I have an Alienware 17R4 7820hk+GTX1080 version laptop. It is heating and thus throttling. CPU temps are reaching 100C while on load. It also stutters after playing for 5 min only.
This is the image that shows the temperature. Also, cpu3 has temperature differential.
The ambient temperatures in India reach 44C where I live. Can someone suggest how to keep my system cool?
I also made a video that shows how laptop restarts when playing game.
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Vistar Shook and Vasudev like this.
Your temps are too high. I doubt traditional paste will make it run below 90C.
Try using some bottle caps or a stand to elevate the back of the laptop.
If you're OC'ing use CPU performance mode.
You should really remove unneeded software and Optimise OS.Vistar Shook likes this. -
Vistar Shook likes this.
Well there's VickygameboyVistar Shook likes this. -
Best Bet is to get a replacement system from dell itself if under warranty, or ask them for a heatsink replacemnt, those idle temps are way too high, 44c yes it is pretty warm, you should have idles fo 50-60c according to ur ambient temp.. even with best thermal paste, your temps will reach 80c quickly unless you try to run fan on performance mode, seems like ur heatsink is not even touching the cores.. properly, sadly im from bangalore, i cant help much.. call DELL support, if they dont help, then we will think of other solutions..
Vistar Shook and Vasudev like this. -
I'm from Mangalore.
I simply second @VICKYGAMEBOY suggestion. Rs. 4L PC shouldn't have this problem at all.
EDIT: Typo fixed.Last edited: Apr 2, 2018Vistar Shook likes this. -
Vistar Shook and Vasudev like this.
I am talking to Dell right now and I will ask them to change the Heatsink and motherboard and let you know what happens. With high ambient temperatures should you guys suggest that I should not go for LM?
Which thermal paste and pad should I use then?Vistar Shook and Vasudev like this. -
Vistar Shook and Vasudev like this.
I really would contact dell support and say that your heatsink is damaged (fan is not spinning), they will replace the heatsink with a new one.Papusan, Vistar Shook and Vasudev like this. -
Have you had any experience with DELL India with such issues?Vistar Shook likes this. -
@VICKYGAMEBOY I've used liquid metal on multiple systems with low mounting pressure (HP X360 Kabylake, X1 Carbon 5th), they hold well as long as the contact is proper.
Papusan, Vistar Shook, VICKYGAMEBOY and 1 other person like this. -
I'd suggest Gelid Or Maker Gel Nano.Vistar Shook and VICKYGAMEBOY like this. -
So it should be usable without repaste. But you will probabl need to undervolt + use AC if ambient temperature is that insane.Vistar Shook, Vasudev and VICKYGAMEBOY like this. -
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Vistar Shook likes this.
@abhay4sengars If you're within return period return it and settle for 15 r3 with 7700HQ and GTX 1070.
Vistar Shook and VICKYGAMEBOY like this. -
Vistar Shook and abhay4sengars like this.
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Someone archive this so Dell can't go back on their wordVistar Shook and Vasudev like this. -
I'd recommend you sell it to Dell or repair it yourself.Papusan, Vistar Shook and VICKYGAMEBOY like this. -
You can extend warranty etc.Vistar Shook and Vasudev like this. -
Vistar Shook and VICKYGAMEBOY like this.
Vasudev likes this.
1.Ask them for replacement system, if they dont provide, atleast ask for replacement heatsink, they will give you that atleast..
2.Once you get HS check ur temps, if its fine then ignore the repaste, if no then do the repaste.. we will guide you with that.. incase u need any help or suggestions.
3.Sell ur system.. its ur money after all.. check if u can sell it for good price..Vistar Shook, abhay4sengars and Vasudev like this. -
Warranty renewal is expensive but in your case it can be a boon. Extend for a year and keep us posted.
@Papusan Any ideas?Vistar Shook and VICKYGAMEBOY like this. -
Vistar Shook and Vasudev like this.
Vistar Shook and Vasudev like this.
I'd suggest use their Alienware against them. Let them burn up after OC'ing.Vistar Shook likes this. -
Vistar Shook Notebook Deity
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Vistar Shook and VICKYGAMEBOY like this.
Vistar Shook likes this.
I will post you guys with what DELL tech support says on Wednesday and I totally expect them to make a fool of themselves. I really wish I get a rep who understands the tech and reasons why it is happening and chances of having such tech rep in India is very less.
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VICKYGAMEBOY likes this.
Ashtrix, Vistar Shook, Falkentyne and 1 other person like this.
Vistar Shook, Falkentyne and Papusan like this.
According to Dell, this is perfectly normal lol
Sell laptop, build desktop....Alienware has been broken since 2015.Ashtrix, VICKYGAMEBOY, Vistar Shook and 2 others like this. -
Falkentyne likes this.
Anyone in India that provides repasting and repadding services like iunlock?
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by abhay4sengars, Apr 2, 2018.