I've just taken delivery of a new AW17R4 and I'm trying to test out a live USB stick of Mint 18.2 beta.
In legacy mode it starts to boot, then freezes after failing with a kernel panic.
In UEFI mode it also starts to boot, but also freezes - I catch a flash of a message regarding 'nouveau', so perhaps it doesn't like the GTX 1070 card..?
This is my first experience with UEFI/Win10, so I'm not sure if I've got some config wrong in BIOS or not...
Anyone had any similar issue, got any ideas..?
(I have disabled Windows fast-boot, and I'm using Mint 18.2 beta so it has the latest kernel, etc, as it's new hardware.)
Got Mint 18.1 to boot up fine; problem must've been with 18.2 beta...
If you have Optimus, switching in Discreet GPU Only mod in Windows (Fn + F7) may help before Linux Mint's installation. Later you can switch back in Optimus mod in Windows, Linux once installed will be fine.
Linux Mint Live USB fails to boot on Alienware 17 R4
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by ponx, Jun 16, 2017.