Just one week ago my warranty expired and now my battery is dead
I leave my pc running during night doing nothing, and when y turn it off and on in the morning that happend
Any thoughts?
Pd: sprry for the title
my battery was 0% wear. i think that was the 180W adapter the main problem -
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
judal57 likes this. -
Would this be a 15R1 or a 17R2? -
They did this in attempts to fix the throttling. This is more of a bandaid then a solution.
It was often wondered what affect it would have on the life of the battery. This may be an example where the battery prematurely died as a result of this crippled BIOS.
These issues were a design flaw of the 17R2 / 15R1 and could not be fixed by a BIOS update. The BIOS updates simply attempted to make them better (bandaid).
Since the issues are gone in the 15R2 / 17R3 one must assume they redesigned the power system.
As someone that owned an 15R1, I am interested in this as it was very disappointing to own a system with such design flaws. -
I had two 15R1(s), my buddy had a 17R2. All three systems throttle.
I have high level contacts at Dell they have admitted the R1 had a design flaw.
Because they admitted the design flaw they just refunded me my money from my purchase over a year ago.
There are several respected people on here that will tell you about the BIOS and how it is designed to use the battery for additional current.
I bet you any amount of money I can make your system throttle. Try running Intel extreme turning utility stress test at the same time as heaven benchmark.
Try running furmark and prime at the same time. Yes those are very unnatural situations but my 17R3 doesn't throttle doing those. My 15R1 and my wife's 15R1 would throttle in intense WoW raid situations and in GTA5 occasionally I have made several videos to document these.
So if you want to be ignorant to the design flaws of your system that is your choice. The design flaw cannot be resolved without redesigning the motherboard.
I wasn't posting this initially to argue or even criticize your laptop. Iwas simply curious if the "hybrid bios" had finally taken a toll on batteries.
Again I had that same laptop and was quite upset with its defects.
Sent from my SM-N910T using TapatalkVoodooChild likes this. -
This processor on paper runs all 4 cores at 3.3Ghz. If it cannot even do its stated stock speeds with out throttling then there is a problem.
You should not have to drop the processor speeds below their stock speeds to avoid a throttle.
It is very common for this processor to be ran at even 3.5Ghz for all 4 cores with no problem. -
Battery Dead after warranty expires
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Aleckhz, May 16, 2016.