Moral of the story, the Alienware m15 simply does not have good enough cooling, no matter what Dell states. It’s probably worse than clevo counterparts in the cooling department.
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2019Arrrrbol, Vasudev and DaMafiaGamer like this.
Maybe they fixed their issues right when I purchased.
I hadn't had a chance to check GPU temps, I am assuming since it's a 2060 maybe it'll run fine.
Looks like they released a OC vBIOS, don't know if it's worth trying.Arrrrbol, Spartan@HIDevolution and Papusan like this. -
But I did notice some battery drain on heavier titles like The Witcher 3, or anything that was more demanding than say Overwatch. But, it is great to see that dell realized they made a mistake and are sending the proper power supply.
My M17 came with the 240w and I kinda wish they would make a custom power supply. It's a touch big compared to the competition. Though I've had no problems carrying it around in my Area 51M back pack.custom90gt and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
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custom90gt Doc Mod Super Moderator
ssj92, katalin_2003, Vasudev and 1 other person like this. -
Imagine how much better the 8950 would run if it came in the 51m chassis.
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
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DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
I’m not hating on Alienware but I’m just saying that if your paying for something this expensive/flashy it should offer good performance without any compromises.Last edited: Apr 21, 2019 -
That aside, every laptop represents a compromise if you think about it, including the Area M-51 (size, weight, useless battery life, performance compromised compared to a desktop in absolute terms and on value basis).
Performance of the m15 would actually be fine for most poeple without undervolting (around 5-10% lower). Temps are are higher, but still not crazy (CPU in the 80s without Turbo Boost, GPU in high 70s).Last edited: Apr 21, 2019 -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Yes I forgot that these machines are meant for gaming. For these situations the m15 should be good enough for cooling but for something which is cpu heavy, such as rendering you certainly won’t be getting turbo boost clocks and you’ll be reaching or even hitting 90c.
As a GAMING machine these temps are reasonable.Last edited: Apr 21, 2019VoodooChild and Vasudev like this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
I’m not saying Alienware did a horrendous job at cooling but just looking at how well Clevo does I’m frankly surprised as to why they haven’t surpassed or even copied the heat sink designs. Look at their beast of an alienware area 51m and the decent cooling it offers for a crazy hot 9900k. If Alienware puts their mind to it they can solve these issues... -
We need to understand something...Dell uses too much voltage on their laptops.
Even on the Area-51m I can do -100mV and it'll drop temps by 10C+.
I haven't tried the m15 yet, hoping to have a whole day with it next weekend. -
custom90gt Doc Mod Super Moderator
VoodooChild, Vistar Shook, toughasnails and 4 others like this. -
I know for the Clevo P775 series there was a -100mV undervolt already applied within the factory BIOS.etern4l and custom90gt like this. -
custom90gt Doc Mod Super Moderator
*on edit*
I think it would be far too complicated to expect a laptop manufacturer to go through and qualify a voltage for each CPU model. It would be far easier to just use what Intel already provides.Last edited: Apr 21, 2019toughasnails, katalin_2003 and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
1. The m15 is much cheaper that Area M-51
2. Even if it was the same price, anyone requiring reasonable battery life would have to reject a desktop replacement as a valid choice
3. It does offer WAAAY better performance on battery, which must be the primary reason people shell out so much on laptops
Focusing on the latter from the m15 user's perspective, I think the m15 is a superior machine in terms of stock performance (the 2070 is a 90W variant while both Razer and Gigabyte went with 80W dGPU) and, as I had a chance to find out, Dell offers unparalleled premium service (mobo replaced in two BDs, whereas apparently Gigabyte and Razer users would have to RMA and wait for a month if they are lucky).
The actual Apple Mac Book Pro 15 might also be a contender. Battery life form factor and service would be slightly better but then you get some weak AMD GPUs, can't open the laptop and it costs twice as much.Last edited: Apr 21, 2019 -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Vistar Shook likes this. -
Toothpaste thermal compound too. . .but everyone besides gigabyte seems to do the same. -
Let me highlight a few things that the m15 does bring (or will soon) to the table.
- OLED, which means super low response times (no smearing), HDR the way it was meant to be, huge color palette and better daylight visibility
- 8 core cpu's
- for those who don't remember the 8700k to 9900k changeover, Intel got a lot more refined about clockspeeds for the same heat levels when they brought 9th gen improvements to the desktop
- you won't get a dramatically improved heat level, but the chip will be refined, not exactly the same as today
- even if you can't use those cores all the time at top speed most programs aren't going to need top speed on more than 4 or maybe 6, so you'll have TDP headroom
- testing of preliminary Clevo boxes yielded 90% of 8 core desktop speeds on extended CB runs - and 10% isn't likely to be noticed unless you bench
- drop a 2080ti into an amplifier and you possibly have something that runs cooler and as fast in games as the 51m
- 6 core cpu's that are cooler than 8th gen
- most people only aim for the top, but along with 8 cores you are also going to get better improved 6/12 cpu's as well, like the 9750
- that means better clocks and better thermals than before as Intel has been forced to coax more out of the existing processes
- not saying they'll be stunning but many of you simply wanted 8950 power at lower heat levels and I suspect you are about to get exactly that or better in the 9750h
Travel weight, adapters plus machine is going to be half of the 51m. You'll still have to wait 4-6 months for 4K screens on the 51m. 51m will not get OLED for years.etern4l likes this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Check @B0B review on the unit, he mentions that when the cpu and gpu are at full load the cpu voltage ‘steps down’ to allow cooler temps and therefore a better gaming experience due to lower clocks and lower tdp etc. Lenovo know how to do a few things right unlike SOME laptops here...
BTW I've found a CPU for @Ultra Male 's new machine, once he gets bored with desktop replacement toys
This scales to 8 CPUs, so theoretically one can build a proper 224 core desktop system -
Lol! Ultra would be OC'ing that in a moment I'd bet
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DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
Edit: and this isn’t the first time, msi and Alienware used to be notorious for something called ‘bd prochot’ throttling (which I’m sure you definitely know of)Vasudev likes this. -
But with the Lenovo there is no chance to remedy it now even when the thermals are not an issue. It also might mean that they skimped on power delivery components to have just enough juice for set power.Vasudev, DaMafiaGamer and etern4l like this. -
DaMafiaGamer Switching laptops forever!
What baffle me is that it seems Dell have gone back to old sins. The older Aw m15 is offered with 240w psu if you go with 2060 graphics and above.
But if you go into their webpage and customize the new m15 r2 with 2060/2070 you will get an option (180/240w power adapter). Why would they do that, sir? Hope that the buyers don't see it and send with an 180w psu? Or is it other reasons for this? Make it look a lot better on the sales page if they offer a stronger power adapter without cost?
Edit. Yeah, Dell really screwed up this time as well...
If you find an better place post this info, even delete it (people should know about it), You can do that. Thanks
Last edited: Jul 7, 2019Normimb, Ashtrix, Spartan@HIDevolution and 2 others like this. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
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Alienware m15 / i9-8950HK Review by Ultra Male
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Mar 30, 2019.