Hi guys,
I've have often noticed a painfully slow key repeat rate (like1/s). The rate is set to max in the control panel. If I change the setting to a slower one, and back to max - it becomes much faster, but then it seems that the problem comes back eventually. Any permanent fix ideas?
Many Thanks
I have the exact same problem. I use a batch file with the following command to work around this issue:
mode con: rate=32
You can then schedule this as a task using task scheduler, to run at startup and logon.
I have searched far and wide for a permanent fix but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be one.etern4l and Corprustie like this. -
Oh! Sorry I don't have a fix, but I'd just like to echo that I have this problem too. For me it only seems to develop after I've played a game that makes Bitdefender activate its "Gaming" profile, so I thought it was a BD problem. That might be confirmation bias on my part though.
Try running the batch file with Admin privileges, that should work.etern4l likes this. -
I'm having real trouble getting this to work. Basically seems to be a fault of some sort. The only way this works every time is when I issue the command manually from the terminal. it's crazy. any other ideas? I think this is a laptop fault.
You can try one more thing:
Go to:
Regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > System > CurrentControlSet > Services > i8042prt > Parameters
Create a new DWORD 32 bit and name it "PollStatusIterations" and give it a value of 1.
Do let me know if it works.etern4l likes this. -
Really just had to apply the regedit hack. Will report back. -
Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
What is your BIOS version? -
Yeah, it's quite annoying - seems to be triggered by sleep and/or charger plug-in. I asked around on Clevo forums and so far nobody has mentioned seeing this, and the best UK reseller stated they have never come across the issue... I think this is the last straw.
According to my research @XMG www.mysn.co.uk. pcspecialist sell barebone Clevos more cheaply but arguably much less is known of their reputation. search reseller feedback forums in the clevo sager section for more info. which model are you looking at?
Is there any particular reason why you are hijacking this thread with your lameass problems which has no relation to the issue at hand?
There is a title. The title says "slow key repeat rate". We come here to share our experiences and hopefully find a resolution. Why the hell do you need to sway it to the best UK reseller of alienware or your repaste problems or whatnot?
This seems to be very common here as people are doing the same thing to my threads as well. I couldn't figure out if this is an IQ problem or age problem.
17r3. This is a Windows 10 issue. I have tried all the suggestions without success. Both hibernate and sleep seems to be affected. Extremely annoying.
sorry.. i dont have any intention on doing that.. my bad.. should have used private message.. you can delete my msg if its possible or you can teach me.. thanks..
edit: maybe ill edit the msg and erase? -
Has anyone tried a clean Windows 10 install to resolve this? Looks like my laptop was upgraded (I imagine a refurb dellienware sold me as new)
Correction. Win10 + Skylake problem.
OK guys so I did a system reset on a separate drive - this in itself didn't solve the issue. However, I figured out the root cause and a workaround.
The problem occurs only when the machine goes to sleep after the lid is closed, but - crucially - not after the system is put to sleep by pressing the power button. I disabled sleep after lid closure, and all good so far. HTH
Edit: the workaround seems to also be working on the lastest windows build, except I had to remove the PollStatusIterations registry keyLast edited: Jan 10, 2016 -
So this can't be the root cause or the solution. :-( -
Maybe there are multiple causes. For me the problem got resolved by disabling sleep on lid close and I had to remove the registry hack you suggested (it was still happening with it)
Edit: nope, it's not resolved.Last edited: Jan 11, 2016 -
Happened again after resumption from sleep. Has anyone reported this to Dell?
You need to make sure Task Scheduler is running batch/vb file and the result is successful. Check LAST RUN TIME and LAST RUN RESULT.
I have mine triggerered on "Workstation unlock", "Startup", "Logon".
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell" )
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\your_path\keyboard_delay.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
mode con: rate=32 delay=0etern4l likes this. -
I too have the same issue with slow keyrate on my Alienware 15 R2, havent tried the batch file script yet. I am on a clean install of windows 10 with all drivers and updates installed.
BTW The max rate is 31, although apparently passing a greater number has the same effect. -
etern4l likes this.
Rate is 32 max. However, delay is supposed to take values 1,2,3,4... But using 0 works faster for me.
Wrapper stops the command prompt from flashing. -
Proof 1:
> mode con: rate=32
> mode con:
Status for device CON:
Lines: 300
Columns: 80
Keyboard rate: 31
Keyboard delay: 1
Code page: 850
Proof 2:
Retrieves the keyboard repeat-speed setting, which is a value in the range from 0 (approximately 2.5 repetitions per second) through 31 (approximately 30 repetitions per second). The actual repeat rates are hardware-dependent and may vary from a linear scale by as much as 20%. The pvParam parameter must point to a DWORD variable that receives the setting.
Edit: I can see you added a link of yours. As you can see, the information therein seems to be incorrect since if you set it to 32, you will get 31. Well, I would trust the people who write Windows API documentation a bit more At any rate, let's not get too distracted about this.
Last edited: Jan 11, 2016 -
And sometimes the repeat rate is fast when I start up the computer but resets back to slow within a couple of hours or so.
What a royal pain this issue is. -
Btw the folks over at Lenovo forums have been facing the same issue and have a pretty huge thread about it.
Looking at the latest posts, their problem seems to have been resolved by a BIOS update which was specifically created by Lenovo to address this issue. The Lenovo employee has also participated in the discussion on that thread. -
1. batch script:
mode con: rate=1
mode con: rate=31
(trigger on unlock workstation)
2. Remove the registry hack - the workaround DOES NOT work with the hack present
3. Ensure sleep on lid close is off
Will try the VBS script shortly. -
Even just now, I saw the command prompt flash when I turned on the computer, but the keyboard repeat rate was slow. I had to manually run the file again to make it fast.
So that's what I mean when I said, it works sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't.
And yeah, I had removed the PollStatusIterations registry key. Now I've added the rate=1 line as well, hope it makes some difference. :[ -
So I had one case today when it didn't work. The script wouldn't do a thing, even when I ran it manually a few times, so I modified it to do the rate =31 twice in a row (so 3 calls to mode in total...). That seems to have done the trick. Looks like a pretty ridiculously buggy driver or - perhaps less likely - a hardware issue.
Looks likely now.
AW15 R2: very slow key repeat rate (Win 10)
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by etern4l, Jan 3, 2016.