Of course, overall the picture quality is superb and with many applications there is absolutely no problem however, sometimes it is impossible to read what's on the screen.
For example, HTML mails in Outlook 2007 are displayed as microscopic. The only way I can read them is to select all the text then copy & paste it into Word or Notepad. I note that this applies to Outlook 2007 which I paid for but does not apply to Outlook 2016. Therefore it looks as though I am going to be forced to buy Office 365 even though Office 2007 does all I need.
But the problem is not as easily solved as that because many current programs will not display as they should. I'm attaching a screenshot of Auslogics Disk Defrag Pro as a prime example. The program itself has zero options for zooming the view so I'm wondering if Windows 10 has any setting to resolve this please?
Is Windows Scaling enabled? And what is it set to?
The biggest draw back in my opinion of a 4k screen on a 17 inchlaptop is that stuff that does not scale properly will be impossible to read due to the high resolution. It's also possible that 2007 does not have any scaling options which is why you will not have the problem with Outlook 2016 because Mocrosoft built in scaling into it for people with high res screens like yours. Windows scaling tends to compensate for the exact problem your having but it isn't perfect either. I don't run it on my 1440 screen because it has it's down sides. -
Hi MogRules,
I have Windows scaling autodetect setting at 225%. I think you are right so I just purchased Office 2016, after all, 4K didn't exist when Office 2007 was released so it clearly won't work correctly with this screen.
I'm in 2 minds as to whether I made the right choice with the UHD panel. The picture quality is very good but it's only 60Hz.
On a different subject, as you also have an R4 maybe you can answer this one for me; on my previous M17x R2 the eyes of the Alien head (start button) would flicker on and off to indicate HDD activity. My R4 doesn't do that. Is that the way it is supposed to be and if so, how can I detect disk activity? -
Scaling isn't brilliant in windows anyway.
I have the QHD and although nothing is too small, some applications are blurry as they aren't designed to be 'zoomed' in to.
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AW17 R4 UHD panel readability problem
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by 7leagueboot, Jun 18, 2017.