Hi all,
My RAM is this: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232148
Why is it running at 1063Mhz instead of 2133Mhz? Or Am I looking at a wrong field? Or is it supposed to be 1063*2?
You are running Dual-Channel mode = 2133MHz
Check my RAM. It runs @ 2666
Vasudev, Ezio99 and Vistar Shook like this. -
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
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forbyefor_gold_eagle Notebook Guru
DDR4–>Double Data Rate 4 -I believe it’s referred to as such because it can send and receive twice per clock.
c69k likes this. -
All you need to know...
Everything You Need to Know About the Dual-, Triple-, and Quad-Channel Memory Architectures -
Ripjaws 2x8GB 2800MHz works and its restricted to 16GB. Check this link out http://compatibleproducts.intel.com/ProductDetails/ExportPeripheralInfo?moduleName=Intel® NUC&productType=Kits&productName=Intel® NUC Kit NUC6i7KYK
If you want HyperX impact module check CMT labs for more info. You need latest HyperX manufactured in late 2016 or mid 2017 for it to work on AW. c69k's memory is incompatible on skylake since I tried similar model with 2400MHz that spits out random memory errors or freezing & when I swapped to stock it works fine.
If you want Samsung DRAM, look for Apacer module or Samsung OEM DRAM for better speed.pathfindercod likes this.
Why is my RAM not running at 2133Mhz?
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Ezio99, Sep 3, 2018.