Eh I don't think we'll be seeing skylake until the end of the year to be honest, which is right around time for Alienware to refresh their lineup.
As for the whole less heat thing, it's slightly misleading. The processors will still generate similar amounts of heat, just with a lot more power. But to be brutally honest? I'm really not expecting some giant performance gain. Intel no longer gives a **** about the high end market. I mean when they had competition we saw huge leaps and gains in terms of their CPU performance, but now its like HAI GUIZE LOOK AT THIS 2% PERFORMANCE INCREASE, GUIZE ITS SO GOOD. Intel nowadays cares far more about the low/mid end where they have competition from ARM and AMD.
I really really hope the rumors about Samsung purchasing AMD end up being true. AMD is in desperate need for cash, and Samsung is probably one of the few companies in the world who has the resources and knowledge to compete with Intel. If AMD dies out, then we have a sad future ahead.
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