Had an interesting thing happen to me yesterday. My battery life was showing way out of wack and so I went ahead and did the usual battery calibration and naturally my battery wear level went from 4% to 11% but the battery life estimates returned to normal. Did some reading and after dealing with an NVidia driver issue began to wonder if this is some kind of software bug rather than a actual degraded battery. So here is what I did:
Discharge down to 5% and let the computer shut down
Left the computer off overnight
Charged the laptop first thing in the morning and let it charge for 4 hours while the laptop was off.
When I boot to windows now it reports wear level of 0% with charge at 100% and the battery discharge timer was also correct. Now mine may be a one off but it seems like there may be a battery reporting bug at a UEFI level that is making people believe their battery is degrading when in reality it isn't. If you are one of these people you might want to give it a try.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
This is not a bug.
battery wear levels will fluctuate with heat. The cooler the battery is, the higher the charge capacity will be reported, usually.
With 100% being 0% wear, my wear level has gone anywhere from 96.2% to 101.9%. It's been as high as 105.9% when the system was brand new. Right now it's at 100.2% (the inverse of what you wrote, so you could say -0.02% to -0.19%. -
Vasudev likes this.
Battery Charge Level Bug?
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Sentential, Sep 23, 2017.