2666. But this shouldn't give 11% higher score or that stock clocked (4.3GHz) kill higher clocked 4.6GHz in same FS physics tests.
What uncore Speed?
anyone recommend best cooling pad for 17 r5?
anyone seen this?
https://www.dhgate.com/product/laptop-cooler-pad-smart-portable-ultra-slim/400520544.html -
Edit. 3.7GHz. Shouldn't really matter much as long you don't run very fast ram sticks.Last edited: May 31, 2018Falkentyne likes this. -
Same here... then i dont know... hwinfo log didnt show any speedstep below 4.6ghz. RAM speed should do 2-3%... so i dont know where to find the missing 7% ^^
Jesus christ, just buy a regular 20$ cooling pad.
I have one for my clevo and it does 0 difference. -
Or just run your 46X and compare the score. Shouldn't be a big differences between the scores with same clocks.
Last edited: May 31, 2018Falkentyne, Rei Fukai, raz8020 and 1 other person like this. -
im guna get an alienware amp and use it when not travelling, i reckon with a repaste it will give good results.
when travelling i think i will remove the bottom cover and raise it an inch off the desk/table. -
Aristotelhs2060 Notebook Virtuoso
I was getting hot air from both sides. By the way, I am still using the old and perfect Cryo NZXT
I do not know if they are still selling it. It was expensive when I got it. I even changed to bigger, faster and LED (blue) fans. Even that did not help much with high spikes and temps during farcry 5. I normally use only passive cooling (without spinning the fans) but even in active I am sure it would not help much more on an i9.Last edited: May 31, 2018 -
better? 4.3ghz allcore boost
and 1397 points in cinebench @4.3ghzLast edited: May 31, 2018dasachmo likes this. -
You still having some thermal issues with i9?
does anyone know if i can buy any alienware graphics amp for the 17 R5 or do i need to buy the newest from dell?
some have blue logos on front and some red and iv seen three different part numbers for these.
sales support said they dont know but i should buy a new one, but these are on evay for far less! -
XxAcidSnowxX Notebook Consultant
On my R5 I did a clean build of Windows 10 and I can no longer 2 finger scroll on trackpad... Tried drivers with no success... Any ideas?
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Hello darlings.
Just for anyone who has already done the undervolting/liquid metal/ copper shim/bending legs/new pads/back raising tricks...
I'm getting -10C and -9C on CPU & GPU in 4K heavy load gaming with a KLIM tornado double vacuum fan mod.
I'm not keen on the BMW fan outlets, but I'll figure out a way to sort that out.Last edited: Jun 1, 2018shashank066 likes this. -
New 1.190v@82w
This means the new default voltage for 4.3GHz aka (1.190v) will push less watt than the old default volt with undervolt (1.150v). Or better say 40mv higher volt will push less watt in Cinebench. I see... Not only MSI screw up with voltage/power settings in firmwareAnd I expect only a few power settings is visible in the bios. Aka almost fully locked down.
Last edited: Jun 1, 2018 -
Out of interest. Which side fan deals with the cpu? Is it the left?
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
But cant fix it without direct VCORE (Cpu vcore) sensor instead of VID.
IA AC loadline (hidden bios option)=boosts VID by 1.80 mOhms of resistance (more current=more boost). CPU actual vcore is then given by motherboard VRM based on this new VID.
IA DC loadliine (hidden bios option)= drops the *REPORTED VID* based oh 1.80 mOhms of *VDROOP*, basically in reverse. This setting does not affect voltage going to the CPU, just the VID reported by the CPU, making the reported VID drop. Combining them both is "supposed" to give you correct VID which is close to cpu real vcore.
I dont know if alienware does this, but MSI has internal loadline calibration which REMOVES the vdroop that DC loadline=180 (Auto) is supposed to report as VID. That means on MSI, at HEAVY LOAD, the actual VID being shown by the CPU is substantially LOWER than the voltage the CPU is actually getting, because DC loadline does not and cannot take into effect any existing built in Loadline Calibration. Only a true CPU vcore readout would show what is happening. But in my own tests with MSI, the VID spikes at FULL IDLE actually show the true VID the CPU is getting at full load (due to loadline calibration and IA AC loadline both doing the same job, leading to overboosting the VID rather than just removing vdroop).
Clevo P870 TM1 has true cpu vcore readout. So you should not have such an issue. But I can't test that.
I do NOT know at all if Alienware has built in loadline calibration. eVGA does NOT. Clevo does NOT. MSI *DOES*..Rei Fukai and Vistar Shook like this. -
A few questions because I'm pretty sure I can't search within threads here (haven't been on the forums for over 3 years):
1) How many months do we think it will be until we can configure the 17 with the new 1080M successor, once it comes out?
2) Are there any deals or special pricing opportunities going on nowadays? I recall a while back I got 20% off via the Dell Preferred? program.
3) What are some of the common flaws of this model? So far, it seems like the biggest one may be the cooling.Last edited: Jun 1, 2018 -
2. I got a 15% off the price of a brand new Alienware 17 R5 simply entering the coupon name into the basket at checkout.
3. I think the flaws are very bad assembly and/or heatsink resulting in bad / hot / throttling CPU. However there seems to be samples that work well, so it maybe a matter of luck what you get. -
I don't think the 1180 will come out on laptops this year, certainly not with Dell.
They normally release the 50'60'70 cards first and then the 80 right?
Looking back at last gen, the alienware was shipping with 1050ti and. 1060s for quite a while before the 70/80 came in.
Either way, if you need one now... Just buy the best you can afford -
Last time out it took AW a few months before releasing the top end gfx chips. -
The overall design of the cooling system though, is, an utter shambles. -
So I received My laptop with i7 and 1070gtx oc, what should the over clock be at? Temps have been great ran space hulk, far cry 3, doom, starcraft 2, guild wars 2 all games 80-144fps. Highest temp 74c fans at max, and idle temp 38c also have cooling pad, the black finish on this laptop is insane!
If their is any games you want me to test let me know.
And, where did you get this 15% off coupon? Was it just one of many coupons floating around? Right now it looks like Dell is just doing 10% off.
And what GPU/CPU do you have and what temps have you noticed? Thanks!
Did you order in UK right?
I thought they say no to a black one and it's silver only. -
Does This Model Still Have Cpu Differential temp issue?
Last edited: Jun 3, 2018Vasudev likes this. -
Yup. It's code AW15 for UK.
I'm only asking about the fans because I have a USB vacuum fan extractor thing.... Although I don't particularly want to have to use it on a brand new laptop! -
This is the heatsink of the R5.
On the left is two vents, side and rear, the CPU, then near it the GPU, and on the right the GPU vents.
There is a shared heatpipe that starts at the GPU, travels to the CPU, and then further out into the CPU's radiator block and vents.
The observed thermal issues with early AW17 R5 (just launched) is CPU overheating (and throttling) but only when the GPU is also on. At full load, the GPU maintains 65C-75C whereas the CPU cooks at 100C. Since heat travels from hot to less hot it means that the shared heatpipe is fundamental for cooling the CPU (on the left) as the CPU then dumps heat into the GPU's heatsink. However the party is over when the GPU heats to 70C and at that moment it absorbs much less heat from the CPU than it did before. This is when the CPU overheats and throttles.
But this was some early versions, apparently it's better now, meaning they must have improved on something, the heatsinks assembly maybe, or the componenets / heatsinks / heatpipes who knows.
Vistar Shook and Vasudev like this. -
Would be good to confirm what they did and if ordered will one receive updated version and if currently owner can get upgraded under warranty
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
Yup. Thats what I'm waiting for!
Fingers on the trigger ready to go once a few people confirm.
I'm not sure but from what it seems they've just undervolted it from stock? I don't think they'll change things that much.
Possibly could be distributed to existing owners with a bios update -
oSChakal likes this.
XxAcidSnowxX Notebook Consultant
Something has changed, either the heatsink, or the assembly procedures, or BIOS settings, or maybe pot luck as many of us on these forums got lemons and returned them but as the post above shows there are some examples that are not that bad. It could also be a bad batch of heatsinks that found its way into some R5s so they may look the same but are not the same. Many "may be"s the point is that if it works it works. -
propeldragon Notebook Evangelist
c69k likes this. -
I agree
This is me playing battlefront 2 ultra settings. Higher frames than before but are temps bad? Have fans on full speed. Just got it today.
Attached Files:
made my LM repaste today. Pretty happy with it
roomtemp: 26 degree
idletemp CPU: 38 degree
idletemp GPU: 38 degree
-150mv undervolt
4,3ghz= 1396P
4.5ghz= 1478P
4.7ghz= 1538P
4,8ghz forgot the result...was above 1500
FC5 15min warm up, then 15min for each of the next screens
15min @4,3ghz
Last edited: Jun 4, 2018Demonk99, shashank066, raz8020 and 1 other person like this.
*OFFICIAL* Alienware 17 R5 Owner's Lounge
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by alexnvidia, Apr 11, 2018.