Unfortunately I updated on the day the BIOS was released and everything seemed fine but did not use the system for about a week. Blue screens like crazy now.... And I cannot roll back. Thankfully the system is under warranty still. Dell tech support does not have a fix yet and basically told me I need to wait until a new bios/patch is released and will not offer another solution. The Dell rep did not have an ETA for the fix...
Try BIOS rollback as per this link *OFFICIAL* Alienware 13 R3 Owner's Lounge
Falkentyne likes this.
Intel didn't even put some beta uCodes to test? -
The opposite of what M$ prefer and HAVE to do. Because Micro$haft haven't own software engineers anymore!!
Big win, but not for j00
Vasudev likes this. -
Vasudev likes this.
I never paid for Windows SW. I think you know what I mean. These days it doesn't make sense to buy W10 since they release/force nasty builds.
Do you know of a site where I can purchase Geekbench 4?
At official site, the bank simply refuses to accept/make Xacts transaction. -
License refund policy
Microsoft does not provide refunds for Windows licenses sold through an OEM, including licenses that come with the purchase of a computer or are pre-installed on a computer.
"In 2009, Microsoft stated that it has always charged OEMs about $50 for a Windows license on a $1,000 computer. In 2007, Dell stated that its computers with Ubuntu installed would be priced about $50 lower than comparable systems with Windows installed. In a 2010 ZDNet article, Chris Clay wrote that Dell computers with Ubuntu preinstalled were priced higher than identical systems with Windows preinstalled, even though Ubuntu is free and open source. The claimed increase in the price of a computer resulting from the inclusion of a Windows license has been called the "Windows tax" or "Microsoft tax" by opposing computer users.
Some computer purchasers request refunds for Windows licenses included with their purchased computers because they do not want to use Windows, preferring an operating system such as Linux instead. Jeff Walsh of InfoWorld said that businesses with site licenses can save money by requesting refunds of Windows licenses included with purchased computers.
Users can avoid the "Windows tax" altogether by assembling a computer from individually purchased parts or purchasing a computer from an OEM that does not bundle Windows. Some smaller OEMs and larger retail chains such as System76 have taken to specializing in Linux-based systems to their advantage from major suppliers' paucity of non-Windows offerings. Beginning in 2007, Dell offered computers with Ubuntu pre-installed. In 2014, Hewlett-Packard stated that it sells "units bundled with a built-in OS and those without". Some Linux distributors also run 'partnership' programs to endorse suppliers of machines with their system pre-installed. Some vendors purchase computers from major OEMs, install Linux on them, and resell them. Chris Clay of ZDNet wrote that employee discount programs create a financial incentive to purchase computers from a large manufacturer, even if the manufacturer does not offer computers without Windows.
Try it next time you buy from DellVasudev likes this. -
Papusan likes this.
Not even the so called free WinCrap X upgrade from Micro$cam. Was it free? Nope!! You paid a Hell of a price. Your privacy on top and with ads
Vasudev likes this. -
Windows7/8 - Updates to hide to prevent Windows 10 Upgrade / Disable TelemetryVasudev likes this. -
So, 2/3 working, not exactly where we want to be, but better than 0/3. -
Fe ® likes this.
@Vasudev @Papusan Have u tried this, i dont have linux tho, intel documentation shows it will leave a log register of PROCHOT or BD PROCHOT.. not so sure, im sick of waiting for new BIOS and NEW ME FW..
https://github.com/opcm/pcmVasudev likes this. -
VICKYGAMEBOY likes this.
Vasudev likes this.
(Did scare myself though, didn't reseat the RAM properly so got some unfriendly beeps on startup... sorted it out afterwards so all's good now).ilicitano and VICKYGAMEBOY like this. -
They will start run 80% of max speed (can't run 100%. Only when you flash firmware
)when the machine have reached thermal shutdown
Vasudev and VICKYGAMEBOY like this. -
Vasudev likes this.
Vasudev likes this.
@ilicitano Just to add about clearing cmos.. It would indicate that the CMOS has been cleared if you first turn on your laptop, the power button will light up but then turn off again which you have to press the power button again to turn the laptop on. Also when you go into bios you have to set the correct time.. hope this helps..
@VICKYGAMEBOY @Papusan @HunterZ0 @rinneh @0lok
For those who like to upgrade your MEI_FW to fix Intel SA00086.
- Uninstall MEI driver completely using revo or similar
- Reboot
- I hope everybody downloaded latest MEI SW from Dell, if so, unpack it using 7-zip or winrar and you should get SetupME.exe along with few files
- Follow this guide https://gist.github.com/CHEF-KOCH/15ef90bb4c7ac7aa7923de625c98cd41
- Open cmd or powershell in elevated mode and type the first cmd:
SetupME.exe -tcs -nodrv
- Don't close the cmd prompt window yet since we need to type some cmds to install the driver only version:
SetupME.exe -drvonly
- After that, download Prema ME11 tool
- Unpack ME11 tool with Password: premamod.com and open cmd prompt or powershell as admin pointing to ME11 folder location. For example look at the screenie below:
- Type the cmd:
FWUpdLcl64.exe -f Data.bin -forcereset
- Make sure you're connected to AC power. This is the final result I got.
Note: I observed issues like VICKYGAMEBOY had where, TPm would show Code 10 error after Clearing the TPM via Windows. I had to uninstall the driver and reset the BIOS to default and had to Program Main,Boot and NVRAM using AFUWinx64 just to get TPM device up and running. And one more thing SA0086 Intel's tool was giving a warning saying re-key was needed. Re-key will not be shown if you followed my guide. Hopefully fingers crossed.
@VICKYGAMEBOY Please test it.
If you guys aren't clearing TPM then I feel TPM device will be working perfectly. As always, if you're out of warranty or afraid don't try this.
I leave @VICKYGAMEBOY to become the tester. Even I'm out of warranty and successfully flashed it with zero issues.
Bonus or easter egg: Booting to W10 is slightly faster say 1-3 secs and initialises very quickly. Do note I used Prema's generic MEFW rather than Dell's firmware. By doing this, all future MEFW update can be done locally because it is enabled and not locked by BIOS. Thanks to Chef Koch.
Chef Koch mentioned that this 11.8 solves most issues but one exploit is remaining namely "Pawned by USB exploit" which is fixed in 11.8.Last edited: Feb 8, 2018joluke, 0lok and VICKYGAMEBOY like this. -
Vasudev likes this.
No problem, take your time.
Bootup in 3 sec faster and CPU stutters less when workload is 100%. -
As far as they are concerned, they are "following what Intel and Microsoft recommend" which is horsesh*t...
They love the fact is brings systems to their knees because it helps them sell more systems... Unknowing consumers blame the exploits, and the vendors get a chance to sell more products with lies... win-win for the vendors...
Ideally all of this should be put on hold until a real fix is put in place on all levels... But that will require work on everyones part and the vendors really don't care about support at all... They just want to prevent the possibility of consumers getting pissed off and class-action suits because they didn't take any action...
New BIOS for 15R2/17R3 v1.4.4
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by 95TA, Jan 18, 2018.