Quite a while ago I uptaded my BIOS to A06 on my AW17R2, when it was updating, the computer crashed, leaving the AW bricked.
I managed to unbrick it with an EEPROM programmer.
The thing is that I've got an annoying connecting and disconnerting issue with the storage usb devices, a webcam and capture card work fine. This only happens when the NVidia card is enabled, when I disable it, works fine. So this has been the workaround for 1 year or so...
So my guess is that the Intel ME Firmware didn't flash ok.
I read on this post: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/aw15-r1-aw17-r2-bios-a06.781507/page-7#post-10092882
Lord Zog posted a firmware update for this model, but the link is broken. Can someone re-upload the file?
Or maybe guide me for updating the firmware by myself.
Sorry for creating a post about it, but it seems I dont have the sufficient privileges to reply there.
Many thanks in advance!
@judal57 Do you remember the MEI FW version we used? Was it 9.1?
but the usb problem is still there since 2015. is the only thing i cant fix on this machine
Check HWINFO64 or MEINfo present in the folder of SA0086 when we did the remote FW upgrade. -
I've flashed the BIOS to ver. A08, and now works. I wonder why it only works with that bios...
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AW17R2 Intel ME Firmware Update
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Violent Kain, Apr 11, 2019.