts on computers,that is why we use are here on this forum to learn, to rectify errors on a totally modern and unfamiliar computer from them who know better and have come across these problems and fixes themselves..

    As for the service guide ,what guide ? I was not given anything with the computer apart from a quick guide & a windows 7 upgrade disc . No mention on programs that are links to service guides etc,Acer also don't supply any form of restore disc.

    There was no point in making a back up disc as I was upgrading from vista to win7,also Acer didn't mention although they provided the upgrade disc a lot of the programs are not fully compatible .Again problem's I eventually overcame with the help and advice of others found on this forum

    Like I said it has been a learning curve for me and I now know better and have now un installed the bios protection program so it doesn't happen again and for the benefit of others I was confirming removing the bios battery does work to clear the password on this model. Just in case there are more idiots like myself exploring there new computer and come across the same problem..

    As for playing,haven't you sometime in your life wondered what something was and taken a quick look to see and messed up? or were you born perfect and an expert on everything you have touched I doubt it. sarcasm and trying to be clever with others who know less is the lowest form of wit and replies like your does not encourage people with problems to post on this site..
  6. yalcin19

    yalcin19 Notebook Consultant

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    Why would others remove the battery if someone else here explained a better and simply effortless way to reset bios password??

    And, I don't think removing battery resets bios password. People in the past
    tried that and had no success. Perhaps, the technician just pulled your legs, as if he did a hard work so he could assure you he deserved 40 pounds in your eyes. (believe you me removing battery does not work!)

  7. weinter

    weinter /dev/null

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    1)The program doesn't change the BIOS as you believe, it adds a password stored in the NVRAM (Non Volatile RAM).
    2)Service Guide is the repair guide you have to google.
    Acer doesn't give Service Guides to End Users.
    3)If you created a problem that requires fixing, don't you think when others fix it for you you should pay for it? Especially when it is not a manufacturer defect.
    I am not against posting but grumbling over paying because of an issue you created is ridiculous,unless you can fix it yourself, there is no wit involved
    Lastly removing the CMOS battery doesn't solve the issue.
    The service guide states you must short certain pins on the mainboard as well to reset the NVRAM.
  8. bbwoolfy

    bbwoolfy Newbie

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    Hey weinter, give the poor guy a break... I have experienced the EXACT same problem!

    Don't just assume that everyone else is less intelligent than you, it's bad enough that we experience these infuriating problems without having to be scorned by the likes of you! :mad:

    Anyway, as I said... ACER Bioprotect... pile of e that it is... when PBA is enabled, then disabled at a later date, it requests a BIOS password on boot-up, which the program has NEVER at any time asked users to setup!

    So... what's the solution? Acer want £54 from me as well, I am NOT prepared to take it to a local repair shop, for something I could do myself, but nor am I prepared to invalidate the warranty by opening it up myself.

    Incidently, I also have experienced the old rainbow screen bug and can hear something (like a screw) rattling around inside my laptop... which has been there since new - piece of crap! :mad:

    Trading standards or off to court seems the only solution. Acer's support is shockingly bad... the number they give on the website (for the Indian call centre) is actually wrong! Then when you try and complete the form-to-email it does not submit... due to unnamed errors! There is no address given to write to Acer UK directly, other than their appointed repair centre and there is no email address or telephone number given for direct contact to their UK HQ.

    If anyone can provide any further info it would be appreciated. Currently I have a rather nice-looking but expensive brick in my living room... coming up for a month now! :(
  9. TehSuigi

    TehSuigi Notebook Virtuoso

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    Kiddies, play nice in the sandbox.
    There's no need for insults here.
  10. bbwoolfy

    bbwoolfy Newbie

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    You're wrong actually, the service guide states...

    'On a different machine run BIOS_PW.EXE file, along with the error code generated.' pg.48, Removing BIOS Passwords

    So... there! :p

    An old chinese proverb springs to mind... RTFM!! ;)