anyone else having FPS drop during ingame
i think i posted this before but i couldnt find solution
while ingame FPS will drop to 20 for 2-3 minute
Intel XTU shows processor drops to 0.80Ghz then back normal and FPS will back normal as well
someone pls help
Yeah ive seen stop dead on 29fps a few times in gta online then it just shoots back up to 100+ , mabye lag, server issues? seen it a couple times using precision x
i already asked you that question several times are you under bios aoo?
it sorted this problem of drops with far cry 4 on my config 4980 980 ssd
i play now gta 5 and tw3 60 fps with no drops -
A00 does drop in performance while gaming. it happens from time to time while I play starcraft 2, despite a 240w psu
i was on A00 bios then now upgraded to A02 same issueLast edited: May 20, 2015 -
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
I have the same config as you expected that I am using the stock 512 gb SSD and 1T hard drive. I never had this brutal throttle issue after downgrading to A00 ... before I was on A02 and it was a mess with fc4. I am using the latest nvidia driver and use a flextronic 240W psu. Always on normal mode.
Are your temperature ok?
As some point maybe your m17 have a problem, maybe you could ask for a exchange... -
temp is around 70 on GTA5
using 240 psu as well
this is a replacement unit. -
on A02 now sorry
are you on normal mode?
But did you had that also on A00?
yes i was on A00 before
what u mean by normal mode
i tried balanced power mode and high performance -
is there any way to find out what makes the CPU goes down to 0.80Ghz the back up normal within a minute or so
By normal I meant balanced.
So if it happened also with A00 I am afraid to not have the competence to help you further, sorry...
Maybe bad pasting that make your cpu throttling, you can monitor temp with XTU while gaming.
But if with the same config as me you do not obtain the same performance, and I can guaranteed you that GTAV run flawlessly for hours at 60 fps (vsync on and settings between very high and ultra), you should request a exchange. -
Can you post your setting
Mine more than 30 days not sure if I can get exchange for new -
My max temp is 75
ambient occ high
anisotrop 16
full screen
distance scaling 100%
extended distance scaling 20%
extended shadow distance 20%
FXAA activated
grass high
high detail flying activated
high res shadow desactivated
ignore suggested limits on
high resolution shadow off
depth of vfield off
long shadow off
MSAA off
TXAA off
particles very high
population density and variety 100%
post FX ultra reflection MSAA off
reflexion quality very high
shadows very high
nvidia PCSS
tesselation normal
texture very high
water very high
MFAA descativated
By the way your laptop is guaranteed minimum on year, so if it does not work they must repair or change it. 30 days is if you change your mind and want a refund -
nvidia PCSS i dont have this options
im testing with your setting now -
tested with your settings same thing happend, upgraded to A04 and same issue
called dell and requested replacement, they said will escalate and IF Approved they will replace it
lets see -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
XTU will tell you the reason for throttle, just use the spanner to add in the throttle reasons.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Download it, open it, go to the spanner and add the throttle monitors...
it has power limit throttling and current throttling which one should i monitor
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I advise you to monitor everything when trying to figure out how the computer is behaving.
during FPS drops throttle thermal 100% in xtu during the time of FPS drop
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Your CPU is reaching temperature threshold and throttling then.
ah ok...what is the solution? any idea? i requested exchange last week but no one get back to me
my unit is 1½ month old -
received a call from dell, the agent was telling there is no update on my exchange request
asking him further question he just told me if you want to wait you wait otherwise its up to you
i mean what kinda attitude is that, when i want to question him more he just said Okay Byee and ended the call
i paid 4 years enhanced warranty and 4 years on accidental cant believe this type of treatment im getting
I even sent them the Screenshot of the throttle
the way dell support is treating you is not acceptable...
i don't know where you are living but from my experience the support was good as they dont have a clue of what they are doing and change graphic card and everything without making stories ... so try again.
If you feel that the guy do not consider you seriously ask him or her name and ask to speak to its supervisor. Always be polite but make a story. if the system doesn't work it must be change or repair because it is under guarantee you don't pay more for nothing. -
Im in Canada
you probably have customer protection group
said that you will contact them or your lawyer. even if you don't have and you don't plan to do it.
but get the name of your interlocutor to pressurize him or her
they don't like to be personnaly cited in a complaint -
Also consider that the i7-4980HQ and GTX980M are both potent processing units, I would expect that you could/will run into trouble on the same cooling system that a standard i7-4710HQ and 970M uses but handles it well otherwise without throttling. -
Read this tread and what the official alienware representative is answering, they are changing whole unit for a minor issue with the keyboard.
It is not a problem of alienware policy, it is a problem with some guys in the support service that are not doing the job or do not receive the proper information from the company. Some people struggle to get the 240W PSU despite an official statement of the CEO.
Me, they send me two 240W PSU without asking questions. -
worst service ever still, everytime i call no resolution, escalated the issue and someone suppose to get back to me but none cares my god
why didnt i just go buy a MSI from Futureshop
Received a call from Dell and i was told "Sorry your system exchange is not approved, We cant change your system"
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
A good repaste may sort that issue.
why not delivering the laptops with a benchmark score plus the temperature as a certificate?
regarding thunderbirds issue the minimal would have been to send a tech to do the repaste. But a unit which is suspect right from the beginning must be replace. -
Sent an email to Media team in Toronto, Got a call next day from Corporate office saying Exchange is approved, Waiting for new unit
GTA 5 17 r2 lag
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by thunderbirds, May 19, 2015.