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    Acer Aspire 4135 screen

    Discussion in 'Acer' started by wvgirl64, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. wvgirl64

    wvgirl64 Newbie

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    I purchased acer aspire 4135 laptop in december of 07... in jan of this year....the lcd screen started having lines going across the screen, first white then different colors. I took it in for repair and according the the shop they checked the video card, by hooking up to another computer. In the end I had a new lcd screen and the inverter replaced...after taking it back five times I still have the same problem....their excuse as to what was wrong was different each time...from the wires need reseeded, to the cable needs taped in place, to something was loose. With $300 in repairs on top of the cost of the computer, you would think it would be running like a new one. Does anyone know just what the problem is, because according to them its not the video card and they did not see anything wrong with it for the two weeks they had it. Plus after I brought it back this time it is running a little warmer the usual.
  2. techiediva

    techiediva Notebook Consultant

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    4135 or 4315?

    if 4315, it's the LCD. Had a client with one of these, sent it to Acer and they replaced the lcd. Hasn't turned white since.