I am having problems with my usb ports. Especially one port in particular. The one closest to the power plug. When I connect my phone "Sony z3" I loose connection a lot. If I wiggle the jack on either end it will loose connection. I have tried 4 cables so far. They all work just fine on my old laptop. I think it is the usb ports not getting enough power to keep a connection. I have tried some device settings and looked in the bios but nothing has solved the problem so far.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
It does not happen equally on all ports. Sometimes it will be on the Sony z3 port that sets it off. I just tried 2 3ft cables on on power save mode. They seem to work on all ports except the one closest to the power plug in. I tried a 4ft cable and it had the same results as the 3ft cables. I tried a 6ft cable and it disconnects on 3 out of 4 ports. Mostly with a wiggle on the Sony z3 port. My Ipod touch works on 3 out of 4 ports. The tests in the video were different though. They were done on the stock HD that is in the same state as when it was delivered. All the cables work just fine on my Asus G75 laptop. I can only guess but I don't think my usb ports are getting enough power/current. I couldn't find a setting in power management or in the bios that worked. Any ideas? I emailed Dell with the 2 video's I made.
I have the exakt same problem with my Alienware 13 on all 3 Ports. But it seems only to happen with my phone. Other devices like mouse, keyboard and usb stick/hdd work fine. Now you could say my phone is broken, but on my desktop everything works just fine.
Did you get any answer from dell? -
Would like to know if they have come out with a solution as i am having the exact same issue on my Alienware 13 (Late 2014) model. -
Never had a problem with my m11x. -
Ahahaha same here on AW 17, one port, closest to charger port just dont work property. I am getting dissapoint step by step in this premium gaming laptop.
i dont know if it will help
but by disabling usb selective suspend setting
it works for my iphone and samsung phone on all usb ports -
In my case I try iPad Air 2 in this port and have disconnect/connect every sec. With iPhone all seems ok.
Alienware 17 usb problems
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Jaycalgary, Feb 3, 2015.