Well, um....that is why I said "other than Clevo" since they still have laptops with socketed CPUs![]()
imo they did it too little too late especially MSI have better cooling capacity and clevo has dual GPU option and unlocked bios. alienware's machine will be a nice upgrade for all the BGA owners right now but for MSI/clevo owners, it'll be a downgrade.Vistar Shook and Papusan like this. -
nightingale Notebook Evangelist
This new alienware that has a desktop cpu as well as the alienware graphics amp plug may be a very good solution as a i9 will continue to be relevant far longer than any laptop cpu, and the graphics amp will keep up with whatever desktop graphics is out there.cruisin5268d likes this. -
Darkhan likes this.
The M15x, M17xR1, M17xR2, M18xR1, M18xR2, Alienware 17 (Ranger) and, to a slightly lesser extent the Alienware 18 (Viking), were all amazing. These were all industry-leading monsterbooks built with a metal chassis and they ran like banshees. They blew away anything offered by Clevo or any other brand until @Prema fixed the cancer firmware on the P570WM and unleashed the performance on the angry X79 Mega-Beast. That happened right about the time that Alienware started circling the drain.
The Alienware 18 (Viking) had some issues with pretty major gimping, so it's with some reluctance I included that one on the list, but at that point their heart was no longer into delivering awesomeness any more. Otherwise, those were all unrivaled world class awesome product thanks to the way Dell used to be. After the 2013 product launch everything unraveled and turned to crap with their move to castrated BGA garbage.
@RaidriarLast edited: Jan 9, 2019TBoneSan, Ashtrix, Vistar Shook and 3 others like this. -
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
Also I like how everyone knows how the cooling is going to preform.Vistar Shook, Papusan, bennyg and 6 others like this. -
Fun fact: @cookinwitdiesel was known by a different forum name back then and found his claim to fame among us old timers with his chest freezer benching antics.
Alienware 17 (Ranger) and Alienware 18 (Viking) were released near the end of Q2-2013. Those were the last respectable products they offered. Before pulling the plug on their last good machines they offered a 980M GPU refresh, a year or so later, but nothing to write home about. (And, @Prema helped fix some issues with that for the 18, since Dell did a half-assed job of it.)
@Ultra Male got screwed by Alienware about that time. He bought a fully decked out Viking with all the bells and whistles on the assumption it would be as awesome as the M18xR2. It wasn't.
Edit: Alienware | Wikipedia
Established in 1996 as Sakai of Miami, Inc. by Nelson Gonzalez and Alex Aguila, Alienware assembles desktops, notebooks, workstations, and PC gaming consoles.[7][8][9] According to employees, the name "Alienware" was chosen because of the founders' fondness for the hit television series The X-Files, which also inspired the science-fiction themed names of product lines such as Area-51, Hangar 18, and Aurora.[10] In 1997, it changed its name to Alienware.
Acquisition and current status
Dell had considered buying the Alienware company since 2002, but did not agree to purchase the company until March 22, 2006.[11][12] The new subsidiary retains control of its design and marketing while benefiting from Dell's purchasing power, economies of scale, and supply chain, which lowered its operating costs.[12]
Initially, Dell maintained its competing XPS line of gaming PCs, often selling computers with similar specifications, which may have hurt Alienware's market share within its market segment.[13][14] Due to corporate restructuring in the spring of 2008, the XPS brand was scaled down, and the Desktop line was eliminated leaving only the XPS Notebooks.[14] Product development of gaming PCs was consolidated with Dell's gaming division, with Alienware becoming Dell's premier gaming brand.[15][16] On June 2, 2009, The M17x was introduced as the first Alienware/Dell branded system. This launch also expanded Alienware’s global reach from 6 to 35 countries while supporting 17 different languages.[17]Last edited: Jan 9, 2019G.R.A.M.P.S., Ashtrix and Papusan like this. -
people like @Papusan @Mr. Fox and many others who i didn't name won't really need to get the actual machine to know how it'll perform, because heatsink design wise all laptops are related.
since you got evoc logo, you should know this very well too. 125% tdp will be the limit of what dell will likely give us, anymore u'll need to look for a binned chip.TBoneSan, Vistar Shook, Papusan and 1 other person like this. -
ThatOldGuy Notebook Virtuoso
There are a lot of depending factors, but at this size, Heatsink is like 65-75% of laptop cooling solution. The rest is Airflow.
They are giving 136W for CPU... which is okayish. I wouldn't recommend more than an i7-9700K in any laptop DTR (124W at full load). I'd expect any overcocking enthusiast wouldn't even touch this till BIOS gets modded anyway.
You have to remember it took a ton of effort from the community until Clevo's and MSi machines could be properly tweaked and considered enthusiast machines. Development from @Prema, @Eurocom, and @Mr. Fox among others. I expect no different here.Last edited: Jan 9, 2019 -
136w can be easily exceeded by my 6 cores at 5ghz doing video encoding, it'll be enough for like 8 cores at 4.4ghz though, kinda kill joy going from 5 to 4.4ghz.
i do agree on the community done a lot of work to improve on clevo machines, basically clevo is "fixable" i guess? while dell is hard limit, and can't even get unlocked bios on it is just a big joke.Vistar Shook likes this. -
Here is the problem: Intel measures TDP at base (non-turbo) clocks. So, 9900K is 95W TDP without Turbo Boost. In turbo mode it draws more than 120W with stock multipliers under full load, and a poorly binned sample will require more voltage and draw even more watts. The warmer it gets, the more voltage it needs, and the more watts it will draw. So, if they changed their mind and decided to give another 18W or so (136W using your number) that is still just barely adequate for stock with a cherry-picked sample. But, they're doing an awful lot of marketing blabbering about overclocking, LOL. They're either lying, or they simply don't know what they're talking about (of which the latter is equally probable). I mean c'mon bro... overclocking has never been their forte, even before they went Nazi on us with the gimping that started shortly before the BGA STDs kicked in. Even when they were selling amazing products, their "Level 1-3" BIOS preset overclocking profiles absolutely sucked. You had to do it using manual settings and an SVL7 unlocked BIOS if you wanted anything to work right.
Unless somebody knows where to source replacement PCH chips and has BGA soldering tools, having an unlocked BIOS will be out of the question. Unsigned firmware flashing is blocked by the PCH chip (BootGuard) and you cannot even sledgehammer the firmware with an SPI programmer. So, chances are pretty good this is going to be a perma-gimped novelty product. That's why I keep saying the best we can hope for is that Clevo and MSI view it as a threat and take decisive action to release better (non-BGA) options with none of the gimping nonsense that they are also famous for. If that doesn't happen, notebook land will remain the domain of zombie gamer kids and turdbook lovers that don't know what they don't know and are content drinking the urine-flavored BGA Kool-Aid.Last edited: Jan 9, 2019 -
cruisin5268d Notebook Evangelist
It remains to be seen if XTU will have the ability to temporarily override the power limits. Depends on whether Dell does anything else to cripple it and limit XTU's BIOS access. If it does actually work, and they do not block it, chances are the XTU settings (or ThrottleStop) will have to be manually applied every time you load Windows to get anything even slightly better than stock performance.Aroc, Rengsey R. H. Jr. and ssj92 like this. -
They didn’t answer my question about current limits and XTU so that is yet to be seen on production models.
Apperently Intel spec is 95W TDP, 119W PL1 (turbo boost) and I guess 136W is the peak needed for turbo clocks.
AW however is calling this OC. I’m just assuming it’ll be enough to keep turbo clocks indefinitely.Vistar Shook, Arrrrbol, jclausius and 2 others like this. -
Rengsey R. H. Jr. I Never Slept
Whether or not it is safe to assume it will hold turbo clocks indefinitely will depend on what they do (on purpose or through ignorance) with BIOS defaults other than PL1/PL2, and what kind of EC cancer ends up lurking in the shadows. If they put cancer in the EC to limit total system power draw (as they already have done before) having unlimited TDP won't matter. The CPU performance will be capped based on total system power draw, which is equally diabolical. The EC power limit is actually more sinister, because having the GPU under load simultaneously with the CPU will cause system power limit throttling. That problem is very challenging to correct and neither XTU nor ThrottleStop have the capability of fixing stupid.
We're not being negative with the doubts. We're simply drawing conclusions based on past behavior and judging the tree by its fruit. If we got lemons in the last harvest, chances are pretty good we will have some lemons in the next harvest. Clevo and MSI have been guilty of the same firmware debauchery and it required @Prema's best efforts to exorcise those demons.Last edited: Jan 9, 2019Ashtrix, Vistar Shook, Aroc and 3 others like this. -
Many of us would much rather have the battery as the very least important thing on a gaming laptop or DTR. Period. It's irrelevant, because laptops are plugged in when gaming for most people.
I'm sure Clevo and MSI will answer to this, but remember that the QC will not be there as those two have never had QC in their DNA.
In regard to the 870, it wasn't just about the speakers or keyboard. The QC and entire unit itself was below average. What you're paying for when buying a Clevo is purely hardware, but for most people if that is the intent and case, building a desktop is a much more wiser choice.
The thing is, most people who buy high end laptops (from my own data) buy it just to have it, when a desktop would suit them just as well, if not better.
You have to also keep in mind that there are plenty of bga based laptops from several brands that hold their own. In ratio to the form factor and its power limits, if you do the math, the gpu and cpu scores of some bga machines are more impressive % wise than a clunky DTR that is expected to perform at its intended level.
Also, keep in mind that power limits don't mean everything. One does not need to have the biggest and baddest to have a good enjoyable gaming experience. Having a DTR machine that can display high bench numbers doesn't necessarily make it a better gaming machine when you weigh in all the reality, such as practicality, price, portability, weight, build quality, warranty, customer support etc...
In terms of entry level machines, the build quality (speakers, track pad, keyboard, fit and finish, material etc..) of what you get with the higher end Clevo's is laughable, which I'm always curious why that fact is always left out in these friendly debates. It's literally worse than a sub $100 chrome book from wally world.
A college student that needs a laptop for school and casual gaming does not need a DTR. That is impractical. Period.
Enthusiasts / Professionals who actually travel, need portability and all the demanding power can benefit from a DTR. That is practical. However, when it comes to gaming and even professional work loads (rendering, editing etc...) anything a DTR can do can be achieved on a bga based machine that is much smaller in form factor. So when you weigh in practicality into the equation, a DTR's practicality becomes very small for the niche crowd of folks, which often turns out to be those who bench like with guys like us.
I want to keep emphasizing the point (supporting what you've said) in that one does not need a heavy ugly poorly built DTR to get a good gaming experience. Several laptops out there can bring that good solid gaming experience to the end user.
I also agree that if someone is wanting to go all out and OC/Bench etc... then a Desktop is a no brainer if numbers is all the user is after.
You do hit a good point as well, which also supports what I've been saying all along in that, for the majority who buy DTR's they would be much better off with a desktop and a cheaper laptop, because literally 9 out of 10 people from my data alone, never really games outside of their home/office/room etc... For the price they paid for the DTR, they could have built a desktop + a travel gaming laptop.
I can also confirm from owning several MSI's that the speakers stomp Clevo in every way... Even the speakers on my LG Gram 15 (yes I'm being serious lol) in the high - mid range sound better than the upper end Clevo's. It's just a fact.
I too am curious about the BIOS.... fingers crossed...
I'd like to point out that with the newer gen laptops, a DTR isn't necessary to achieve a machine that can handle work + gaming. If you need CPU power, the 8950HK is a really good chip and you could render/edit til the cows come home with that np. Gaming experience wise, the choices are plentiful, but if you're actually doing 4K gaming, the 2080 in a laptop would suit you well and bring you all that you need..
In terms of the "know it all's," what surprises me the most is that they are wrong more than anything, while never even having owned the system to properly tune it / mod it for it to preform near or at its potential. That's just silly, but people like that will always be there in the dark dark web....
Ex. The AW17R4 when properly modded / repasted etc... cools better than it should, even with its smaller heat pipes, fans etc... Compare that to something like the upper end MSI or ASUS machines with bigger pipes, heat plate, etc... in ratio if you do the math and calculate it percentages, the bigger (approach) laptops should be cooling much more if you apply the numbers of what the smaller / tighter laptops achieve. Therefore, it's all relative to the design and there are many variables over just how big the heat pipe is.
Another Example is like with the GPU on the Asus vs AW (1080's) ... Both can reach over 210W+, but have different GPU temp numbers at the same CPU clock speeds etc... due to the design and all the factors mentioned above.
It just depends, so while we can look at something and speculate, the problem I have is that most people who do never have even driven the car is judging it like they've actually driven it. It's all speculation until we see actual real world, hands on testing...
Oh another thing is that a lot of people don't understand "efficiency," and never take that into account when it comes to the reality of things.
Just because something has a 957349257924835439587W TDP, doesn't mean that it's necessarily better or efficient. It's all about efficiency. True enthusiasts should know this already... like when we tune a cpu at 5.3GHz, we're not sitting there trying to achieve the highest wattage lol. It's the complete opposite.
Ex. The AW17R4 with the 7820HK is "technically," on paper rated at 45W, which we all know is just paper data... We also know that it can reach much higher than that. I've clocked it at 5.1GHz as shown in my signature.
Anyhow, I could go for days... but I've written a book already.Cheers to all ... And boy you guys write fast! I come back to the desk and bam....several pages already. LOL
Last edited: Jan 11, 2019 -
I am not bashing Alienware. I am excited about the changes they have made (LGA and modular GPU) with this pre-release product, but I think it is important for people to not forget all of the nonsense they are recently famous for. Nobody should expect the changes in hardware to magically fix the rest of the behaviors that have given them a bloody nose and two black eyes from their former customer base that were "alienated" by the nonsense. Forgiveness is freely given, but trust has to be earned. They have not earned it yet. We have to wait and see if they eventually will. It's up to them to do it. Concept alone won't cut it. Results are pending.Last edited: Jan 9, 2019G.R.A.M.P.S., Ashtrix, ahmadmud and 1 other person like this. -
What I am looking forward to is how Clevo and others will respond to a mainstream company like AW/Dell's RESURRECTION of what made gaming laptops so great to begin with... With all the numbers and details aside, the very fact that the Area 51M is in existence is a very good thing...
We like the industry to be shook to its core to where it forces companies to respond with things that we want.... Perhaps this is just the beginning....
Now we'll leave the floor to Clevo, MSI, ASUS, heck even HP to see how they will respond to this....G.R.A.M.P.S., Aroc, ssj92 and 1 other person like this. -
Right now the big question we have yet to see is that BIOS... if they pull through with this, major kudos. -
The lack of 1440p or at least IPS ... and the two power supplies... are really the only things giving me pause to order this once it goes up.
I have a Surface Book 2 my work provides me when I'm on the road; and I have a MBP for my personal thin-and-light travel buddy. I have a gaming desktop long in the tooth that needs replacing, but I'd like to go to my friend's house and game or the occasional LAN two or three times a year with ease - and this machine fits the bill. If I can snag the 9990K and 2080 for under $4K (with my own upgrade to 32GB+ RAM) I think I'm in. Curious to see how pricing unfolds. -
I agree with the other comments about what Alienware used to be and what kind of response we would like to see from their competitors. This is a golden opportunity for Clevo and MSI to demonstrate why they are superior, and they need to if they don't want to be hurt by it.
I am pretty sour on all things mobile now and do not have much tolerance for any of the compromises any more. No matter what any of them do, no matter how great, I will not be spending any of my money on mobile. I am OK with my $349 refurbished HP ZBook 15 for web and email (beats using a crappy smartphone) someplace other than sitting at my desk, because everything that I actually want to do is done with my no-compromise desktop. I don't think there is any laptop anywhere capable of meeting my expectations any more, and I doubt there ever will be.
All the niceness and fancy schmancy stuff in the world is going to be for naught and utterly worthless to me if I cannot do what I want to with the overclocking. Limitations simply piss me off and make me hate the whole product.Last edited: Jan 9, 2019TBoneSan, Ashtrix, raz8020 and 1 other person like this. -
"The processor has also compared in Cinebench R15 versus the Core i9-9900K at stock frequency and the 8 core, 16 thread Ryzen scored 2057 points at 133.4W (max) while the Core i9-9900K with the same 8 core and 16 thread configuration scored 2040 points at179.9W (max)."
AMD(Zen 2) version? lol -
Vistar Shook, raz8020 and Papusan like this.
Also the BGA to LGA performance difference is something I also agree on, a 8750H notebook with a 1070 won't be noticably faster than a GTX 1070 8700K notebook.
yeah I agree, powerlimit is not everything, but some notebooks are just to heavily nerfed. For instance the GTX 1070 Maq Q cards are choking to much, however the GTX 1070 115W versions are spot on, perfect balance between power and performance.
Also nice to see another person here in the forums who tries tons of notebooks and has common sense -
cookinwitdiesel Retired Bencher
It should be possible to start with a moderate CPU and add a higher end one later if Dell opens up the tdp down the road. We should have that flexibility for the first time in a while.
It will also be interesting to see how Dell prices the different CPU options since they are readily available in the real world too.
Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using TapatalkMr. Fox likes this. -
VICKYGAMEBOY, Aroc, Cass-Olé and 2 others like this.
The same Dell engineers who thought cycling the XPS 15 9570 fans on and off every couple of seconds was a good idea?
Aroc, raz8020, Papusan and 1 other person like this. -
G.R.A.M.P.S., Awhispersecho, Aroc and 2 others like this.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Good luck, guys.Ashtrix, Aroc, Vistar Shook and 2 others like this. -
There is something I do not really understand since so far I did not really follow AW until now.
This laptop has a 510W adapter (330+180) and this is NOT enough (?!) and thus AW allows it to draw power from the battery , but when the battery drops to 20% the laptop will power throttle ?!
Did I just understand this correctly ?
Because If I do then it seems to me AW can't build an energy efficient laptop.
I do not wish to defend Clevo but how the hell can Clevo solve the power issue for a 9900k+rtx2080 with 1x 330W adapter but AW can't with 510W?!
Or Clevo is/will be a power throttling mess from the start and AW will be only a throttling mess after 1--3 hour of gaming (when battery reaches 20%)?Vistar Shook likes this. -
VoodooChild Notebook Evangelist
More claims from Dell:
Can't wait for the real world benchmarks. If that desktop processor and that 2080 performs anywhere near 80% of its max capacity, I'm all in. I need something in this form factor for my travels. I can't build a desktop even if I wanted to because I move around a lot.
If this hardware hits the thermal limits like it's last generation counterparts hitting 99° consistently and people around these parts justifying such temps to be "well within the thermal limits", I'm done with AW as a whole. Can't wait around no more.
MSI GT75 all the way then. It does have a sweet keyboard too which I might miss if I buy this AW A51M.
Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk -
honestly these are the only "good" thing i can think of, kinda sad.Ashtrix, Aroc, Vistar Shook and 2 others like this. -
New Alienware Area-51M Gaming "Laptop"
As far as we know "laptops" have batteries.iron_megalith, raz8020, Vistar Shook and 2 others like this. -
That it has batteries is so people can change rooms without it turning off immediately, but not for portability. They haven't put in a battery so people can go with their DTR to star bucks or so. Besides using this on battery will probably destroy it much faster, than it would degrade like a normal battery. Too many components that want raw power. Idle is fine. -
I've owned
Alienware M18x/M18xR2/AW 18
Clevo P570WM (10-core 2680 v2 + 970M)
Clevo P870DM (6700K + 980 / 6700K + 980M SLI)
Clevo P870DM3 (7700K + 1080 SLI)
all of which are "laptops" and have batteries. And yes I've actually taken them to school and used them as laptops. No issue with battery degrading worse than a normal laptop.
The Clevo's lasted around 1 1/2 to 2 hours on battery. Maybe my room is 2 hours away.
Alienwares lasted 3-4 hours (I can get 5 hours on my current M18xR2 with lower brightness but max brightness gets me 3 1/2 hours)
Don't give me any BS of only idling. I used them on battery perfectly fine stressing the CPU. GPU is another story since it throttles down.
@Raidriar @Rengsey R. H. Jr.iron_megalith, raz8020, Aroc and 4 others like this. -
Arrrrbol likes this.
I'm probably the 0.01% though.alaskajoel, raz8020, Arrrrbol and 5 others like this. -
ssj92 likes this.
For gaming obviously need the AC adapter plugged in but just like any laptop you can plug it in wherever and even use it in bed.
I have six different places I am every week so a gaming laptop like this is a must. Even use it as a HDMI monitor (it has built in HDMI IN) for my Nintendo Switch.
They seriously don't make them like they used to. Kinda why I got rid of my Clevo P870DM3.
BTW I don't want people to get the wrong idea. It's not good to game like this. What I do is use something like a hard textbook under the laptop to keep it well ventilated.
Last edited: Jan 10, 2019G.R.A.M.P.S., Simmytu, TBoneSan and 10 others like this.
NEW!! Alienware Area-51M LAPTOP!! (to replace alienware 15 and 17)
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by QUICKSORT, Jan 7, 2019.