Does anyone else with an AW15 1080p Samsung display see faint pixel grids on certain solid colored backgrounds?
It is noticeable in the green box on the wiki homepage and also especially on the dark greys that Spotify uses.
I'm not sure if it's pixels grids or if it's just dithering from the 6-bit display trying to display a color that is out of its range.
Is this something worth calling AW support about? Would a tech be able to swap out a new display in my home or will I have to ship the laptop? Thanks!
No one is having this issue?
It's also especially prominent when you make a simple gradient in photoshop, there is a lot of streaking, dithering, visual artifacts especially in the greys
Faint pixels grids AW15 FHD display?
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Acceptable, Aug 31, 2015.