@VICKYGAMEBOY where does Mr. Raj sit? in the dell office in domlur or is he someone who is available over the phone
And really i dunno what the hell dell is doing, trying to cover up as if except me no one has this issue while vicky even went to the same service center you know
For the first year i didnt get much time to game so i stuck to dota and cs go. Those games don't even stress a low end laptop so never encountered any issues , two months back when i got free time from curriculum i began my AAA games queue and encountered performance issues then monnitoring via xtu i noticed that cpu was throttling. -
PS: Appreciate your work though, you've helped me many a times on this forum -
this is not the only problem on this models ... the USB problem is really common and after a year, they dont fix it. they just passed the sheet when R2 come.... and always do the same.
PS: i feel fine helping people, the 3Ghz is the max i can reach without throttling. if i found another Fix i will tell you
another thing ... i found a fix for the mouse / touchpad disabling function ... i will post it tomorrow i need to sleep -
for me it works fine, I tried with different ports as well, even on my R1 with different mobo I never encounterd this issue, may be its the synaptics driver bugged, try to reinstall them.. and for some reason the official site one doesn't work, only the dell input touchpad driver is working.. -
I wish we had an actual tech news site which many people had viewership to who would publish such issues online so that at least dell would take proper action instead of re routing you to people who don't even give a **** about customer's problems and actually deliver on their promise of giving the "ultimate system".
@VICKYGAMEBOY do you recall the team head's name who recognized throttling and temperatures as an actual issue in the laptop?Last edited: Jul 8, 2016 -
Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
Apparently my messages are to only go through the phone tech support and no customer is allowed to talk to the level 3 team. -
@Papusan @rinneh @Alienware-L_Porras So the dell guy(Mr. Madhu Senior product development team) who helped @VICKYGAMEBOY told me that 94 degrees under load is very normal and they actually tested this system to operate at 100 degrees and they knew all of this (the throttling/thermal problems) when they designed the laptop. The current/power limit throttle was by design is what he said, and said furmark,XTU and wprime are really bad benchmarks, only cinebench was legit.
So what do you do when a company scammed you by falsely advertising that their chips would run at 3.3ghz turbo.
@rinneh which r1 did you get.... Apparently the dell guy (who apparently played a major role in r1's design) says every r1 had throttling in its design at inception
So we basically bought a ticket to a beta of alienware 15 at the price of a fully functioning laptop.
R2 is basically alienware 15 release edition and r1 was just a public beta.Papusan likes this. -
What is your ambient temp? In an ambient temp of 24c I had the system running always below 85C with overclocks on the 970M GPU on the R1. With stock paste. The R2 I have around 75C with an OC-ed 980M with IC DIamond 7.
So to begin with the paste job on your system is not good. I had a 4720HQ R1, had 2 systems and both never throttled. 1 was an exchange because the UPS guy dropped my box and thus caused a broken chassis. That is why the system was exchanged. The second R1 needed a new battery but the repairguy ruined my system. Got a new system a few weeks after which was an R2. I went from a core i7, 970M, 8gb R1 to a core i7, 980m, 16gb R2 free of charge.
To be honest I think that technician is talking out his ass. If that was truly his job he shoul dbe fired.
But I do agree furmark is not a good benchmark. It breaks down gpu's and both AMD, Nvidia had to build in safeguards for this in their drivers. -
All your listed benchmarks should be piece of cake for i7, regardless which one. The AW models from early 2015 is one of the worst failure I have ever seen. Everything the Dell tech team tell you is... I can't say more!!
In normal use shouldn't a i7 run with higher temp than 83 and lower. + 94 degrees max temp over time isn't good in the long run!!!
Edit. I don't remember the highest ambient max temp Intel can guarantee that everything should work. But about +30 degrees.Last edited: Jul 8, 2016 -
@rinneh The ambient temp in that room was approx 22-28 degrees Celsius(room was air conditioned). I am not sure of the precise temp. But i am not sure how and why they do these dodgy practices even though it is there fault isn't it -
try these if u don't mind. flash to bios A00, uninstall Thermal Dynamic platform drivers, Intel Management Engine, make sure its not installed.. go to XTU, set multiplier to 34X, ring to 30X, set vcore to static 0.95.. i was testing with different settings on different motherboards, and one was running fine on XTU stress test.. and please get urself a AS5 or ICD7 thermal paste, do it on ur own, those dell crap are uselss, i never kept them..
but to no avail, i even reinstalled windows clean :/
i dont know the 3Ghz is working really fine ... i dont want to try xtu anymore. i look at this **** and i want to throw my machine through the windows LOL. but i love my machine ... is beatifull and is a ****ing mess, that for a ****ing BIOS that they dont want to fix, the problem is still going -
Intel's chips will work at normal speeds until their temperature reaches 95°. Once they get 95, they'll throttle in order to try and decrease the temperature. If the temperature continues to rise, at 100° the CPU will shut down in order to avoid physical damage.
The materials used in the CPU (and the motherboard around it) can probably get to about 120° or more before there's any real risk of damage. The CPU shuts down at 100° so that there's a safety margin before damage has a chance to occur.
Because of this, the CPU could theoretically run at full speed at 94° forever. Mr. Madhu is technically correct on this point. However, you wouldn't want to run this close to the throttling limit. Something like 90° would be feasible, even if the temperature is a lot higher than is desirable.
Also, if a CPU is throttling at lower than 95°, it's probably some sort of error in the circuit that interprets the temperature sensor data. The CPU thinks that it's 95° even though it isn't. A CPU/motherboard replacement should hopefully fix the issue. -
So today i collected my laptop from dell... ran stress test and temps don't break 85 degrees on a06 with stock fan profile with my custom hwinfo fan profile temps don't break 78 degrees ......
But current limit throttle is still there and sometimes throttles to 3 ghz without any shown throttling ... will test appropriately at home
@Papusan @Prema is there any way by means of which we can increase current to the cpu , because as you know xtu's setting never works on alienware 15 as has been said multiple times. Is there anyway a modded or a community patched bios can fix current limit throttling? -
https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/246907-how-mobile-i7-cpus-work-information-guide/Last edited: Jul 9, 2016Solo wing likes this. -
@Papusan @rinneh lets wait for prema as well. He is a firmware modder of repute maybe he can shed some light as to why all this is happening and if a soft fix is possible
@Papusan I think even in case of clevo prema made a custom system bios which fixed certain issues; isn't alienware echo moddable in terms of bios?
"Also, PLEASE do not tell people that the chips can all behave that way, because they do not. YOUR chip might... but not the other 25 peoples' chips who bought the laptop"
@D2 Ultima said that right; as i am a student of engineering i know this for a fact that each chip of the same model(down to the same batch from the CPU assembly line) can behave differently
And this works both ways , the throttling people cannot say that all chips throttle the same way and non throttling people cannot say that all chips do not throttle or don't have any other issues
EDIT: Read his article completely; apparently new alienwares do not allow for custom bios flashing -_- Dell done ****ed it up. **Slow claps** If it wasn't for issues with warranty i wanted to go for clevo originally but sadly they don't provide warranty in India and if i knew alienware warranty in India was so sad then i would have gone with Clevo/Sager from xoticpc , it would've been cheaper as wellLast edited: Jul 9, 2016 -
It is true that no sillicon of the same design performs exactly the same. But the margins are quite wide and the HQ cpus perform in 99% of the cases exactly as advertised. The problems with the R1 series is just very strange. But your might just thermal throttle from a bad paste job.
Of this wasnt the case intel would already had its class action lawsuit on its ass for it. -
What you're referring to here is actually "each chip is different" as in "each chip uses different voltages" and "each chip can overclock more or less than the other" etc. Silicon lottery, as it would have it. But what I was talking about is that some Haswell chips seem to *not* have the TDP lock by default, but these are a very small percentage of the chips on the market. Think of it like this: 95% of HQ chips are designed from start to finish as HQ chips. 5% were MQ chips, and re-purposed into HQ chips after they stopped selling MQ chips. I'm being generous to the number of chips able to bypass the TDP lock based on what I've seen, however you get the gist of things.
And yes, Alienware has sunk very low. They, like the other manufacturers, want end users to have less and less control over their systems, and much of the functionality and benefits their older systems had were removed, and their cooling also took a dive. Unfortunately, owning an AW15 R1, you're plainly and simply out of luck in getting a working CPU. Dellienware know of the problem with the CPU throttling on the AW15 R1 and AW17 R2 systems, and they APPARENTLY don't know how to fix it with a BIOS update (or, more than likely, they simply didn't bother, gave a crap excuse, and pushed out the Skylake models which have no such fault).
As for buying Clevos, you may wish to ask around for any known resellers in Europe or Asia and pick the one closest to you that is willing to ship to you in the future, though I wouldn't suggest any laptops anymore unless you specifically need one. Clevo is by and large my only choice for users, but the better the machine the more I suggest a Prema mod, and make no bones about it: Clevo is not perfect, and they are simply the "least" of the evils. Their software (BIOS/EC, drivers, website & downloads) is bottom barrel, and while Prema can clear up much of their screw ups, the fact that it's necessary for him to do so should speak volumes about the state of the market when I must recommend a machine that I'd consider nearly requiring a mod as the only option to recommend to people. -
Pretty much alls HQ chips perform on advertised speeds and that isnt a lie. There are no widespread reports either. My own personal sample size have been 9 laptops in 2 years that i have tested and no laptop had throttle issues in anyway except for 2 gigabytes that simply became too hot under load. -
HQ Haswell & Broadwell chips do not hold their TDP under load. They hit 57W for 2.5 minutes then throttle to 47W. You don't cross 47W, you're fine. You cross 47W you're not fine. Just because you "stress" the CPU in some game that doesn't use high TDP and you don't cross that load amount doesn't mean anything. 100% CPU load does NOT mean you're using the same amount of TDP. Otherwise TSBench pulling 47W and Linpack pulling 86W wouldn't exist.
You're one of the ONLY people on this forum that refuses to listen to what I say about these chips, even though I'm far more fair and accommodating toward them than many others.
I don't care one bit what your opinion is. I care when you spread bad facts to people. Hardware, software, I don't care; as long as it's an incorrect fact. Do it once, get corrected. Continue to do it, I will become hostile. People who don't know are going to come in here and if nobody corrects someone like you, will walk away with improper knowledge. I, and others on this forum, should not have to spend our time constantly publicly correcting you for the sake of others, yet it seems to be something I constantly have to do every time Papusan tags me in one of these threads.
As for my Skylake testing, I made a thread this time.Solo wing, Papusan, jack34 and 1 other person like this. -
Saying I spread bad facts and then you come with ******** that pretty much every HQ cpu out there is flawed without backing it up is pretty much the biggest ******** on this forum.
There are a lot of laptops out there that throttle. But rarely it is because of the CPU itself, Bad VRM's designs, lack of current, lack of wattage, lack of cooling and maybe most of the time flawed bios-es is the cause for 90% of the cases out there.
When I talk full load I mean true full load. Not a game that uses 100% of the CPU in terms of the power used but not all functionality. People come to forums most of the time because they have an issue with a system. Generally users that dont have problems dont come to a forum like this because there is nothing to gain. Thus calling threads here the general state of the industry would be pretty stupid and not the reality at all.
and treating with becoming hostile is a bit childish dont you think? -
All of these "tests" regarding the HQ series and the Alienware 15 R1 that displayed throttling were under abnormal circumstances. Basically they put the system in a situation you won't find yourself in and then claimed it's cooling solution wasn't adequate.
It's easily one of the dumbest arguments I've come across online and I couldn't even bring myself to humor it.
Unlike the, quite frankly, absurd tests that were run I've actually used my system for many months in the most real world scenarios it would be placed under and have run every single game on maximum settings at 1080p for hours at a time, with no throttling or graphical errors.
And hey, remember now, I've got the "worst" offender here with the i7, gtx980m and the 'dreaded' 180w adapter......
Everything - Battlefield 4, Total War Warhammer, Blood Bowl, the Witcher, you name it, it'll run it.
I am so sick and tired of hearing how 'backwards' these new Alienwares have gone and that they are now apparently junk. It's a clear case of hypocrisy on this site that flaming other systems is deemed trolling yet moderators now openly publish in signatures that their systems kill 'BGA' filth or junk.
Just because you don't agree with a product or company's direction does not make it bad. -
Papusan likes this.
Hmmmmm - That is strange indeed.
What was the specific i7 processor? -
That's the same i7 I'm currently running and I've experienced no issues at all.
Had it been one motherboard I'd have said that it was a faulty component but to have 3 motherboard fail on you is a different matter entirely.
What has happened since?
Alienware 15 services woes
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by suyash691, Jun 29, 2016.