@VICKYGAMEBOY @Papusan @HunterZ0 @rinneh @0lok
Proceed with caution, I'm not responsible nor any members associated here, if you brick your PC. So be careful!
26 Feb 2k18: Added a step to remind users to clean Temp files and several minor changes.
10 Mar: Added MEI Info result.
Added HunterZ0's method.
First and foremost use MEInfoWin.exe from Win-raid and proceed to next step below. If you see LocalFWupdate to be enabled then you can straight away patch the firmware w/o any issue. Example screenshot of MEinfo:
For people who're affected by MEI Offline issue after upgrading Dell BIOS follow @Mofoist thread on how to bring it online and save your PC. ME Offline after BIOS Update fix
For those who like to upgrade your MEI_FW to fix Intel SA00086.
Hope this helps everybody.
- Uninstall existing MEI driver completely using revo or similar
- Reboot
- I hope everybody downloaded latest MEI SW from Dell, if so, unpack it using 7-zip or winrar and you should get SetupME.exe along with few files
- Follow this guide https://gist.github.com/CHEF-KOCH/15ef90bb4c7ac7aa7923de625c98cd41
- For Those who prefer minimal MEI driver install, follow step 6 & 7. Otherwise simply run the above linked Dell MEI driver directly and proceed to step 8.
- Open cmd or powershell in elevated mode and type the first cmd:
Code:SetupME.exe -tcs -nodrv- Don't close the cmd prompt window yet since we need to type some cmds to install the driver only version:
Code:SetupME.exe -drvonly- Clean Temp files using W10 disk cleanup Or CCleaner Or Bleachbit or Dism++ or ASC or similar tools.
- After that, download Prema ME11 tool
- Alternative download link for FW and System Tools
- Unpack ME11 tool with Password: premamod.com and open cmd prompt or powershell as admin pointing to ME11 folder location. For example look at the screenie below:
- Type the cmd:
Code:FWUpdLcl64.exe -f Data.bin -forcereset- Make sure you're connected to AC power. This is the final result I got.
- For those who are seeing warnings related to "intel capability licensing service client is obsolete" install the full MEI driver and use cmd prompt in admin mode to navigate to this location:
Code:cd C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client Type this command IntelPTTEKRecertification.exe
Lastly, I would like to thank @Prema for allowing me to use his MEI FW tool provided everybody follows T&C's present in Prema's website.
Note: I observed issues like VICKYGAMEBOY had where, TPm would show Code 10 error after Clearing the TPM via Windows. I had to uninstall the driver and reset the BIOS to default and had to Program Main,Boot and NVRAM using AFUWinx64 just to get TPM device up and running. And one more thing SA0086 Intel's tool was giving a warning saying re-key was needed. Re-key will not be shown if you followed my guide. Hopefully fingers crossed.
@VICKYGAMEBOY Please test it.
If you guys aren't clearing TPM then I feel TPM device will be working perfectly. As always, if you're out of warranty or afraid don't try this.
I leave @VICKYGAMEBOY to become the tester. Even I'm out of warranty and successfully flashed it with zero issues.
Bonus or easter egg: Booting to W10 is slightly faster say 1-3 secs and initialises very quickly. Do note I used Prema's generic MEFW rather than Dell's firmware. By doing this, all future MEFW update can be done locally because it is enabled and not locked by BIOS.
Thanks to Chef Koch from MDL forum and Github gist.
EDIT: Guide updated and typos fixed.
-Added Mofoist's ME recovery method.
@HunterZ0 method in case, my method doesn't work. I Cleared NVRAM using AMI Aptio BIOS Flash tool before upgrade, maybe that fixed it and for me, MEFW update was still locked but was able to flash after typing the cmds and hitting enter keys in quick succession.
These are the methods HunterZ0 did to upgrade the FW:
----Start of HunterZ0 method-------
1. Turn off laptop, open the back, take out RAM, short CLRP1 pins to clear CMOS.
For this step, you may want to find a YouTube video on how to replace the RAM in an Alienware.
Power the laptop down and unplug the AC adapter.
Turn the laptop over and take the 2 screws out of the largest panel in the middle, then pop the panel out. Remove the RAM chips one at a time by pulling the retaining clips outward just slightly, then sliding the RAM out of its slot.
Toward the right side of the RAM area you should see 2 tiny metal dots accompanied by the text "CLRP1". Use something metal to create an electrical connection between the two pins. I used a flat-head tip from a micro-screwdriver kit, but a wire would work too.
Put the RAM back in, and reinstall the cover, then plug the AC power back in if desired.
If you go straight into the BIOS setup (mash F2 repeatedly starting right after you poke the power button), you should notice that the time is 00:00:00.
2. Boot into BIOS setup and make sure everything is correct (especially RAID versus AHCI mode). Save and exit.
For this step you may want to take pictures of your BIOS settings with a cellphone or similar. At this point my only customization is changing the disk controller to AHCI mode because I don't care about RAID. Booting in the wrong mode may make your OS cranky.
3. Go to win-raid thread and get the appropriate Intel ME firmware (for Alienware 17 R3 it's probably Intel CSME 11.8 Consumer PCH-H Firmware v11.8.50.3448, but look it over and decide for yourself)
Here's the win-raid thread, which talks about all the pieces you need and provides links: https://www.win-raid.com/t596f39-Intel-Management-Engine-Drivers-Firmware-amp-System-Tools.html
What you need:
- MEI driver. You should be able to install the Consumer one from step A3. It looks like you already have MEInfo, so use that after to make sure that MEI Driver Version is at least 11.7. You may need to uninstall your current drivers from "Programs and Features" and/or perform a repair install to get it to stick. Don't worry about the command line junk from this forum, it's useless voodoo unless you're wanting to install a minimal number of pieces of the software (possible exception is the re-keying procedure covered on the win-raid forum thread).
- ME firmware. You'll have to figure out which one you need from list B1. I'm pretty sure that Alienware 17 R3 needs "Intel CSME 11.8 Consumer PCH-H Firmware" due to the fact that MEInfo reports an 11.0 version followed by an H. I have an Alienware 17 R3, and that version is working for me.
- Flashing tool. This is FWUpdLcl in the FWUpdate folder tree in the same toolset that includes MEInfo.
4. Use FWupdcl to flash the update
- Extract the ME firmware .bin to the same folder as the FWupdcl version you plan to use (under WIN or WIN64 probably).
- Open a Command Prompt (cmd.exe) as Administrator (Start->cmd.exe in search box->right-click the cmd.exe icon and do Run as admin->click Yes on UAC prompt)
- Change to the folder that FWupdcl is in (cd "\some\path\to\stuff")
- Run this command, replacing FWUpdLcl64.exe with the specific name of the FWupdcl flavor you're using, and Data.bin with the name of the ME bin you want to flash:
FWUpdLcl64.exe -f Data.bin
5. Reboot
This one is self-explanatory. Wait until the flash completes and then reboot. Run MEInfo again to verify the update is installed, then run the vulnerability checker to verify that you're no longer vulnerable.
----End of HunterZ0 method-------
Beta or untested method: Really I didn't test this method at all!
This is untested so you guys are own your own if you brick your mobo on other Vendor's mobo like MSI,Asus etc.
- Download AMI BIOS Flash for Aptio V and accept their license agreement https://ami.com/en/?Aptio_V_AMI_Firmware_Update_Utility.zip
- Use cmd prompt or powershell as admin. Point to AW BIOS EXE path and type AW_XX.xx.EXE /writeromfile
- Copy the rom file to unzipped AMI BIOS under folder AFUWInx64
- Open cmd prompt in current directory and use these cmds:
Code:AFUWINx64.EXE alienware_15r2_17r3_XX.rom /P /B /N /REBOOT- Keyboard and mouse will be locked and fan will run at full speed
@Vasudev @Papusan @judal57 here you go guys, the bait master confirms that there is no issue updating to latest Prema ME firmware on latest 1.4.4 BIOS, i dint even revert back to 1.3.12 or used CLRP methods, just install dell me driver, i suggest users to do the simple click and run instead of drv only commands, but that totally depends on u guys, and also i dint use forcereset commands, first try running the prema tool, with admin rights, it took less then 20seconds to flash the firmware, the initial boot time was same as before though, no boost in performance whats so ever, just my case on 1.4.4, ur mileage may vary. i did not get any TPM 2.0 device issue, or windows key issue, so far no issue, except the tool shows rekey required.. now its rest of u guys to test it on 1.4.4.. and let me know if u face any issues..
Run PKTTxxx.exe i powershell admin mode to get updated re-key from Intel. Its located here C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/iCLS Client/VICKYGAMEBOY likes this. -
Wait for RS4 to do a clean install. -
Just updated my bios with the latest for the 15R3. It is supposed to fix the vulnerabilities. But havent tested it yet.
For RAM temps @VICKYGAMEBOY use ePSA to test them. Use single or dual layer arctic 0.5mm pads.
If you are able to mod BIOS, then you can get RAM chips temps. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
my alienware laptop shows im not spectre protected..
c2 microcode has spectre exploit protection.
Vasudev likes this.
@VICKYGAMEBOY I am doing this instead of reflashing.. LOL.. question: When I do step 6 the setup exe will run.. I did install ME.. Then on step 7 setup window will pop up asking if i need to repair? is that suppose to happen?
Vasudev likes this. -
Guess it doesn't work for me..
1st screenshot is me trying step 6 and step 7.
2nd screenshot was just installing ME driver straight away..
Guess I'll have to wait for the new bios.. Time to play.. LOLVasudev likes this. -
@0lok Try using the cmd on SetupME.exe
SetupME.exe -tcs -nodrv
Even I encountered the same issue when LocalME Update was disabled.
After that use FWupdcl64 -f Data.bin -forcereset -
This thread will kept alive for a week so, copy-paste the instructions from this thread who needs them for future reference. I'm locking/removing this thread. I will ask Mods personally to remove this thread.
Papusan likes this.
@Vasudev just out of curiousity whats the difference between using FWupdcl64 -f Data.bin -forcereset command in CMD vs Running MEtool.exe of prema?
CMD reboots instantly after FW flashing is complete whereas Prema's Tool gives you the control and you can manually restart/shutdown at ur time.
Prema tool flashes w/o forcereset.0lok likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Never listen to kids with low rep and barely any posts that all they do is cry and flame and harass helpful people, when they barely even know how to service their own laptop.
Some people here really appreciate your work. -
I found a peculiar edge case. You need to cleanup temp files for flashing to be fast with deadly precision.
Just updated @judal57 15 r1 with the same method. I also updated my older lenovo's.Falkentyne likes this. -
I will add MEInfo to get an idea if LocalME update is enabled or not.
0lok and VICKYGAMEBOY like this. -
@Alienware-Wasserman @Alienware-K_Castro @Alienware-L_Porras @Alienware-Rodrigo
Guys where is the New Intel ME firmware for Alienware 15 R2/ 17R3 ?? its been long time, please give us a update on this post.. that would help a lot..Vasudev likes this. -
Vasudev likes this.
VICKYGAMEBOY likes this.
Vasudev likes this.
VICKYGAMEBOY likes this.
Vasudev likes this.
I receiver error "Error 8719: Firmware update cannot be initiated because Local Firmware update is disabled".
From MEInfo I get:
Code:Intel(R) MEInfo Version: Copyright(C) 2005 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel(R) ME code versions: BIOS Version 1.4.4 MEBx Version GbE Version Unknown Vendor ID 8086 PCH Version 31 FW Version H Security Version (SVN) 1 LMS Version Not Available MEI Driver Version Wireless Hardware Version Not Available Wireless Driver Version Not Available FW Capabilities 0x31111940 Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED Protect Audio Video Path - PRESENT/ENABLED Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED Intel(R) Platform Trust Technology - PRESENT/ENABLED Re-key needed False Platform is re-key capable True TLS Disabled Last ME reset reason Global system reset Local FWUpdate Disabled BIOS Config Lock Enabled GbE Config Lock Enabled Host Read Access to ME Disabled Host Write Access to ME Disabled Host Read Access to EC Disabled Host Write Access to EC Disabled SPI Flash ID 1 EF4018 SPI Flash ID 2 Unknown BIOS boot State Post Boot OEM ID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Capability Licensing Service Enabled OEM Tag 0x00000000 Slot 1 Board Manufacturer 0x00000000 Slot 2 System Assembler 0x00000000 Slot 3 Reserved 0x00000000 M3 Autotest Disabled C-link Status Enabled Independent Firmware Recovery Disabled EPID Group ID 0xF93 LSPCON Ports None 5K Ports None OEM Public Key Hash FPF ABEBC4307D5450DD7A66969A7F6A0EA9F470CEDEC6A1FB3011D8603D8459C9F8 OEM Public Key Hash ME ABEBC4307D5450DD7A66969A7F6A0EA9F470CEDEC6A1FB3011D8603D8459C9F8 ACM SVN FPF 0x2 KM SVN FPF 0x0 BSMM SVN FPF 0x0 GuC Encryption Key FPF 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GuC Encryption Key ME 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 FPF ME --- -- Force Boot Guard ACM Enabled Enabled Protect BIOS Environment Enabled Enabled CPU Debugging Enabled Enabled BSP Initialization Enabled Enabled Measured Boot Enabled Enabled Verified Boot Enabled Enabled Key Manifest ID 0x1 0x1 Enforcement Policy 0x3 0x3 PTT Enabled Enabled PTT Lockout Override Counter 0x0 EK Revoke State Not Revoked PTT RTC Clear Detection FPF 0x0
Is there anything I can do? -
Updating Intel ME Firmware on 15 r2/17 r3 or possibly other BGAs as well
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Vasudev, Feb 19, 2018.