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    Battlefield 1 Hit Detection and Performance

    Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Lancer91, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. Lancer91

    Lancer91 Notebook Consultant

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    Greetings all, I just received a new AW 15r3 with the I7-6700 and the 1060. 256 ssd, 16gb ram and some other stuff. BF is installed on the SSD. Anyway its fantastic gaming at ultra in over 60fps. Just amazing. I noticed right away my hit detection went down the crapper.. i mean in a terrible way. So i started messing with settings. Nothing was overheating or anything like that. HWinfo showed my stuff all under 90c and the gpu under 62c. No issues.. but i noticed something. I had physx set to Auto. So i changed it to CPU and the hit detection stayed horrid. Then i assigned it to the GPU and my hit detection became much much better.

    So here is my theory. Is it possible the I7-6700qh is actually not powerful enough to to play BF1 without issues? Technically i thought the min cpu speed was 3.5ghz per core (i5). Even with 8 threads, maybe its not enough? Any other experiences with this ? Thanks for any input. I love the game but my hit detection seemed a lot better on my 2014 AW17 with the 860 without manually selecting the GPU as assigned for physx.

    On a side note.. CPU much lower temp with physx dedicated on gpu. 86c vs 78c.
  2. Galm

    Galm "Stand By, We're Analyzing The Situation!"

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    Why would hit detection be tied to physx? It should be a network lag thing... May have been a placebo effect? It's not (or shouldn't be) reliant on the in game calculations really. Those would impact your fps.
  3. Lancer91

    Lancer91 Notebook Consultant

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    Let me help you out. Hit detection can be impacted by numerous items. Network yes, GPU, CPU and other optimizations or lack thereof. Example, If you play BF4 or COD, and have an older I7 or I5, use a tool like throttlestop to slow the clocks way down on the CPU while keeping the GPU clocks at normal. Notice the game stutters? Notice the hit detection worse? Its because the components are symbiotic and your system is impacted\limited by the lowest component. In the case above i believe when physX is routed to the CPU and it definitely has some impact. Not sure how the Frostbite engine utilizes it but it does. i tested and my cpu temps are 6 to 8 c higher with physX routed to cpu then when routed to GPU.

    And to let you know a little about me, my account isn't on here under my original name anymore but a few old timers may remember me as StevenxOwens792. I was one of the major people who optimized the original m11x for BFBC2 and was able to optimize enough to get the laptop to play it at 30fps. I pulled my vids long ago from youtube but I bet some folks that post here and techinferno will know exactly who i am.

    Take it easy...

  4. Galm

    Galm "Stand By, We're Analyzing The Situation!"

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    Not worked up at all... But I was under the impression you were referring to these issues while still over 60fps, and then changed the physx setting. Why would hit detection be hurting so badly from cpu usage when the game is running fine? Is it tied in separately or something? Under the screen refresh rate or expected refresh of the game of course that makes sense. Do you normally leave physx to you cpu? I tend to put it on gpu as I've often run into bottlenecking leaving it on cpu with laptop cpus.

    Hit detection for me is fine on Black Ops III if I drop the clockspeed but still hit 60fps, its only when the fps drops far below that from cpu bottlenecking I notice hit lag issues, and those are because of that bottleneck. Downclocking my cpu while still maintaining over 60fps does not show that issue for example even though the load is heavy.

    BF1 eats cpus for breakfast, the 6700HQ may well struggle with it as it's 4 core speed is not 3.5GHz (it's 3.1GHz on all 4), and hyperthreading is usually no where near an additive benefit with the added logical cores (depends on the game though). It likely performs worse than a 6600k though I haven't looked up any real numbers on it.
  5. MahmoudDewy

    MahmoudDewy Gaming Laptops Master Race!

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    Check the sync settings (Gsync, async, vsync, adaptive vsync ... etc.) if you haven't checked them already.
  6. rinneh

    rinneh Notebook Prophet

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    This game does not use physx in any way. so that setting does not do anything for you. also the 6700hq is more than fine to run bf1. probably your network performance or vsync.
  7. Vasudev

    Vasudev Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Try disabling/temporarily stopping dell services like Foundation, Support Assist. Alienware services are OK for example: ALienware Graphics Amp Service, AW Fusion service.
  8. Lancer91

    Lancer91 Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks All. The optimizations you listed were already completed right after receiving the notebook. I normally squirt a new image as a routine but i was in a hurry to get BF1 on and get an idea of performance. I may post a video as i haven't noticed anyone else actually try changing the physX setting besides myself to see if it impacted their system in a positive or negative way. I understand the netcode has historically been poor in Bf3 and 4 but it's never been this bad. I also changed some of the killer network card settings but may play around with these more as time permits. Again, Thanks for all of the responses. I appreciate the input!