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    Acer Aspire 8930G & HDMI Audio

    Discussion in 'Acer' started by tnpir4002, Oct 30, 2009.

  1. tnpir4002

    tnpir4002 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi guys,

    I haven't posted in a while because, for the most part, my 8930G has been behaving itself marvelously. But, last night, I discovered a problem for which all the logical fixes have failed.

    First, the issue:
    When I plug the computer into my Philips HDTV via the HDMI cable (a cable I know is perfectly good and undamaged), the video pops right up onto the TV. The edges are cut off but I know why that is.

    The audio is another matter. The TV says it doesn't have any audio coming in, at all. So I check the Sound applet under Control Panel, to see what it's got to say. Under Sound, I see three devices:

    Speakers - RealTek High Definition Audio (this is the computer's built-in speaker)
    NVIDIA HDMI Out - NVIDIA High Definition Audio
    Realtek Digital Output - Realtek High Definition Audio

    The default is the speakers, and when I plug in the HDMI cable the computer automatically switches to the nVidia HDMI out. When I play something out (I've tried both Winamp and Windows Media Player), the VU meter next to the selected device bounces up and down as if there's sound playing. Yet, despite the volume being near maximum on the TV, there's no sound.

    I've tried switching from the nVidia option to the RealTek option. I've tried restarting. I've tried updating the drivers to all the current versions. Nothing works. This is a Windows 7 Ultimate x64 installation.

  2. Tinderbox (UK)

    Tinderbox (UK) BAKED BEAN KING

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    I have an 8930G and a Panasonic TV and the sound works perfectly as soon as i plugged in the hdmi cable for the first time and blu-ray is perfect with sound, the screen was too big for the TV , you have to select the TV as your main display and then a additional menu shows up allowing you to adjust the picture to fit the screen , see picture below.

    Attached Files:

  3. tnpir4002

    tnpir4002 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I managed to fix the video problem but I'm still stuck with the audio. Any suggestions?
  4. Tinderbox (UK)

    Tinderbox (UK) BAKED BEAN KING

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    does it say that "nvidia hdmi output is selected" in audio playback, if it is, try another hdmi cable, try it on another make of tv
  5. Padmé

    Padmé NBR Super Pink Princess

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    <style class='Hidden'>I really wish I could help you, but I don't have a clue</style>
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
  6. tnpir4002

    tnpir4002 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I figured it out, and you'll never guess which unliklier-than-a-supernova solution was the right one:

    1. Uninstall ALL nVidia and RealTek drivers (selecting "Delete driver software" for each one). This includes the nVidia display drivers even though they weren't part of the original problem.

    2. Reboot and allow the computer to get software from wherever.

    3. Re-install the nVidia and RealTek software that came with the computer.

    What I wasn't thinking about was the fact that I've updated my drivers many times since I bought the computer. It never occurred to me that a newer driver could cause a problem like this. Given that the nVidia HDMI Output is still the one the computer defaults to when the HDMI cable is plugged in, I'm leaning heavily in the "nVidia driver problem" direction. I've written them about the issue.

    So there you have it my friends. Always ALWAYS think about which drivers are updated and which ones aren't. And ALWAYS check out any function on your computer after an update that could affect it. I was hurting because this is the first time I've used the HDMI video port on this computer with a video containing audio. fault.

    I appreciate the suggestions though guys, y'all make life with this Acer bearable!
  7. motlee

    motlee Notebook Enthusiast

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    Tnpir i have had multiple issues with my sound lately and i was wondering if you could just elaberate on a few points for a simple one like me please,

    1. Uninstall ALL nVidia and RealTek drivers (selecting "Delete driver software" for each one). This includes the nVidia display drivers even though they weren't part of the original problem.

    Where are you uninstalling from to get delete driver software prompt,is that from device manager path?

    2. Reboot and allow the computer to get software from wherever

    By this do you mean just the basic microsoft driver is preloads.

    3. Re-install the nVidia and RealTek software that came with the computer.

    Did you have to go to the Acer site to get these or are they located on your hdrive if so where.

    I had tried some new realtek drivers on my 6920g and had lots of problems,had to go back to stock realtek 11/03/08 but am using nvidia 19/08/09 from nvidia site but cant get hdmi sound either after trying what i could,even selecting hdmi i still get sound output through laptop speaker.

    What version of display driver and realtek are you currently using.

  8. tnpir4002

    tnpir4002 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I did it from the Hardware Manager (Windows Key + Pause/Break); I located the things I wanted to remove, right-clicked, and told it to uninstall. The "Delete Driver Software" option came up in the confirmation dialogue.

    Either that or from Windows Update, which is where I think it got the ones it installed for me.

    The only thing on the Acer's HD that's really relevant is the factory image, and since I'm running Windows 7 now and not Windows Vista, that was out. My answer was to just go to the Acer website (they've got drivers sorted by computer type and model, and then you can specify what OS you're using, so you should be able to easily find what you need). A note about the Acer website, when you get to the page where it shows you the drivers and such, if you select your OS and you don't see a driver, go to the "next one down" (i.e. if Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit doesn't have it, then go to Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit, and so forth down).

    As for the driver version details:
    Display Driver:, 7/28/09
    HD Audio Driver: 1.0.030, 6/25/08

    HD Audio Driver:, 5/7/2008

    Hope this helps!
  9. motlee

    motlee Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks Tnpir,

    From your driver details alarm bells are ringing because im sure that i havent got a nvidia hd audio driver installed as i possibly did before.

    Im at work at the moment so ill need to look later at my setup but im worried that perhaps the first time i was reccomended to use drive sweeper to erase any files left over from uninstalling i may have wiped it out (i did post about using drive sweeper but unfortunately no help then)

    Whats bugging me is im sure i just used it just for realtek sound purposes!

    Is the nvidia HD Audio Driver: 1.0.030, 6/25/08 a dload/install of its own or is that part of the Display Driver:, 7/28/09 install ???

    Ive searched Acer site and Nvidia and cant see anything for 1.0.030 HD Audio.

    sorry if this sounds a bit lame but really appreciate your help friend.
  10. motlee

    motlee Notebook Enthusiast

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    Back at home.....

    Well i managed to find a folder inside the 186.81 nvidia folder on my c-drive that is called HD Audio but did not find anything obvious there to clik to install it so maybe it has installed and i cant find it.

    To find driver details i would go device manager/locate component/right clik properties etc,where did you get the nvidia hd audio driver details so i may check my system.

    Im wondering if under device manager/system devices/high definition audio controller/properties that i should have other driver details other than the Microsoft 6.0.6002.18005 21/06/2006 that i have there at present???

    thanks again,,
  11. tnpir4002

    tnpir4002 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Motlee, sorry I didn't respond quicker, I don't check these threads as often as I perhaps should.

    Again, my best advice to you here is to go to the Acer site and download whichever drivers they have. What they post for download will be the drivers that they shipped with your comptuer, so even if you can't see the exact version they have, try it and see if they work.

    I will add that you can't simply search their site because that won't get you anywhere. You have to go to their support pages and find the downloads for your specific machine. To do this, go to and select your country, click the "Go" button at the *bottom* of the screen, and then click "Service & Support" at the top of the page that loads. From there, click "Driver Download," and it's pretty self-explanatory from there. Try that, and if you still have issues, let us know.
  12. motlee

    motlee Notebook Enthusiast

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    First of all thanks for coming back so soon tonight m8,

    I may of been waffling too much to get to my problem,

    I can find my Acer page of drivers ok and i have installed the original realtek sound and the latest nvidia 186.81 display.

    Im concerned that i cant find in my 6920g any reference to the nvidia hd audio driver you listed as having installed in yours.(1.0.030, 6/25/08)

    That makes me think ive missed part of the steps to get my hdmi sound working again.

    What i think could help me is if you could tell exactly where i would look on my laptop to find it installed,just like if i wanted to check my display i would go device m/display adapter/properties.....blah blah blah i have nothing but realtek under sound,video,game controllers by the way.
    Please can you check yours for me!!!

    I dont know yet if it installs itself with the 186.81 and i cant see it or i have to look harder for a dload of nvidia HD Audio Driver: 1.0.030, 6/25/08.

    Sorry to repeat most of my other post, i do feel like im getting closer to the cause though with your help.
  13. tnpir4002

    tnpir4002 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Again, I must emphasize that the problem was that the new nVidia drivers didn't work. The solution wound up being that I download the original drivers from Acer, and install them. The solution had nothing to do with anything stored on my computer.

    The only place you'll find a reference to it is your Hardware Manager. 186.81 is the newest nVidia graphics driver, which includes the HD audio drivers--which do not work.

    I'll say it once more: to make it work, stop looking on your computer's hard drive. The answer is not there. Download the original drivers from Acer. And then install them.
  14. motlee

    motlee Notebook Enthusiast

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    Ok thankyou i finally get it,

    I think ive been so focused on getting me confused point across i missed the details at start of thread.

    Problem is the 186 nvidia all along regards to hdmi function so the hd audio out is part of that install

    I can verify if audio driver installed in hardware manager after installing stock display driver or later one as ive had before.

    If only i had understood those two points from the outset i wouldnt have you believe ive been searching for drivers everywhere within me unit, all along ive been looking for where they should be once installed correctly.

    Thankyou for your time and maybe this may help others that are reluctant to make changes until they are absolutley sure where to check after.
    And also take your time and absorb the post.

    Thankyou for you efforts