I've already got myself an AGA but pondering on which 1070 card to get. I've come across Palit gtx 1070 gamerock edition and after watching numerous youtube vids on the card, I've realised its actually quite thick in size. Seeing where the card will sit in the AGA, I'm concerned it may be too thick for the lid to close.
Has anyone experienced similar problem with thickness of their card in the AGA. Appreciate any feedback in advance.
Thx. What sort of measurement of card size should I be looking out for that will guarantee fitting?
The EVGA super clocked versions also fit. not the FTW editions though. Length is less of a problem, but the height. the card cannot be much higher than standard height, if it is higher you need to mod out some plastic tabs on the top and use low profile power cables. -
Will Palit gtx 1070 gamerock fit into Alienware graphics amplifer
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by mecheekymonkey, Feb 28, 2018.