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    USB Mouse on 5102WLMi

    Discussion in 'Acer' started by thenut, Sep 9, 2006.

  1. thenut

    thenut Notebook Consultant

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    Well, here I go again.
    Once in a while, I like to have an external Mouse on my Laptop.
    Looked around and decided to buy this basic Logitech:

    Some good reviews, decent price.
    Some of the reviews said "truly plug and play".

    Well, yeah, that's what I would have figured too with XP MCE.
    Nope...not on this Acer.

    I have 3 USB on the left side, two in the back. I plugged it in the USB port in the back and it says new hardware found, USB wheel mouse (or whatever).

    So far so good right?
    Any other XP computer I have used, it would automatically install the Mouse and say "my new hardware is installed and ready to use". (True, if you want added features, you could install the Logitech Mouse software along with the bloat, but you shouldn't need to for basic features).

    Well, not on this thing.
    First, it recognizes it as a "Human Interface device", "USB Optical Wheel Mouse" thing I'm waiting to see is that "my new hardware is installed and ready to use" (I've seen it a million problem.

    But nope- all of the sudden it prompts me to insert the XP Pro CD for some hidusb.sys file.

    Yeah, like they give you an XP CD with this machine right?
    (A search on the system for this file comes up with nothing)

    I can probably figure this out, but that's not the point...what a bunch of nonsense.

    So, I figure what the heck, I'll install the lousy Logitech Mouse drivers.
    Still no go.

    What's gong on here? Anyone know?

    All USB ports are working fine.
    Conflicting with the touchpad? (Yes, I did try disabling the touchpad).
    Also uninstalled the device and tried every other USB port.....same thing.

    And I know my ports work because they've recognized 3 different Flash Drives no problem, no special drivers.

    Plug the mouse into my desktop problem. "Ready to use"

    Plug it into my daughters Dell problem. "ready to use".

    I even tried an Intellimouse Optical from my desktop.
    Same thing- it initially recognizes it as such, but then the prompt for a file location that needs to be installed.

    The more hassles I have with this thing, the less I like it.

    I've got a feeling, since I cant return this rig that it will be up for sale on ebay before you know it.

    Anyone want a great deal on a brand new Acer?

    (It's less than three week old, and has been used a total of a couple of hours....but the deadline for returning it was two weeks). :(

    Has anyone actually plugged in a USB Mouse into this exact model and had it install and start working with the native XP Drivers???

    My next step I suppose, will be to borrow an XP CD and see if I can install this missing "hidusb.sys" file.
    Why it isn't already there is beyond me.

    In addition to other things about Acer that bother me now that I've 'played' with it (I won't bore you with them right now), I don't feel the build quality is anywhere near as good as some I've since had an opportunity to play around with since I bought this.

    I ordered this on-line by advice from some time, I'll do some more research.
    Guess I've got myself to blame.

    I would not recommend an Acer to anyone after what my short experience with this one has been.

    (Sorry, end of rant)
  2. brandond

    brandond Newbie

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    Hmm... I have the exact same computer (5102WLMi w/ XP MCE) and it works like a charm for me. I purchased a wireless Logitech mouse (, plugged it in, and had it working in a matter of seconds, with no software to install.

    I don't understand how you came to the conclusion that Acer, the computer manufacturer, would have anything to do with the software problem that you seem to be having--Microsoft made the software. It's fine to rant about your frustrations, but please don't take them out on an innocent party until you are completely sure what the root of the problem is.

    My suggestion would be to reset the computer to factory defaults and try it again.
  3. thenut

    thenut Notebook Consultant

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    Yes, I'm aware that this is (was), a software problem.

    I managed to fix it by replacing the missing hidusb.sys file from another XP CD. (Why it was missing in the first place is beyond me).
    I never did anything to change to factory installed OS, so if somebody had a similar problem and had no XP CD they would have major headaches.

    I also stated that I knew all of the USB ports as well as the Mouse were ok.

    My frustrations go deeper than this one problem...sorry for the rant.
    (As long as my first post was, I promised I wouldn't bore you with my other gripes).
    But since I'm here, the fact of the matter is, on my first machine (same model), the hard drive went bad the second day after I bought it.

    They gave me a brand new replacement.
    Lets just say there have been some minor 'irritations' already that I did not expect after already going through the hassle of getting the first one replaced.

    I've also experienced how they handle their tech support a lot sooner than I had wished.

    For the record, I'll state again that (in my humble opinion of course), I don't feel the quality of this Laptop is as good as several other models/manufacturers to chose from and leave it at that.

    (Edit) Listen guys, I really don't want to get anyone down in the dumps here.
    I wish you all the best of luck with yours.....maybe I'm just having a stroke of bad luck.

    I'll probably keep this one and pray for smooth sailing from here on out.

    I do think the least it needs is a reformat and clean install as NTFS though.
  4. gtoddh

    gtoddh Notebook Enthusiast

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    I've got the same 5102WLMi, and use a MS wireless optical notebook mouse 3000. I can just plug it in and it works.

    Strange that that file was missing. Glad to hear you got the mouse working.

    As for the other stuff going on with your notebook, I think I might be right there with you. I've had an issue with mine freezing up on me. Mine is the model with 100Gb 5400 PATA drive, 512meg RAM, and no camera. I had installed a 2nd 512 meg RAM stick. The one I put in was actually the 2nd one I got from the store. The first one wouldn't allow the notebook to even boot. It would get to the black Windows XP screen and then restart. I took it back and got another one. This one seemed to work fine, however my notebook just kept freezing up on me. It would freeze and nothing would get it to respond. I'd have to turn it off by holding the power button down until it shut off. I tried everything I could think of to remedy this, including restoring to factory default 3 or 4 times. I've only had this notebook just over 2 weeks.

    I finally called Acer support yesterday. The tech had me remove the extra RAM and again restore to factory default. He said to use the notebook for a week or so and see if it freezes up on me again.

    I know it's possible that this type of memory (Corsair valu-select) is not fully compatible with this notebook. I'll see if removing it solved my problem. If not, and it freezes again, the tech said I'd need to send it in. Unfortunately this isn't an issue that is easily identified and resolved. I'm certain a repair tech isn't going to use my notebook for an extended period of time waiting for it to freeze up. Hopefully it is just a RAM conflict.

    The other issue I'm having is the Event Viewer>System is registering 2 errors every time I turn on my notebook. See my thread about this here. Unfortunately no one responded.

    Sorry to get so off-topic, but I just wanted to share my sentiment regarding this notebook.
  5. thenut

    thenut Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks for the reply gtoddh.

    If the freezing problem didn't start until you installed the extra Memory, then it certainly makes sense that's the cause of the problem.

    I haven't had this notebook long enough to know much about it, but the Ram being compatible would be very Important. (Type, speed etc).

    I've found the Acer web site isn't much help at all with questions like this.

    (I'll try replying in your other threads in the interest of continuity, although I'm afraid I won't be much help at this point).
  6. gtoddh

    gtoddh Notebook Enthusiast

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    Unfortunately I didn't have any experience with the notebook without the RAM that I added. I purchased it at the same time as the notebook. When the first stick didn't work I immediately returned it for another.

    You're right about the Acer site. It really isn't much help.
  7. nicolin

    nicolin Notebook Geek

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    Guys, do not just add an extra memory module, especially if the chipset/CPU work (best) in a dual-channel mode (in our case we are talking about the memory controller in the AMD CPU) ;)
    Either put in a new stick or get a dual-channel memory kit.