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    Update on Logitech V270

    Discussion in 'Accessories' started by magicshoemonkey, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. magicshoemonkey

    magicshoemonkey Notebook Enthusiast

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    After a long day I posted this on the Networking forum without thinking about it. Stupid. Anyway, here it is on the forum it's supposed to be on. Sorry.

    A few weeks ago I wrote about problems with my Logitech V270 Bluetooth mouse. Well, after problems with it not connecting, I returned it to Newegg. They were great about it, and they sent me another within a week, no charge to me. I've had the new one for a few days, and, so far (I say with my fingers crossed while knocking on a Redwood) it's doing great. I've been reluctant to say anything so soon, but I feel obligated to say something since I don't want to make Logitech look bad due to one problem with a single mouse. Hope this doesn't jinx me...
  2. vespoli

    vespoli 402 NBR Reviewer

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    That's for the update: I'm glad that the new mouse is working well for you. Sometimes duds are shipped, and while it's unfortunate that you got one, it's good to here that newegg was accomodating.