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    Acer Aspire 6920G - Wubi

    Discussion in 'Acer' started by =-=Solo=-=, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. =-=Solo=-=

    =-=Solo=-= Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hello! I have an acer aspire gemstone blue 6920G, and I am wondering, can I use wubi to install Ubuntu on this laptop? As you may know the laptop has one Partition for windows vista, one has XP (Acer instant on), and one has the repair partition, meaning all my boot Partitions are taken. Also theres a data Partition. Even with the boot partitions all taken can I use Wubi? I know it may stop the instant on from working, I don't really care about that. Thank you very much in advance.
  2. johngreaver

    johngreaver Notebook Guru

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    I wouldnt use wubi everytme i have used wubi ubuntu has ran like garbage i would use the linux utility to resize one of my partitions and do a stand alone install its pretty easy to do you can google dual boot ubuntu with windows there are a ton of guides out there and second i really wouldnt reccomend ubuntu at all hardware support is terrible for printing wifi and ati graphics you should give dream linux or linspire a look or maybe even xandros just my opinion though but yes you could use wubi to do this in either xp or your vista partition it just installs it likes its a program you can even uninstall ubuntu from the add remove programs screen in windows
  3. =-=Solo=-=

    =-=Solo=-= Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi, thanks for the response.
    Yes, i've used wubi on another computer and it was fine. But I can't use my XP Partition because I don't think I can ever re-install that, I can't use vista because I.. Like vista. And the repair Partition, well it's my only means of repair if something goes wrong. All 3 are boot partitions, and I cannot install another OS, the windows 7 installer even said all 3 are taken. I made a new partition for win 7 but again all 3 boot partitions was taken. Back on topic, Wubi seems my only way of installing linux. Although I like vista, it's getting slow and a little annoying. Thank you again, but im still unsure if I should install ubuntu using wubi. To make it worse, I do have an ATi graphics card. But I though it was Nvidia ubuntu had problems with?
  4. johngreaver

    johngreaver Notebook Guru

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    ubuntu did terrible with my ati xpress 200m chipset.even with restricted drivers it wouldnt run compiz fusion beryl etc very well. it is risky to resize a partition but if you defrag first everything goes ok MOST OF THE TIME lol i have never had ne problems myself and i have done it many times using Gparted i just done a friends of mines lappy he has a 120gb hdd it came with vista and a 5gb recovery partition i defraged it with defraggler then popped in kubuntu (he likes kde better than gnome) i gave 50 to xp 50 to vista and 13 to kubuntu and did a 2gb swap file this is how i did it when u but ubuntu in boot from cd when it comes up go through the motions then select manual partition resize the vista partition to your choice then format with a 50 mb /boot partition then format a 1gb partition as a linux swap file then format the rest with ext3 and you should be good just remember to defrag and you shouldnt have any problems
  5. =-=Solo=-=

    =-=Solo=-= Notebook Enthusiast

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    So you can have more the 3 OS's installed? Eh, not so sure about that but okay then. thank you.
  6. johngreaver

    johngreaver Notebook Guru

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    u can have up to four bootable partitions with different os's if u get a program like arcronis u can have up to 100