Here's the story, I ordered a 17 R4 with the 6820HK + GTX 1070 + 120hz screen on 11/23. It was supposed to be delivered today, 12/1.
I have been checking the status ever since Tuesday when it should have shipped to meet the original delivery date. I've gotten various explanations from different reps ranging from "there's no problem - will deliver 12/5" to "there's a parts shortage and order will be delayed to 12/5" to today when I'm told that all of the HK/1070/120hz orders are not compatible (probably because they don't have boards in this config).
The last rep who discovered this said Dell is aware of the problem and will honor the price and ship me a system by 12/5. I find that highly unlikely.
Has this ever happened to anyone else? I doubt they will upgrade me to a 1080... so do they just cancel the order or find some config they assume I want and ship that?
I only ordered this because I wanted the HK and GSYNC so I'd be pissed if they sent me the 4K screen or dropped my CPU to the HQ.
I wish I could get a clear answer from someone at Dell about what is going on...
Your order is delayed until their supplier/distributor provides them with the components they need to build your machine.
If i were you, I'd get on the phone with them and rustle their feathers until they comp you for that inconvenience. -
It's the motherboards, which contains the GPU and CPU... among other components.
just get an invoice of your system sent to your email. I am very surprised you are in a situation where you think you won't get the computer you ordered? Did they "upgrade" you and you have no idea why? That doesn't make any logical sense? You should be given an invoice with your itemized order along with ship date, price and order status check. Escalating due to delays doesn't result in much monetary gain. At times, they may compensate 50-100 dollars but that's having to complain over and over and wasting so much time on the phone I'm not convinced it's worth all the headache. I am just confused by how this was written as it says "The rep who discovered the problem will honor the price and ship me a system by 12/5." Honoring what price? I don't see where that's clarified. Am I missing something?
My delivery date was passed and now pushed back to 12/7. Some reps say parts shortages other reps say it is a compatibility issue between parts and my order might need to be modified. The fact that it is no longer offered is what makes me think I won't get what I ordered. I'm afraid the only way to fix it is to "upgrade" me to the 4K screen with the 1070 which I don't want. I just want some resolution one way or another so I can get the hold off my card and order something else (if I have to).
I want the HK and GSYNC screen is my point and I'm not sure Dell had the parts when they offered it for sale and I'm afraid I'll be stuck in this limbo of my order being endlessly bumped because of this. -
I ordered a 17R4 and they do offer the 6820HK with GSYNC but only on the 1080. Hopefully they give me advance notice because I'd rather cancel and order 1080 than get 4K.
What happens when Alienware can't fill an order they took?
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Maineiac12, Dec 1, 2016.